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VW Bettle 2008 - Passenger Door does not unlock on key fob - Richard wall
Hi please can someone help.

My partner a lovely 2008 VW Bettle convertible.. This morning on activation of the key fob to unlock the doors, the drivers door unlocked fine with the window dropping slightly. However the passenger door does not.. The window drops slightly then goes up. You can unlock it from the inside no problems.. However on locking the car again and then unlocking with the fob same problem again passenger door stays locked.

Any ideas ?

Thanks everyone
VW Bettle 2008 - Passenger Door does not unlock on key fob - elekie&a/c doctor
Most commonly these suffer with failed electric lock/actuator latch units.(same as Golf).however I would get the wiring from pillar to door,checked out first.Again,another known fault with fractured wires.
VW Bettle 2008 - Passenger Door does not unlock on key fob - Richard wall
Thanks now the door unlocks with the fob but you have to press the unlock button twice.. So once to unlock the drivers door then again to unlock the passenger door? Any thoughts ?
VW Bettle 2008 - Passenger Door does not unlock on key fob - elekie&a/c doctor
Sounds like the system has been set for sequential unlocking.This is pretty much the norm on most cars these days.It is not a fault in the system.
VW Bettle 2008 - Passenger Door does not unlock on key fob - Richard wall
Ah the problem being is wasn't set to this.. Then suddenly went to this phase of unlocking?