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tapits? - gary
Just wondered if anyone can help with this one?
I have a cavalier 2lt j reg fuel injection which i think the tappits have gone on.
How do you know when they have gone and how easy are they to do?
I want to know as i am keen to learn to repair my car.
Thanks to anyone who can help!
tapits? - simonsmith473©
A tappet is a cylindrical device that transmits motion from the cam lobe to valve stem(opens the valve). If they are knackered they will rattle when the engine is warm(it is normal for them to rattle when the engine is warming up, usually on high mileage cars).
tapits? - Dynamic Dave
I suspect this is wind-up, but here goes anyway-

1) what makes you think they have gone?
2) Are they making a noise all the time, or only on start up?
3) How many miles has the Cav done?
tapits? - gary
Its the noise that the car makes that makes me think its the tappits, the noise is constent. The cav has done approx 92000 miles. This is no wind up just need some help.
tapits? - Dynamic Dave
Is the noise tappetty, or more of a light knocking - about half the speed of the engine?
If the latter, then I would guess the camshaft or followers are worn. Lift off the rocker box and inspect the cam lobes.
If the former, then it could be the self adjusting hydraulic lifters.
You can change these with only having to remove the rocker box cover. Laser do a tool (part No. 2097) to compress the valve, so you can then remove the cam follower, and then get each lifter out one at a time. Exhaust valve (or might be inlet valve, can't remember) lifter on cylinder 4 can be a tight squeeze to get out though.
Arm yourself with a Haynes manual, look at pages 52, 53, 54, 269, & 270 (unless they've repuplished since I got mine) to get an idea of what you're looking for. The Haynes manual does tell you how to inspect and clean them, but IMHO it is false economy to clean and refit only to find they still rattle.
To recap, all you'll need to do the job is 8 new lifters, a valve compression tool, & a new rocker box gasket.
Last thing, change only a couple of the lifters at a time, then crank over the engine for a few seconds. This'll make things a lot easier than changing all eight lifters at once and then trying to prime the new lifters with oil before the engine will start. Its not been unknown to flatten a couple of batteries to turn the engine over for ¼ hour before she'll start otherwise.
tapits? - Dynamic Dave
Laser do a tool (part No. 2097)

Main homepage: www.lasertools.co.uk

Picture: tinyurl.com/32e1
tapits? - gary
Cheers for the info. i will let you know if you were right or not once i get it sorted, if not its going in the garage (going to cost a fortune if the latter one). I will have to find a mechanic round here that might be able to help instead of ripping me off saying that there is more wrong with the car then there is. Unless there is someone out here who knows anyone in west sussex, England whos good. Thanks for all your help.
tapits? - gary
I have found out the problem (had to take it to the garage) to hard for me to sort out as i have not got the right tools.
It was just in need of a oil change as it had had at least three different types of oil inside it and where they had mixed and thinnned they were no good. So a quick oil change and new filter after a clean out and the car is fine. The machanic said it might ned another oil change after a while as some of the gunk might still be inside the engine, it will not do any harm to change it again it just means the oil will stay cleaner and last a bit longer.
Cheers for the help you gave me and i promise this was no wind up.
tapits? - Dynamic Dave

Glad you got it sorted. Curious to know how the mechanic diagnosed at least 3 different types of oil in the engine though; or did you top it up with different brands?

Sorry for thinking at first this was a wind up. I won't go into too much detail, but over the past few days some strange things have happened in this forum regarding the subject of hydraulic valve lifters, and was a little suspicious when your post appeared.
tapits? - gary
The oil was in the car before we got it and then we topped up with an oil then had to top up again with a different on the motorway as we could not get the same one we had used.
The car has now had a full oil change filters ect and is running like a dream. Just goes to show you how a simple thing like that can make such a difference to the running of the engine.
So i now stick with one type of oil all the time and i have made sure the same can of oil is in the back of the car in case of emergency.
tapits? - lezebre
over the past few days some strange things have happened in this forum regarding the subject of hydraulic valve lifters


I'm glad you said 'the past few days, DD, because my Clatter question on 13th Nov (Tech Matters page 5), about hydraulic lifters rattling, but then discovering my car didn't have any, was, surprisingly perhaps, for real!!!!