My favourite 'check stop' came in 1994 ...
I was dating the wonderfully tolerant lady who would become my wife, and was driving home from hers at about 9 pm. I'd been in work all day, and then headed to hers for dinner. I had (and knew) a duff tail light on my Volvo 440, and had popped into Halfords on the way back from work to pick up a replacement bulb. Weather was atrocious, wet farmyard at her house, so I'd decided to replace the bulb the following morning, when I was off work.
So, driving home, I see a police car parked up by the entrance to a roundabout. It's December, and as soon as I see him I groan to myself, because I know he's going to pull me over. Sure enough, he moves off, and, a few hundred yards away the blues come on and we pull into the layby up ahead. The usualy spiel ensues regarding the light being out, I show him the replacement bulb in the door pocket, and he asks if I've been drinking (no, I hadn't), and wouild I mind taking a breath test (fine with me). We finish up with a cheery goodnight, and a reminder to change the bulb in the morning.
I go on my way. Five miles down the road, and a few hundred yards from home ... a police car sat in a layby. Yup. I get it all again
By the time we've done the breath test, we're both laughing, because it's gone exactly the same, down to the words used, as the first stop, and I've told him about the other stop. He then asks me to wait by the car, and he goes off and uses the radio. Comes back, yes, he's just spoken to his colleague, and goodnight.
Now, the really amusing bit ... since that night, I've never been breath tested. Before then, loads of times, but nothing since.
Edited by RobJP on 14/12/2016 at 13:25