I have read the previous posts about immobiliser problems and dash circuit boards going on these models. MerlinTec, Simon, has provided spot on expert advice on many occasions - perhaps someone with his know how can advise me on my predicament.
The battery went flat over Christmas and a lot of condensation accumalated inside the car. When I tried to start it up using jump leads it seemed like there was smoke coming out of the vents. After that i could drive it but the dials were not working, eventually they came back on there own, but were erratic at times. After a few days I had to jump start it again and this time the engine turned over but was very 'lumpy' perhaps misfiring and under powered. It drove like this for about 20 miles, then when I switched off the engine it wouldnt start again.
Now if I try to start the engine it turns over eventually if you give it loads of gas but cuts out after a few seconds as if it not getting any fuel. I called the RAC guy to see if he could locate the problem and he chcked the spark plugs and fuel injectors and said that they werent getting a pulse which is why it was misfiring so badly. His overall diagnosis was that it must be the ECU that is failing because strangely the engine management light was not identifying the problems with the engine.
The Chrysler garage want £95 to run the same tests that the RAC man did, and they have already started indicating quotes of over £2000. The car is worth less than that so thats not even an option.
It would be a shame to sell this vehicle as sc*** because I only hd it for a few weeks before these problems started. If anyone who knows these cars has a garage, I could get the RAC to tow it for me.
Thanks in advance.