Refreshed Home Page - THe Growler

Indeed I am honored by this dedication. I hardly know what to say.

Indeed those Waves are everywhere here as it were. We now have a Chinese one built under licence which is cheaper than the Honda. Roughly £450 here also, but remember that's about 4 months' salary unless the Big Guy with the beer belly decides to deliver a token of appreciation before he returns returning to Sydney, Frankfurt, Des Moines or Newcastle...

Many of my aging pals in my sub-division use 'em to commute to the bar and back.

There is only one thing to remember, as you point out, if you haven't fallen off yet, you will.

Now, I was just going to say it's really great if your girl has one, so she can give you back-rides everywhere, but your last para anticipated me.

PS: You were kind enough to add Philippine Bike Week to your site links, so I'll be posting some of the better pix on the honestjohn photo site soon.
Refreshed Home Page - Aretas
This website must, for a motorist, be one of the most interesting on the web. It is superbly presented, navigation is easy, and is fast even for those of us on a dial-up modem.