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Police Winter Car Check - MokkaMan

I had the "experience" of having one of these at 07:30 this morning. Yes they did check the tyres, screenwash and lights. I was breathalysed as well (I was clear) on the pretext that I had not gone in the direction I was waved (it was dark, it was raining and the policeman was walking diagonally when he waved at me (he was not in the area covered by the headlights). I was asked for driving licence, name dob, address, occupation, place of work.

THe guy doing it might be politely described as brusque.

Is this not all a bit OTT?

Police Winter Car Check - madf

Is this not all a bit OTT?

That's how they catch terrorists, professional thieves and general nasty people.. they tend to ignore the law and hope to travel at out of hours times.

I had it at 8pm once . "Driving too slowly in a 30mph limit"...

Police Winter Car Check - RobJP

My favourite 'check stop' came in 1994 ...

I was dating the wonderfully tolerant lady who would become my wife, and was driving home from hers at about 9 pm. I'd been in work all day, and then headed to hers for dinner. I had (and knew) a duff tail light on my Volvo 440, and had popped into Halfords on the way back from work to pick up a replacement bulb. Weather was atrocious, wet farmyard at her house, so I'd decided to replace the bulb the following morning, when I was off work.

So, driving home, I see a police car parked up by the entrance to a roundabout. It's December, and as soon as I see him I groan to myself, because I know he's going to pull me over. Sure enough, he moves off, and, a few hundred yards away the blues come on and we pull into the layby up ahead. The usualy spiel ensues regarding the light being out, I show him the replacement bulb in the door pocket, and he asks if I've been drinking (no, I hadn't), and wouild I mind taking a breath test (fine with me). We finish up with a cheery goodnight, and a reminder to change the bulb in the morning.

I go on my way. Five miles down the road, and a few hundred yards from home ... a police car sat in a layby. Yup. I get it all again

By the time we've done the breath test, we're both laughing, because it's gone exactly the same, down to the words used, as the first stop, and I've told him about the other stop. He then asks me to wait by the car, and he goes off and uses the radio. Comes back, yes, he's just spoken to his colleague, and goodnight.

Now, the really amusing bit ... since that night, I've never been breath tested. Before then, loads of times, but nothing since.

Edited by RobJP on 14/12/2016 at 13:25

Police Winter Car Check - oldroverboy.

I had the "experience" of having one of these at 07:30 this morning. Yes they did check the tyres, screenwash and lights. I was breathalysed as well (I was clear) on the pretext that I had not gone in the direction I was waved (it was dark, it was raining and the policeman was walking diagonally when he waved at me (he was not in the area covered by the headlights). I was asked for driving licence, name dob, address, occupation, place of work.

THe guy doing it might be politely described as brusque.

Is this not all a bit OTT?

Did you ask why he didn't check the tyre pressures?

Police Winter Car Check - concrete

In North Yorkshire in the late 70,s we were stopped early one morning in December, about 3am. The excuse given was a Turkey farm had been robbed somewhere in the area and they were stopping vehicles and searching them. We and our friends were all in full evening atire and SWMBO was driving. As soon as he saw this he lost all interest and waved us on. My guess? A breath test stop by any other name, the police around Guisborough were world famous for their zeal in pursuit of the motorist. I don't mind that in priciple provided they are polite and are prepared to use some humour. Some did, some didn't. Just like life really. Except one particular nasty piece of work with ginger hair. He was a royal pain to all and sundry, even his colleagues. Once he broke down and not one person would stop to assist or offer him a lift. Tells you all you need to know.

Cheers Concrete

Police Winter Car Check - Wackyracer

I saw a video on facebook the other day, chap was stopped at 2am and breathalysed (apparently) then the lovely officer noticed that he had low air pressure in his front tyre and gave him a ticket for it, completely ignoring the fact there was air hissing from a puncture hole on the top of the tyre and of course the chap pointing this out fell on deaf ears of the law.

Police Winter Car Check - alan1302

Is this not all a bit OTT?


Police Winter Car Check - RT

Is this not all a bit OTT?


I agree - the breath-test and decades of repeated publicity has reduced the drink-drive accidents "on the way home" but has left the morning-after drink-drive accidents as a major issue.

Police Winter Car Check - Smileyman

seem to be many vehicles out there with dirty number plates .. can't remember how many points that makes but it's certainlty too many for me!

Police Winter Car Check - NARU

seem to be many vehicles out there with dirty number plates .. can't remember how many points that makes but it's certainlty too many for me!

Problem is that at this time of year, you can start out with clean plates and they can be almost unreadable after 100 miles or so.

I've had to clean mine almost daily at the moment.

Police Winter Car Check - Wackyracer

I seem to remember reading some figures that suggested there was more drink driving in the summer than at christmas time but, Anything that keeps drunks from driving is a good thing in my opinion.

This time of year its a good idea to carry some glass cleaner or water to clean glass, mirrors, lights, numberplates.

Police Winter Car Check - RT

I seem to remember reading some figures that suggested there was more drink driving in the summer than at christmas time but, Anything that keeps drunks from driving is a good thing in my opinion.

This time of year its a good idea to carry some glass cleaner or water to clean glass, mirrors, lights, numberplates.

I have found that an old tea towel soaked in water and put in a bread bag, rolled up and kept in the boot - will stay damp for weeks and can be used several times to clean lights and number plates - just rinse under a tap to start again.

Police Winter Car Check - Andrew-T

seem to be many vehicles out there with dirty number plates .. can't remember how many points that makes but it's certainlty too many for me!

Saw one the other day in Wilmslow - could only just tell that there were any characters on it. Probably a footballer ....

Police Winter Car Check - Bromptonaut

Saw one the other day in Wilmslow - could only just tell that there were any characters on it. Probably a footballer ....

Recent weather, damp but no heavy rain following after ice/gritting, leaves everything covered in gloop. Quite interesting to look at a pale coloured car and see how the gloop allows airflow to be tracked.

Modern cars with slabby rear ends suck the stuff in. There was Skoda Citigo parked on same floor as me in town multistorey. It's buttermilk paint was cleanish at front but tailhatch and rear plate were covered, plate illegible.

Police Winter Car Check - Snakey

Sounds OTT to me. Guess plod are just relying on pulling over random motorists now on any made up pretext.

Looking for an excuse to fine you perhaps? I mean, checking the screenwash is a bit stupid, I can drain the piddly screen wash tank in my car in a single commute if its bad weather.

The fact he was brusque sums up their general attitude towards motorists - you're guilty of something and they'll find it eventually. Maybe if they didn't treat motorists like some kind of vermin they would elicit a more positive reaction, or perhaps they just don't care.

Edited by Snakey on 15/12/2016 at 12:58

Police Winter Car Check - RT

Sounds OTT to me. Guess plod are just relying on pulling over random motorists now on any made up pretext.

Looking for an excuse to fine you perhaps? I mean, checking the screenwash is a bit stupid, I can drain the piddly screen wash tank in my car in a single commute if its bad weather.

The fact he was brusque sums up their general attitude towards motorists - you're guilty of something and they'll find it eventually. Maybe if they didn't treat motorists like some kind of vermin they would elicit a more positive reaction, or perhaps they just don't care.

Or perhaps they react to the attitude of the motorist?

One early lesson I learnt was that being difficult or trying to be clever was a trigger for a more minute check and far less likely for discretion to be applied.

Presumably you carry spare washer fluid in the car and stop to top it up if it runs out that quickly?

Police Winter Car Check - RobJP

I have to agree - be arrogant or plain awkward to them, and they'll delay you an extra 10 minutes quite happily while they wait for the control centre to complete the checks.

I note in the original post that the OP was instantly griping about the officer (allegedly) being in an area where not clearly visible, so the OP hadn't immediately obeyed the directions being given.

Nothing like starting off on the wrong foot.

Police Winter Car Check - MokkaMan

I was actually highly co-operative. The only question I asked was why I was being breathalysed (as I had not been driving erratically). I do feel that it was a bit of a pretext using the fact that I had not gone exactly where I was pointed (if it had been daylight it would not have happened). I believe the police are legally obliged to have a reason for breathalysing you ie they smell alcohol on your breath. I believe also that they have no entitlement to ask you what you do for a living and where you work (I answered all questions).

Far from griping my view is that it was all a bit OTT (a little bit of politeness might go a long way)

Police Winter Car Check - RobJP

If you believe it was an unlawful stop, then complain to the police.


Police Winter Car Check - MokkaMan

No I have already thought of that - they will probably target you if you do something like that and life is too short.

Police Winter Car Check - RT

According to www.gov.uk www.gov.uk/stopped-by-police-while-driving-your-ri...w - The police can stop a vehicle for any reason. If they ask you to stop, you should always pull over when it’s safe to do so. You’re breaking the law if you don’t.

Police Winter Car Check - Wackyracer

I do feel that it was a bit of a pretext using the fact that I had not gone exactly where I was pointed (if it had been daylight it would not have happened).

I nearly ran over the Policewoman who stopped me as she jumped out infront of me just a few feet away from my bonnet. I swerved to avoid hitting her and then pulled up safely on the left a bit further up the road, I got ear ache about that too as she couldn't see that she had done something rather stupid. Then her and 5 of her collegues checked my tax disk one by one.

Police Winter Car Check - RobJP

I very much doubt they checked your tax disc. Those were abolished in 2014.

Edited by RobJP on 15/12/2016 at 18:47

Police Winter Car Check - Wackyracer

I very much doubt they checked your tax disc. Those were abolished in 2014.

Have another think? Did I say when it happened? No, Your a smart fellow it seems, so if tax disc's were abolished in 2014 it must have happened before 2014 ? It was 2007 iirc.

Police Winter Car Check - RobJP

I very much doubt they checked your tax disc. Those were abolished in 2014.

Have another think? Did I say when it happened? No, Your a smart fellow it seems, so if tax disc's were abolished in 2014 it must have happened before 2014 ? It was 2007 iirc.

Sorry ! I'd assumed it was the original poster who'd written that.

My sincere apologies.

Police Winter Car Check - Big John

Too be honest - I wish we had more police pulling people over. Traffic police becoming a rare sight and some dreadful drivers rely on this

In the early eighties I regularly drove back late a night on business and was stopped time after time by the same policeman who found nothing wrong (was expecting a young person in a Capri to be drunk at 3am) . I made a point of producing my documents at the wee small hours of the morning - after the 6th time the officer on duty at the station suggested I filled in a complaint form. Never happened again!

Edited by Big John on 16/12/2016 at 00:01