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Corrado again! - Ross D
As you where all so helpful onmy last post I thought I would take advantage and ask another question.

My Corrado (1.8 16v) has done 104000 miles Everything seems fairly sound, apart from the tappets which chatter a bit when I start the engine. The car is regularly serviced. However, I am little paranoid about things like my head gasket going. IS there any preventative maintenance I should be considering carrying out?

Thanks in advance
Re: Corrado again! - Matt Kelly
VW engines of this type and vintage are well known for noisy tappets. They often sound worse than they are and in some cases using a different viscosity of oil (don't know whether it's more or less viscous, would suspect less) will quieten them down a bit.
Re: Corrado again! - Adam Going (Tune-Up Ltd)

There is very little you can do to prevent head gasket problems apart from:

1. Use a quailty anti-freeze (which will also act as a corossion inhibitor) and keep it topped up to the right strength

2. Keep an eye on the temp gauge and investigate any hot running immediately (most common problems being thermostat or faulty cooling fan)

3. Go to church on Sundays.

Regards, Adam
Re: Corrado again! - ROBIN
Why not find yourself a good,honest mechanic(you need one anyway) and get him to do a complete top end overhaul?
Its coming up anyway,and then you can relax,stop worrying,and endure no unexpected unreliability.
Not even that pricey,I gues £300 to £500 max,possibly less.
Re: Corrado again! - ROBIN
I forgot!
if your cambelt tensioner gubbins is original,change it now!