I have a 95/N Ford Escort 1.6
About once every 4 weeks I will start it in the morning and it will be fine until I stop at the end of our drive, about 100 yards away, at which point the engine cuts out. Trying to start it again immediately is a waste of time, but if it is left for about 4-5 minutes, it starts first time and gives no more trouble.
Other than this, the car works absolutely fine.
My usual mechanic cannot work out what the problem is and as it is so intermittent he is unlikely to experience it himself.
Has anyone here had the same problem or has any ideas?
Dave H
What oil are you using ?
Ahhh!!!! Wrong grade, unless your engine is knackered and needs thick treacle in it to stop leaks you should be using 5W30. Zetec engines like yours suffer if the wrong grade of oil is used, and Ford recommend 5W30 in almost oil Zetecs, unless something is very different about your car...
15W40 will lead to engine death quite quickly if what I've heard is true. :(
Spot on Blue Oval, 5/30 it should be. Would advise a flushing agent before changing, then Ford's own Motorcraft Formula E 5/30, with Forté Top End Treatment additive.
Thanks Adam and Blue
I will try this and report back!!
Hope it works, but even if it doesn't, at least you will be using the right oil! :)