10 worst cities in England and Wales for car crime
Our car crime census data provides useful insights into the cars criminals love and hate as well as the locations which are most vulnerable. We’ve crunched the numbers and worked out which ten cities across the UK are the worst for car crime of all types specificed in our data, whether it’s theft of a motor vehicle, theft from a motor vehicle, criminal damage or interfering with a motor vehicle.
The number shown is the rate per 10,000 vehicles registered for that particular town. Unfortunately we couldn't include Scotland in this list due to insufficient available data. Click through the gallery below to see the rundown.
See also: Top 10 Cars Stolen to order / Top 10 Most Stolen Cars

Manchester – 505 per 10,000 vehicles
Analysing the crime data for postcodes across the central Manchester area returns a crime rate higher than for any other major town or city in the UK. The data covers offences of stealing vehicles, stealing contents from vehicles, damaging vehicles and interfering with vehicles.
Across the UK the overall average car crime rate is 121 per 10,000 vehicles, however that rate rises for urban areas to 242 per 10,000 vehicles. Manchester is above average though. Identifying why the rate is so high is tricky, but there are lots of areas like shopping districts or spots where there are large car parks filled with vehicles. And if there are more cars there are richer pickings for opportunist criminals.
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