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Are kerb ramps legal?

I have a double driveway but when the house was originally built it had a single drive so there is no dropped kerb for half the drive so I want to fit kerb ramps on this side. Are there any regulations that affect me doing this and that I must comply with? Also, are there any ramps that you would recommend?

Asked on 13 January 2025 by

Answered by David Ross
This is something of a grey area in this instance, because it is illegal to excavate the highway including the footway without permission and to access a driveway without a dropped kerb. However, as you already have a dropped kerb it could be argued that the property already has dropped kerb access. We would suggest contacting your local authority - you may find that paying for an extension of the current dropped kerb is preferable to negotiating with the council over the use of kerb ramps.
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