I would like to know if other owners of new Land Rover Defenders
have experienced water ingress into the cab from when the vehicle was new. Despite the dealers numerous attempts to fix the problem the footwells still fill up with water when it rains.
Short of drilling a hole to let it drain out has anybody got any idea how to fix this !!! Also, what action can be done agst Land Rover ?
This is a design feature, not a fault.
From the early series models, through the 90/110 range to the Defender they are all the same.
Never have carpets on the floor, just rubber mats. It is said when you do a rebuild on these vehicles not to seal the floor panels because the water needs a way to escape.
If you want dry feet you need a Japanese bloatmobile!
Dear Middleman, thanks for answer. My main concern is that rain water may come into contact with electrical components/connections and cause expensive damage. In your opinion as a Land Rover enthusiast, would this be the case ?
Thanks, Catalyst
Not wishing to pre empt the solid advice of Middleman for I know he can build them, but add a snorkel and plug a couple of points and you can take a Defender virtually underwater.
Water will be the least of your problems.
www.lro. com
is the land of the Landie men and their strange habits.
Part of the fun in owning a LR IMO, mine has always leaked hasn't done it any harm.
OK so I was being a bit flippant but even new ones are known to suffer water leaks. Whatever the age I never fit carpets, just heavy rubber mats on the floors.
After many many years (20+?) there can be more signs of water damage inside LRs than most cars but their electrics are so simple compared with modern vehicles few problems come from this.
I never worry as long as the water doesn't drip onto me above my knees, as long as its contained below that level wellingtons do the trick.
We use one daily where the basic vehicle is over 42yrs old. It gets us to feed our animals down a rough muddy track every night and provides a better combination of tractor and car than any other vehicle regardless of age or price.
Thanks a lot to everybody, particularly MM, who helped tremendously to reassure us while making us laugh a lot !
Apart from the Newcastle Dealer, does anyone out there know where to have a Defender serviced in Northumberland ?
North East ROC (Danny Hoy) Shildon Co Durham
01388 773874
North East 4x4 (Yvonne Stevenson)Jarrow E mail
who are listed as LR Clubs in the North East (details openly published).
As LR fanatics they may well steer you to a good LR Garage.