Can someone confirm what type of oil I need to use when topping up, to keep within warranty. Also, is it done to supply your own oil for a garage service. I was skinned for the oil that Marshalls (Ipswich)put in it at the last service compared to the previous service done at a small, independant Skoda dealer. Does brand really matter?
Hi Graham,
its going to depend on whether or not you have a petrol or diesel Octavia as the type of oil will vary for the fuel type, your handbook should give you an oil spec and good semi synth suitable for the appropriate fuel type should suffice.
I usually take my own oil and make sure I watch them pour it in.
The VX dealers told me that oil I provided on one occasion was not up to spec (Millers Fully synth for Diesels for Vectra DI) whilst they were booking car in I rang the Millers careline on my mobile and after explaining to Millers passed the phone to the service desk muppet asking him to tell the manufacturers why the oil wasnt suitable. Strangely enough this never happened again.
as ever
First, what model, engine and year is your Octavia? Second, does it list QG0, QG1 or QG2 in the list of optional equipment in the vehicle data in the inside front page of the Service Schedule? Third, what details are recorded in Next Service in the Service Record?
If like mine your car is a 2002 1.8T with QG1 in the Service Record, and Variable Service recorded in the Next Service details, then you must use a fully synthetic oil complying with spec VW 503 00 such as Castrol LongLife SLX2 0W-30.
But you shouldn't need to ask your question on this forum. Read the General Maintenance section of the Owner's Manual and the Service Intervals sectiion of the Service Schedule for the answer.