I am having some power delivery problems in my DT and took it down to the garage today to see if the MAF sensor was playing up. They did a diagnostic check and said that all seemed ok. They also asked whether I always filled up at the same place because from the mechanic's past experiences he found that he had problems (with petrol) from the same company that I use.
Has anyone experienced worse performance from certain suppliers than others? (I know that improvements from different petrol suppliers has been recently discussed)
My last XM, when towing absolutely hated BP diesel. The engine management light came on within a few miles of iflling up. Anything else (including French supermarket stuff) was fine.
The independent Cit specialist I used couldn't shed any light on the problem so I just avoided BP diesel. No problem!
At about this time of the year they start supplying diesel with winter anti waxing additives, and this stuff is about 1.5% non combustible. It will have a small effect on power and fuel consumption.
I don't know if there's much difference bewteen diesel brands, but I avoid Tesco because it seems to froth more.
Ian Cook