Hi can anyone recomend a set of tyres for the trajet i have had Kumo's and pirrellis on but both have worn out within 7000 miles and 2years of local driving.
The car is a heavy car on the front and i have just read that both boots i have had are soft compond.
I have thought about the firestone f700 215/65/15 96 H
Thanks P
do you mean worn out or tracked out
if your tyres have worn out normally in 7 grand then i would be considering cheap tyres rather than expensive ones especially as you do only local driving so they are more likely to get kerb and pot hole damage
just my input
The tyres have Worn out nearly Bald!! not kerbed etc
Carries the children so not to cheap and used to tow the caravan also.
do you mean worn out or tracked out if your tyres have worn out normally in 7 grand then i would be considering cheap tyres rather than expensive ones especially as you do only local driving so they
We had a similar issue with a Mazda Premacy. We bought the car new, and at it's second annual service and after a total of 11,400 miles, all four tyres were at the legal minimum. The tyres were Toyos and had been specifically designed for the Premacy (according to Toyo). When I queried the 'heavy' wear with HJ, I was told the wear was down to the type of vehicle (i.e. an MPV subject to higher than average body roll on corners, etc).
We replaced the tyres with a set of Tigars. These wore OK - certainly no worse than the standard fit Toyos - and the fronts lasted 12,000 with the rears still being OK when we traded the Premacy in at a total mileage of 26,000.
Agree with BB, get the cheapest reasonable quality tyres you can if thats the sort of mileage, avoiding the really poor stuff if poss.
Not all that convinced by tyres that last mega miles, always been my experience that they tend to be skittish in the wet..cake and eat it and all that, and wet grip is my number one demand.
sorry for the delay havent found the notefied of replys by email button yet.
I have just got some firestone's for £60 each fitted and by a high street outfit, they beat an online place by £10.
Bargin i hope..
Thanks everyone
Sounds a good price for reputable tyres...suggest you get the tracking checked if the last tyres wore unevenly.
sorry for the delay havent found the notefied of replys by email button yet.
That's because there isn't one.
See www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?v=e&t=70...4 for details why.