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Trade ins to'Desirable car' dealers - BrianT
If you want to buy a new Beemer or Audi or Merc you normally have to place an order 3-6 months in advance. How can you negotiate a decent trade-in price on your current pride and joy, when they won't tell you what they will pay you on delivery day.
All you get is 'We'll speak about it a couple of weeks before your car is due.' Given that you have already had to pay a whacking great deposit to place the order, you can't walk away when they offer you the absolute minimum value they can get away with! Anyone know how to beat this problem, aside from selling privately with all the stress that entails?
Re: Trade ins to'Desirable car' dealers - Tony Capps
I guess it depends on what you are selling, for how much, and what the likely exposure is. If is likely to be large, you could sell now, and if it goes for a reasonable price, just buy a very cheap heap to run around in till your new one arrives.

If not there is little to do apart from trying to sell privately nearer the time. Having just done it, I know. I panicked too soon, and sold (for albeit a very good price) to a dealer, then proceeded to get about a dozen calls over the next two days. Oh well, older and wiser.
Re: Trade ins to'Desirable car' dealers - Rswipes
If the dealers any good they'll be able to work out what it's worth.
I did it a few years ago with a BMW. I refused to sign unless they gave me a price. I shopped around the various BMW dealers until one agreed.They knew how many miles I would do, how many payments would be made, and a quick look at the glasses guides for the last months shows how much cars drop per month.