Why do some drivers cut across the motorway rapidly when joining from a slip road?

Rarely do I think you're not quite right, but your reply to JR, Pickering I think misses one point. I drive lots of motorways whilst delivering Mercedes-Benz cars, so I take care to assist the traffic joining. But the high-speed nutter who hacks his way onto lane one, followed immediately to lane two and then three, really annoys me. Quite a number of joining drivers seem to think they have the right to push in regardless of the traffic. I do wish you'd have stressed your quoted "wise words" to apply to those particular dozy slip lane idiots.

Asked on 3 April 2011 by DS, Dunchideock,

Answered by Honest John
Why does that annoy you? What have they done to you apart from get in front of you? They haven't impeded your progress. My point is simply that common sense trumps all rules and regulations. A sensible driver keeps himself aware of everything going on around him and anticipates and allows for the needs of other drivers all around him even if they disobey those rules and regulations.
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