Dartford crossing - John F

I have a Dart account and crossed in a hired van yesterday. Tried to include it on my account for that day to get 1/3rd off but couldn't as 'vehicle already registered'. Phoned Dart and spoke to a woman who refused to say whether or not it had been paid and did not seem to understand that I did not want Dart to get two payments (I don't think they should be getting any payment at all, but that's another subject).

So I sent them an email to ask them to sort it out, to which they 'will respond within 5 working days'. So I am left wondering if I will get a fine.

I suspect someone has done what I intended to do and forgotten to remove the van from their account, but I cannot be certain of this as Dart was no help at all. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Incidentally, modern vans (VW Transporter Bluemotion) are amazingly comfortable - two adjustable armrests for driver!

Dartford crossing - oldroverboy.

Is it registered to the Hire company? Have you checked with them?

Dartford crossing - Wackyracer

Is it registered to the Hire company? Have you checked with them?

That would be my first port of call. They probably have it registered on their account.

Dartford crossing - John F

No, it wasn't registered with the hire co. It was they who told me someone might have put it on their account and forgotten to take it off.

Dartford crossing - nick62

Only once have I tried asking for assistance from the DART customer disservice centre.

Banging your head against a brick wall is about as much use, they might as well have been staffed by aliens, (from another planet, before the PC mob pipe-up)!

Dartford crossing - Bromptonaut

Two thoughts here.

The first is that if van is indeed on somebody else's account, and you know it's not the hire company, you'll probably hear nothing more. Even if charge appeared in their current account plenty of people wouln't notice for days/weeks. As DartCharge uses a prefunded account there's another buffer of inertia in the mix. I rarely check mine as we only use the crossing a handful of times a year.

When the find out they've been charged by mistake DartCharge will tell them it's tough luck. Vehicle was on their account.

DartCharge were right to refuse to discuss registration. Mix of basic data protection and need for issues to be resolved in writing.

My second thought may be less welcome.

This is an example of how members of the public get themselves in unnecessary traffic penalty issues. The vehicle was already registered and not eligible for discount on OP's account. Rather than just pay the charge conventionally, and the discount must be small beer compared with van hire, he chances a fine. If he gets one he'll struggle to win an appeal.

If a fine arrives he MUST either pay up OR appeal.

A lot of people hope they can argue their way out later or it will go away if they ignore it. While private land operators sometimes give up public bodies never do. They always go to Traffic Enforcement then bailiffs. By then the debt is in hundreds and cars at risk of being siezed.

At that point they finally seek advice. In such cases the invariable advice is agree installments with the bailiff. It's way too late for anything else.

Dartford crossing - Wackyracer

The vehicle was already registered and not eligible for discount on OP's account. Rather than just pay the charge conventionally, and the discount must be small beer compared with van hire, he chances a fine. If he gets one he'll struggle to win an appeal.

This is my thoughts too as the discount for paying by account is not much at all but, there is one thing that I'm not sure of. If the vehicle is registered on someones account, can you pay it manually or will it flag up as having been paid by account?