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How can I challenge a proposal to reduce my town's speed limits from 30mph to 20mph?

The coastal town of Formby where I live is roughly seven square miles, has a population of approximately 25,000 and is affluent with high car ownership. The size and population of the town has changed little over the past 40 years. The Area Councillors are set to finalise a proposal to reduce the speed limit in almost the entire town from 30mph to 20mph, including almost all the distributor roads. Formby can only be accessed on its east side from a by-pass. Just three interconnecting distributor roads on the east side of the town from the by-pass are to be excluded.

Local Councillor Nina Killen, who is promoting this proposal, cites residents concern about speeding cars on the distributor roads, no real need to travel in excess of 20mph, studies show that every mile-per-hour over 20mph drastically reduces the risk of death and serious injury or death, studies show that drivers who travel at 20mph reach their destination no more than 40 seconds later because the traffic flow is improved, proven improvement in air quality and pollution etc.

Councillor Killen says most residents backed the proposals during a consultation last year with 71 per cent responding in favour of a 20mph restriction. However, Councillor Killen fails to mention that the consultation didn't say almost the entire town would be covered by the 20mph limit. Do you any thoughts on how I can challenge this proposal, please?

Asked on 3 August 2013 by TT, Formby

Answered by Honest John
I would immediately dispute “Proven improvement in air quality and pollution.” That depends entirely on traffic always being free to travel at 20mph. If the 20mph limit leads to more congestion, then pollution will increase from idling exhaust pipes. I would also challenge as unsubstantiated nonsense the assertion that “studies show that drivers who travel at 20mph reach their destination no more than 40 seconds later because the traffic flow is improved". I can subscribe to 20mph limit in enclosed estates, but not on through routes.

Where I live in Weybridge, Surrey we have the ridiculous situation where posh roads and through-routes are subject to 20mph limits. Yet the enclosed council estate immediately adjacent to these through-routes, that has only two entry roads, remains subject to a 30mph limit, vividly illustrating the extent to which the local council despises the CHAVs.
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