V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - GinB

Any car V5C registered in UK can be scrapped by a thief with a simple declaration of "no V5 available". The scrapyard, even an authorised vehicle dismantler, cannot verify via DVLA or police-related computer links if this is the owner or not, because there are none!

The electronic petition 173840 now needs urgently signing for this loophole to be discussed, debated and finally closed.10,000 electronic signatures minimum are needed for discussion in parliamentary committee and more than 100,000 for the subject to be debated ... This could be your car, old banger, or loved classic that disappears!

This unhappy situation arose after a defective, largely plastic bodied car, no older than 14 years old, was stolen from the driveway of the owner and presented at a scrapyard. The thief made a profit of £142!

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - RT

And ironically - if you don't have photo id, as some of us oldies, and use paperless billing - you can't scrap a car you own even with the V5C, as your identity can't be proved.

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - skidpan

if you don't have photo id, as some of us oldies,

Recently moved house so needed to replace driving licence, at least its free.

Got glaucoma in one eye and hypertension in the other so have been referred for a visual field check with the DVLA appointed optition one of which just happens to be my own optition.

To prevent you from sending a ringer to take the test they ask you to take photo identity with you, driving licence, passport etc. Very sensible precaution.

As an oldie I don't have any photo ID other than a National Archive readers card that expired in 2012. Probably still got a works identity card somewhere that I got in 1985, looked very different then.

So on Friday when I go for the test its going to be interesting, just hope that they are sensible enough to accept its me (been in about 6 times in the last month sorting new specs so they should recognise me) because if they are jobsworths it could well be a long visit.

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - FP

"As an oldie I don't have any photo ID..."

I'm 71 (does that count as an "oldie"?) and can't imagine not having a passport, as does everyone I know in my age bracket.

But I'm not criticising - if you've never needed one, you don't have one.

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - RT

"As an oldie I don't have any photo ID..."

I'm 71 (does that count as an "oldie"?) and can't imagine not having a passport, as does everyone I know in my age bracket.

But I'm not criticising - if you've never needed one, you don't have one.

At 71 you must now have a photo-id driving licence from your renewal at age 70 - I'll be getting one "soon".

I do have a passport, but it expired in 1995 and never needed renewing as I no longer go abroad, preferring Scotland now for holidays - that may change of course if the Scots get independence!

I haven't changed address since 1976 so still have my old green paper licence, very battered now, but I will get a photo-id licence when I renew at age 70.

About a year ago, we tidied up our affairs and the house had to be changed from joint ownership to tenancy-in-common (or vice-versa, not sure which) and the solicitor was stumped by our inability to prove our ID for money-laundering compliance.

This year I ordered $400 US dollars as a gift for my son and his family, going to Florida on holiday but when I went to collect them they had to refuse as I had no passport! Ironically, after they reversed the transaction, they were then able to sell me $400 over the counter as a walk-in customer with no ID required?

Personally, I support the use of a national ID card but parliament rejected that - I object to the use of other de facto ID.

Edited by RT on 05/12/2016 at 09:54

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - SLO76
"preferring Scotland now for holidays - that may change of course if the Scots get independence!"

Apologies from the common sense majority north of the border. I understand fully why you'd be put off holidaying up here by those poisonous nationalists, they've created a great deal of division and unpleasantness among a previously largely content population. If it ever happens I and many other hard working tax paying Scots who'd be expected to shoulder the cost will be hopping over the border to join you.
V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - RT
"preferring Scotland now for holidays - that may change of course if the Scots get independence!" Apologies from the common sense majority north of the border. I understand fully why you'd be put off holidaying up here by those poisonous nationalists, they've created a great deal of division and unpleasantness among a previously largely content population. If it ever happens I and many other hard working tax paying Scots who'd be expected to shoulder the cost will be hopping over the border to join you.

Despite my support for Leave the EU and No to Scottish Independence, I'd still be coming to Scotland for holidays whatever the England-Scotland border situation - I simply meant that I may need to get a passport!

The scenery's not going to change - or does Wee Nic think that everything needs to change!

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - SLO76
"Despite my support for Leave the EU and No to Scottish Independence, I'd still be coming to Scotland for holidays whatever the England-Scotland border situation - I simply meant that I may need to get a passport!

The scenery's not going to change - or does Wee Nic think that everything needs to change!"

The scenery's already changed, the place is full of useless wind turbines!
V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - RaineMan

Had a real issue with my late mother's ID. When they decided to pay all pensions into an account rather than at the counter jobsworth would not let her open PO account as she had not renewed her passport or driving licence. She did have a savings account elsewhere but it could not accept pension payments and they would not open another account because of ID issues. Fortunately my building society manager who knew me (had signed my passport application) and mum was willing to open an account for her. The problem with jobsworths is they have zero common sense and no joined up thinking!

Edited by RaineMan on 05/12/2016 at 09:30

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - NARU

Gosh, this thread seems to have moved immediately into a non-motoring ID discussion.

To return to the OP's point, I'm shocked that a car can be stolen and scrapped without a V5. I've signed the petition.

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - RT

Gosh, this thread seems to have moved immediately into a non-motoring ID discussion.

To return to the OP's point, I'm shocked that a car can be stolen and scrapped without a V5. I've signed the petition.

My bad - sorry!

I don't see how the OP's point is possible since scrap yards are required to check the "owner's" ID against the V5C - so this case is presumably a scrap yard acting outside the law, in other words theft and fraud.

V5C reg document fraud when scrapping a car! - GinB

Gosh, this thread seems to have moved immediately into a non-motoring ID discussion.

To return to the OP's point, I'm shocked that a car can be stolen and scrapped without a V5. I've signed the petition.

My bad - sorry!

I don't see how the OP's point is possible since scrap yards are required to check the "owner's" ID against the V5C - so this case is presumably a scrap yard acting outside the law, in other words theft and fraud.

This is fact, recently occurred again, and is still happening. I found an old case from a Daily Record newspaper in 2012, in which a Ford Mondeo disappeared crushed while the owner was on holiday. Give yourself some free insurance in 2017, sign the petition.