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honda jazz 1.3 s - auto headlights - inanimate

the auto headlights on this model are way to sensitive coming on when no normal driver would put them on they can not be turned off only when the hand brake is applied .can this annoying feature be turned off by going into the

cars electronics .

best regards phil

honda jazz 1.3 s - auto headlights - RT

Who gets annoyed, you or other drivers?

honda jazz 1.3 s - auto headlights - Cyd

Good. I say. There are way too many drivers out there who seem to have no concept of when they should put on their lights. Even worse are those who don't believe they need lights on because they've got DRLs. Stoopid .....

Personally I do not drive a car with DRLs yet. However, for the last 20 years I have driven AT ALL TIMES with my dipped beam on. For the same reason cars are now required to have DRLs. There is a 54% reduction in the chances of being involved in a fatal accident (or was then, may have reduced a bit now, I guess).

Count yourself lucky.

honda jazz 1.3 s - auto headlights - RobJP

My BMW has DRLs and auto-lights. It is always on the 'auto' position, apart from when it's been in for a service, when the technicians always switch it to 'off'.

As Cyd says, being lit up makes you more visible, which reduces your chance of being in an accident.

Do be aware that, in the event of someone offering to 'code' out your auto-lights, or change the sensitivity on them through coding, that as you'd have made a modification to the safety features of your car, you could technically be in breach of your insurance AND the type approval for the vehicle.

honda jazz 1.3 s - auto headlights - piggy

Agree with every word of Sid`s. Drivers seem to think that if they can see ok then other drivers can see them. I regularily drive through a tree-lined stretch which is dark even in daylight. Cars seem to appear suddenly coming towards me out of the gloom. It surprises me rather that cyclists or pedestians haven`t been hit. So my advice to the OP is quit thinking about the lights being on and enjoy what is an excellent car. I also drive with dipped lights on most of the time. What gets me is some drivers drive on "sidelights" in poor visibility conditions,unaware that these do not comply with the law.