Note said "Parking - fine" - That's nice, I said. - Bilboman

(Old Tommy Cooper joke IIRC...)

Got my second parking fine in ten years this morning. I'd paid the ticket but overstayed by about 20 minutes and "Lovely Rita" had already ticketed me when I returned. We had quite an amiable chat and she showed me how to cancel the fine. I duly punched a button, put a fiver's worth of coins in and the machine printed off two receipts. I folded one round the fine and posted it into a slot on the side of the machine, so it will all be cancelled by the end of the week and my smallcontribution goes into the town's coffers. In this town most people do not overstay and the constant "rotation" of cars is a good way to ensure an incoming driver usually finds a place to park. (Local residents get a special badge for about 40 quid a year.) There's a three hour free slot at lunchtime. Wardens (remember them?) emphatically do NOT get commission.

Well, that's how they do it in Spain...

Note said "Parking - fine" - That's nice, I said. - WellKnownSid

Well, that's how they do it in Spain...

I saw a woman park her big estate car in a 'police only' space a couple of weeks ago. Also noticing the local bobby was approaching in a big 4x4 I stood around to watch the fireworks.

The policeman parked up next to the lady, got out and approached her. They exchanged some words, then they both laughed and the policeman walked off.

I walked up to the lady and said - isn't this 'police only' parking here?

"Oh, I don't need to worry about that. My husband, he works for the town hall, so I just park where I like". She then carried her husbands sandwiches into work.

So that's how they REALLY do things in Spain. ;)