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Pug 306 Dead Locking - Bob McC
I have a Pug 306 GXL and the offside rear door has decided to dead lock itself permanently. It happened when the car was parked up, the central locking was activated OK but when it came to unlocking, the rear door refused to co-operate.All the other doors are OK, central locking and dead locking working correctly. I have managed to get the door trim off but there is no way to unlock the mechanism. Has this happened to anyone else and how do I get the b****y door open?
Any help would be appreciated.
Bob McC.
Pug 306 Dead Locking - Ben79
I had the same problem on my Xsara (same car basically). After carefully removing the panel and cutting the sealing sheet, I could see that all the linkages were correct and concluded that the lock was broken internally. A conversation with the dealer concluded that the lock needs to be physically broken in order to be removed.

Apparantly you need to attack the lock from the inside of the door with hammers, chisels, screwdrivers etc. At this point I decided it was best to let a main dealer do this and not to contemplate using a specialist, as I guessed a main dealer would not quibble over repairing a door that was damaged during their repair work, eg if chisel slips.

The labour charge was 1.7 hours, and that excluded removing and refitting the trim panel, as that was sitting in the back of my dad's Picasso.

A few weeks later the front door lock begins to play up and not release the deadlocks. The front doors can be un-deadlocked by turning the key. You can verify this by opening the bonnet, deadlocking the car and removing the battery.

Talking to the dealer shows that the computer they connect to the engine can infact read the state of the central locking and is supposedly able to detect the difference between broken wires and broken locks.

The mechanic also said there was little or no use using WD40 or another lubricant as the problem with the locks are internal and you cannot lubricate there.

Sorry, but you are looking at around £30 for the lock and a couple of hours labour charge.

Pug 306 Dead Locking - Bob McC

Thanks for the info.

Looking back I have noted that the this happened after I had washed the car AND it was a frosty morning, so it could be that the lock is frozen.

Before I set to with the heavy tools I think I will stick a hairdryer in the door and see if I can dry it out.

Thanks again for your reply.

Bob McC.
Pug 306 Dead Locking - IanT

Are you continuing to have problems with your front door lock? A few weeks ago you seemed to think that lubricating it was going to work.

Pug 306 Dead Locking - Ben79
Lubrication worked for a short while, it may have been while the weather was slightly warmer and while having done some longer journeys so the heat from the ventilation gets to the inside of the door.

I now don't care about occasionally (mostly really, buts lets be optimists) having to turn the key manually. I won;t have the time for a few weeks to strip the door from the inside to have a look, nice job for boxing day I think!

Pug 306 Dead Locking - Bob McC
Done it!

I gave the solenoid a good bang with a hammer and it released.

When I took the mechanism out there was no way it could be repaired.

A replacement mechanism is £70.50 incl. vat but EXCLUDING fitting.

Bob McC.
Pug 306 Dead Locking - Andrew-T
Much cheaper from a scrapyard?