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James Bond new car - alex
Jag XKR and Aston Martin on new Bond set I hear

Would Bond Bug not be the ideal car for 007 ?

Small enough to hide in a pen {make a change from a tear-gas filled device},

Would not be seen by badie's radar,

British Engineering at its best {safe Rover 75},

Nice colour,

BOND BUG on the side - double Product Placement,

Reliant need a boost now no more Del Boy.

Re: James Bond new car - ladas are slow
i think reliant will be glad that del boys gone, as they will finally be able to repair reliants reputation.
Re: James Bond new car - JR
I had a Bond Bug 700ES back in 1973/4 (Ahhh, the good old days...) and at the time did not consider it to be small untill I saw it parked behind to the the Mayors Rolls Royce Limo.

Yes they were small, but I had loads of fun in it and could drive it on a full M/cycle licence. I was sad when I had to sell it due to being posted overseas.