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Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 [Read Only] - Pugugly

***** This thread is now closed, please CLICK HERE to go to Volume 3 *****

Usual general rules apply but you can have your non-motoring banter in here. If people start getting drunk and smoking and that we'll have to close it down. Nothing offensive or rude etc.

All Christmas Greetings will be decanted in here...



(I must be mad volunteering)

Volume 1 is HERE

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 24/12/2009 at 19:00

What is your new year resolution? - piston power
Is it wash the car more often?

Learn to change the spare wheel?

Drive with more care and attention to other road users?

Go on a massive diet so the car goes faster?

What is your new year resolution? - madf
I have several NY Resolutions so I am trying to cut the list down to a more manageable size.
So far it contains:
1. Drink all the alcohol I bought cheap pre VAT rise.
2. run more.
3 Stand on my head more often.
4. Lose weight.
5. Buy a Prius cheaap
6. Buy a Lexus IS300 cross sport hatch thingyy.
7. Get a new mistress
8. Keep the old one.
9. Vote the current government out.
10. Encourage as many people as possible to do 9.
11. Encourage as many people as possible to do 10.
12. Save the planet from Copenhagen.
13. Save the planet from drunks.
14. Drink some more.
15. Post less drivel on HJ.

Edited by madf on 21/12/2009 at 15:19

What is your new year resolution? - Alanovich
Good one, madf. Your number 5 appeals to me too, as filling the Mazda 6 (2.0 petrol auto, lovely though it is) with 60 quid a time and only getting 275 miles out of a tank is getting a bit silly. Diesel DSG Octavia appeals too. Finding a good, cheap example of either might be hard work.

Other than that, I'd like to stop surfing the net so much and do some blooming work.
What is your new year resolution? - old crocks
Get the cambelt changed before it snaps.
What is your new year resolution? - bintang
Take it easy. I have adopted this for several years now and never broken it.
What is your new year resolution? - Rattle
1) Get my Microsoft qualifications
2) Get an Astra G 1.6 8v 54-55 reg era.
3) Move out of home
4) Earn more money
5) Drink less
6) Sort out my diet so I am not constantly tired.
What is your new year resolution? - madf
Try running. I took it up 37 years ago and expect with luck to keep doing it till I am over 90...(less than 30 years to go)

It does your body a great deal of good.. But starting and continuing for the first two months is painful (especially at my age after injury).. But it improves your stamina..
What is your new year resolution? - Big Bad Dave
Trade the Peugeot in for a Jag XJ

Lots of casual sex
What is your new year resolution? - Alby Back
Jag's a bit rash Dave.

Edit - come to think of it the other thing could end up in a rash too....

Edited by Humph Backbridge on 21/12/2009 at 19:01

What is your new year resolution? - Pugugly
Me ? - Be happy.

Gonna shift this to Chill thread volume two when it starts.

Edited by Pugugly on 21/12/2009 at 19:43

What is your new year resolution? - Alby Back
Cigs - got to do it this time.
What is your new year resolution? - Big Bad Dave
I've just had my last one of the year
What is your new year resolution? - DP
Cigs - got to do it this time.

Same here. Quit for a year and a day, then went out for a few beers one night back in September and someone offered me one. That was that.

Thing is, I was a non-smoker recently enough ago to remember how much better I felt than I do now, and how the little coughs and sniffles I realised I'd lived with for ages had gone away (and are now back). Also really feeling the extra £180 or so every month disappearing out the bank account. I have decided smoking is a totally crap thing to do, and I don't want to do it any more. That is fundamental to any success quitting.

I'm going to do it the same way I did it before. Put £6 a day in a pot somewhere in the house, and count it every time I want a fag, and when it builds up a bit, go and spend it on something lovely but frivolous because I've earned it. It really does work.

I have a Canon EOS 400D bought with three and a bit months "fag money" this time last year. Thinking of it in those terms really helps.

Good luck!

Edited by DP on 21/12/2009 at 19:53

What is your new year resolution? - Alby Back
Thanks for that DP. Any words of encouragement most gratefully received. In a sense what you mentioned re feelings of general well being has been my downfall in some ways. I've smoked full strength "cowboy reds" for 30 odd years but have been lucky enough so far to retain very high fitness levels. On a recent physical check up I was delighted to be told that my aerobic fitness is exceptionally good for a man of my years. My cholesterol is normal and so is my blood pressure. I almost never get colds and haven't had time off work in ten years. I feel great despite my nicotine abuse and sadly I enjoy every single one of them...Re the cost, I even get most of them cheaply as I regularly travel to countries where the prices are far lower than here.

However, I know it's stupid and that I must stop. I've sort of promised the other Backbridges.......Of course they don't believe me so it's fairly important to prove them wrong !

What is your new year resolution? - BobbyG
DP, sorry to hijack this thread but did you get email from Mods re a query from me re Ford radio/cds?
What is your new year resolution? - 1400ted
Cigs - got to do it this time.

I've not smoked the white ones seriously since about 1970 but I do have a roll now and again when visiting a friend who rolls her own.
I smoked cigars for many years, mainly Cafe Creme, but they got too pricey over here at about 30p a smoke..Lots cheaper on the ship or over the water...about 10p. My biking mate was the same and we went cold turkey about 4 yrs ago. Still got the craving though.
Occasional pipe now....but only in the workshop nowadays.
No plans to give that up !

What is your new year resolution? - LikedDrivingOnce
1) Cut down radically on processed foods
2) Increase saving for retirement
3) Learn to love BMW ( = Motoring link!)
What is your new year resolution? - PhilW
Only just found this thread.
PU - "If people start getting drunk and smoking we'll have to close it down."
About 50 years too late in my case!!
What is your new year resolution? - Pugugly
Well apart form you, Humph and Rattle then.
What is your new year resolution? - Lud
Erm... (clears throat and goes into the bathroom to spit leaving second drink on table)...
What is your new year resolution? - Pugugly
and Lud
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Avant
Long years ago it occurred to me that New Year resolutions were rubbish and that I'd never make another. I've kept that every year since.

But I do sympathise with, and send all good wishes to, those who are trying to give up smoking. I've never smoked so haven't had to go through that, but I can just imagine my weakness if someone tried to make me give up red wine.

Edited by Avant on 21/12/2009 at 20:52

Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Alby Back
Tee hee - It really has gone beyond the pale if we are to be banned from smoking in virtual pubs to boot ! If....no....when...... I'm successful in giving the weed the heave ho, I shall of course take great delight in being as po faced on the subject as the most adenoidal of anti-ists. In fact I should start practising the frowning, hand flapping and faux coughing now I suppose......Wouldn't want to be taken for an amateur.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Altea Ego
I am a reformed smoker. a 30 a day marlboro man.

I of course had the willpower to give up just like that. You lot are weak lilly livered poor excuses for british manhood who cant be trusted to sit the right way round on a toilet seat.

Of course I am not one of thos po faced superior type reformed smokers.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Alby Back
As an aside, the smoking ban has already had a positive effect on my bank balance and caused a significant reduction in my alcohol consumption. For me anyway, a pint is far too wet without a cig and short of standing outside with the coughing cripples I just can't raise the enthusiasm to even go to a pub now. Fortunately I visit Italy regularly where although they have the law it is more or less unenforceable. I shall have to remember to get upset about that too now I suppose...
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Pugugly
The "snoutcasts" as ISIHAC had them named in the Uxbridge English Dictionary
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Martin Devon
The "snoutcasts" as ISIHAC had them named in the Uxbridge English Dictionary

Dear old Uxbridge eh! The Crown and Treaty Public House 1973 and forward. Oh! how we drank..........and drunk! Yamaha FS1E homeward!!!
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - bell boy
i packed up 20 years ago,i smoked anything and everything including massive cigars that took all day on boxing day to finish
reason i gave up was cigs went to £2 a packet
i was having what i called bored cigs at work
i was coughing when i woke up
i always needed at least 4 cigs in the box before i went to bed
i could have a cig now,the craving never ever leaves you
ive resisted but been toying with the idea of getting a pipe,if i ever go to the doctors (i think i have a doctor) and he says ive x months to live then the pipe is a deffo
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Alby Back
I'd like to bet you could plot a graph charting the demise of the country pub linked to the introduction of the breathalyser, the speed camera and the smoking ban.

Not that I'm arguing any needs or moral rectitudes here just fairly sure there would be coincidental economic troughs at those points.

I mean, you went out for a razz in the car or on the bike to a pub in the country for a pint and a fag. Now you have to drive sedately to have an orange juice and an unfeasably expensive ploughmans ( with jus or something ) and can't smoke, if you can still find one open !
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Pugugly
I used to give a lad a lift to the pub on a bike and he could smoke on the go.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Alby Back
Biker friend of mine when young and foolish had a small hole drilled in his visor and affected "More" cigarettes which for those who don't know are super long things. He could smoke and ride at the same time without getting ash in his eyes. Think he crashed eventually though.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - dxp55

Just for us non smokers sake just keep on the weed - I would hate to see my tax rise due to inconsiderate smokers jacking it in. - You know you like it. :-))
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - PhilW
"Think he crashed eventually though"
Bet he immediately lit a fag (if physically able to)

"The "snoutcasts""
Yep, smokers are "snoutcasts" - in the good old days pubs had a "Smoke Room", can't really see why that could not still be the case. I'm sure there are plenty of barmen/publicans who are smokers who would be willing to serve "us".
Yes I know it's a ridiculous, filthy and unhealthy habit - but then so is drinking alcohol. (And so is driving a car!!)
Am now ducking behind the parapet!!

Edited by PhilW on 21/12/2009 at 22:25

Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Nickdm
Live and let live I say. If you want to smoke then you should be able to do so, in a defined space/room etc. And if you want to give up then I wish you well in your endeavours.

But when The Powers That Be start enforcing bans and turning the screw all of our liberties are at stake. They WILL subsequently come after alcohol drinkers
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - billy25
>>But when The Powers That Be start enforcing bans <<

They have and they are! - but whilst you "Sootys" are stood "shiverin" outside, they that made the rule are still sat in thier bar, where it`s warm, and cosy, still enjoying a "pint and a Castella"!
They WILL subsequently come after alcohol drinkers<<

They are! "They" are already trying to crack-down on "binge drinkers", if you only go out to drink at weekends, you ARE NOT a responsible drinker, you are a "binge drinker". As such, they are trying to price you out of the Pubs,Clubs, and supermarkets by upping tax and trying to ban "happy-hours" and other offers like 2 for 1 etc. Meanwhile, "They" sit in thier warm bar supping spirits which hardly ever see a price rise in the budget!.
The last insult to the "common working Man" is that "They" think we cant handle or be trusted with a "pint"................................
>>and turning the screw<<
"They" are! - Two-thirds pint glasses are on thier way!!!

Edited by billy25 on 22/12/2009 at 02:08

Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - perro
My 'name' perro (Dog) comes from a girlfriend who named me Dog end in the 60's as I used to pick em up and roll a fag ... strange but true!
My Brother started smoking when he was 14, he gave it up just a few years ago when in his early 70's and he is now going Senile.
Although its best not to start smoking, its not really a good idea to deny the body Nico Teen after feeding it for some 58 years.
Nicotine is as difficult to kick as Heroin.
I gave up being Dog end 17 years ago at 40.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Lud
I gave up being Dog end 17 years ago at 40.

Still coolish though eh comrade?

I'm an atheist myself but I can't think of a good reason why there should be euphemisms for Christmas. I wished my French author a happy one - Chretien ou non, I specified - and he sent me his best wishes for the fetes de la fin d'annee...

Merry one, although even that can be a bit controversial in puritan circles.

Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Lud
I take your point about yr brother too perro, assuming you aren't exaggerating. Tobacco addiction is supposed to protect against Alzheimer's.

Of course there are other forms of senile dementia that can get even totally kippered chain-smokers like an aunt of mine.

And even if that doesn't get you, the snout has a nasty way of creeping up.

Bookies of the future may take heartless sporting bets from people on what's going to get them first, the heirs to collect if there are any winnings. Of course nothing voluntary will be allowed to sully the sporting turf, knowImean? Careful rules and regulations.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - perro
>>> I take your point about yr brother too perro, assuming you aren't exaggerating <<<

Not exaggerating Sire - Nicotine is a stimulant and to deny the body that chemical which he has taken for sooooooo many years, can't be a good thing IMHO - any damage that has been done because of smoking every single day for 58 years, is done and can't be un-done.
Best not to smoke really, or drink alcohol or caffeine, and to become vegetatarian - like Adolphus.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - gordonbennet
I won't go into the details, but after seeing my brother die horribly from smoking i'd tell anyone it's a mugs game.

Ironically his doctor told me it was only the booze keeping him alive towards the end as he couldn't eat food unless liquidized....there's far more to this than i'll go into he wasn't a wino or anything, he was an extremely intelligent RN electrical 'engineer' term used properly with respect to all engineers.

Life can be Hell.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Pugugly
For years I have yearned for a downshift in Christmas Festivities - I just want to run away this year. (Well walk rather carefully in a middle aged way)

Edited by Pugugly on 22/12/2009 at 22:09

Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - rtj70
For years I have yearned for a downshift in Christmas Festivities

Selling our house last week and not having one to move in for a few months... we basically cancelled Christmas ;-) We did the family xmas meal but can't this year. So money in the bank and not responsible for xmas. Bonus.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Lud
For years I have yearned for a downshift

When I felt prosperous and was gung-ho I kept lobbying for Christmas in, say, Cairo or Algiers where it wouldn't impinge too much provided one avoided TV.

Alas, once nippers entered the picture that was out of the question. And they have been in the picture ever since, yea unto, knowImean? No escape.

Anyway, there it is. We must resist the American excesses, without forgetting to enjoy them when they are amusing, and try not to be too curmudgeonly when people get sentimental as they so often do.

And of course even for unbelievers who are nevertheless products of Judaeo-Christian culture in all its glory, there is the central religious narrative which has somehow helped to make us all what we are. Personally I despise vulgar disparagement of that, as do believing Muslims and all decent people really...

'Council bans Christmas'... tee hee.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - maz64
For years I have yearned for a downshift in Christmas Festivities

SWMBO doesn't like routine, and is always looking to 'do' Christmas differently. This year my parents came down from the Lakes to watch grandson and me playing in a concert on the 12th, so we decided to make Sunday 13th our Christmas day, with present giving, turkey, getting drunk etc. And very nice it was too.

That means we can now watch the run-up to the 25th with a sort of detached amusement, and it's not unpleasant.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - perro
>>> Merry one, although even that can be a bit controversial in puritan circles. <<<

... Even the Eden project in Cornwall has *A time of gifts* so as not to offend.

feliz Navidad to all and a Año Nuevo sano :)
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Pugugly
Some of us still see it as a vaguely Religious - strangely comforting.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Lud
vaguely Religious

Not vaguely PU. Crucial part of the central Christian narrative.

Very comforting to many. Even un- or non-believers.

Funny creatures, humans...

Edited by Lud on 22/12/2009 at 22:38

Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - Avant
"Personally I despise vulgar disparagement of that, as do believing Muslims and all decent people really... "

Absolutely. Every time some PC idiot tries to downplay Christianity, or bowdlerise the words of hymns (a poet hate of mine, being an organist), a Muslim spokesman, invariably courteous and intelligent, says that Muslims aren't in the last offended.

If you're true to your own religion, you respect other people's. Just as thinking people who don't have a faith respect those who do, and vice versa. I'm glad to be a Christian but I know so many people who aren't religious but give a lot of their lives to helping others.
Christmas Chill Out Thread Volume 2 - daveyjp
I'd also add the 'pub-co' which has had a massive impact on pubs - setting unrealistic rents and charging landlords much more for beer than the landlords can buy it directly from the brewery.

The most successful pubs are Wetherspoons - which have become the Tesco of pubs - and Sam Smiths who control all their pubs and the keep prices of their drinks at a sensible level - last time I was in one of their pubs two pints was about £3.50.
Eurostar Tunnel problems - Brentus
Remarkable the problems caused by the weather. It goes beyond belief that the trains have operated for many years and this happens, supposedly down to temparature variant and condensation. What is more remarkable is how long travellers were left in the tunnel with no communication, amazing that they continued to still take bookings. The obvious switch to ferries caused further backlog to other channel users.

Then today i am listening to the radio and they said at the time all this was happening the quickest way to northern France was via Hull to Zeebrugge. Something we discussed on the other thread.

By the way got brochure through the door last thursday the 2 for 1 offers start Jan , but i noticed this time it didnt mention the car. Also its not free parking at the port now, if your leaving the car don't get caught out.
Eurostar Tunnel problems - bell boy
i went from hull 2 weeks ago for a weekend away (force 6 on the way out) its £5 a day in the car park and you must park in the designated bays (lots of tickets seen on the way back)
i think the extreme weather caught eurotunnel out to be honest,weirdly we were supposed to be going to Vienna via it tomorrow for the week but the wifes nhs department cancelled all xmas leave for the flu do so i cancelled the tickets,now they all think we are going but we cant, so im dammed from both sides and expecting cold turkey on xmas day
Eurostar Tunnel problems - Brentus
All the best BB
Eurostar Tunnel problems - b308
Brentus, as someone who has been "in charge" of a failed train for several hours I can tell you that no matter how many times you speak to people some will never be satisfied, and they will be moaning to the press at the earliest opportunity...

Problem is twofold for the Eurostar trains, firstly the tunnel is long and therefore communication with "control" is harder, and secondly rescue also takes longer due to safety measures in place to prevent accidents with the resuce train crashing into the other. Then there's the decision whether to evacuate it or keep people on board... Its not a nice situation and stuck in a tunnel as long as the channel one makes it even more difficult...

Now I'm not going to defend Eurostar, appart from anything because I don't know the true facts, just snippets on the TV from some passengers who decided they were the "spokespersons" for the whole train, I would be interested to hear from the rest who chose to keep quiet (or, more likely, didn't say anything contenscious)... but I would be truly surprised if the Train Managers had not kept everyone informed... the problem, I suspect, is more that people were not hearing what they wanted to hear (ie "we will be out within the next 5 minutes") but were being told that everything was being done to recuse them but it would take time to be done safely...

To give you a little story, many years agao before I joined the railways we were stuck at our local station due to adverse weather, the trains did run but intermitantly, most of us felt they did a good job to keep them going (road traffic was at a stand)... The local TV channel sent out a team to interview us commuters and got an awful lot of "they did well in the circumstances" comments... but all that features on the TV that night was an interview with two people who mouthed off about how bad they were... ever since then, unless I know the facts, I take news "stories" with a big pinch of salt... Perhaps salt is what Eurostar need to melt the snow... must phone them up to suggest it!!
Eurostar Tunnel problems - Pugugly
I'm struggling to see why this Discussion is going on in here - I accept that there is a pinprick of motoring here - Toss up between locking it and moving it to the Chillout thread.
Eurostar Tunnel problems - b308
One for a railway forum really, PU! Only reason I posted was to try to get people to see both sides and also question whether the reporting was fair to both sides...

Edited by b308 on 22/12/2009 at 15:40

Eurostar Tunnel problems - Pugugly
Fair enough -Having got to know how you post I knew there was a reason - but I was scratching my head though - anyway gone in here, sorry to interrupt !
Eurostar Tunnel problems - piston power
been "in charge" of a failed train for several hours

Wow this is my full time job rescuing stranded trains going into tunnels when they have broken down laying on the track in the snow fitting parts repairing air leaks to get the brakes off,coolant leaks to get the engine started, where do you work b308 or which part of the country?
Eurostar Tunnel problems - b308
Train Manager based in the Midlands, BT!

Its not something I'd like to repeat, we weren't stuck in a tunnel, but the middle of nowhere in the dark is bad enough! The most frustrating thing is not being able to tell people exactly what will happen and when!!

Edited by b308 on 22/12/2009 at 16:06

Eurostar Tunnel problems - piston power
Yes when there a "demic" and it's been there 2hrs and we turn up all they want to know is when will it be fixed!

How long is a piece of string does not go down well, today lots of wsp faults, frozen air systems,horns frozen ,coupling problems ho well all brings on home time.!!
Phacinating Phact of The Day - Robin Reliant
Did you know that Lego is the largest producer of tyres....... (Clarkson type pause).......in the world?
Phacinating Phact of The Day - b308
And bricks I shouldn't wonder! ;-)
Eurostar Tunnel problems - Brentus
b308, true they the media always highlight the bad stories and not the good ones. What i still find remarkable though is the weather in France, motorways closed, -20 bbrrrr.
Eurostar Tunnel problems - Rattle
Pug replied on ask a question you could you move it here forgot about this. Only got three hours sleep so keeping making simple mistakes.

Like most of us the weatherr has chasnged my christmas plans.
Rattle's Broken Elbow - Rattle
Just replying to posts on volume 334. It is frustrating typing with one hand. Pain is frobing but its mild hospital gave me two codaines. I also have pain killers at home. Wondering what to with car insurance but will inform them tomorrow and see what they say. My dads still recovering from his four breaks so its a bit of a nightmare.

I could have easily killed myself or done damage meaning an 8 day hospital visit so I am so greatful I am sleeping in my own bed :)

I just hope it takes weeks and not months.

Ted thanks and hope your neighbour is not in two much pain. I suspect the area will be an ice rink again tommorrow so be careful.

Moved from IHAQ - as the original question had been answered

Edited by Pugugly on 22/12/2009 at 23:47

broken elbow - henry k
Wondering what to with car insurance but will inform them tomorrow and see what they say.

IMO even when the pain goes you are not fit to drive and I guess that includes even sitiing in it to start the engine to keep the battery up to snuff.
If you contact them I feel sure they will say no driving and there is an admin charge to change the policy ---- to what ?
Can we assume when the snow goes you are not parked on a yellow line?
>>Pain is frobing
Your GP can sort out the pain relief but do not do any more damage going to get the pills.
Ask ted to do a chemist run?

Hope you are soon pain free and then sorted the arm sorted out.
Any exercises to be done before the plaster comes off?

Seen on my local Freegle - bathtub tom

Nothing more I can add. ;>)

Edited by bathtub tom {p} on 23/12/2009 at 09:55

Full of Christmas Cheer - pda
I got back home last last night after a couple of days away and this morning found just 6 slices of bread. Popped 2 in the toaster and as Tesco are delivering at 12 noon ish, I decided to give the frozen birds in the garden the rest of it.
I picked my way through the 4'' of frozen snow in slippers and dressing gown up to the top of the garden to feed them thinking it would help them after a very cold night and found the two slices had got stuck in the toaster and were now black.
I decided to pop the bins out for the dustment too and found the lids frozen shut, so feeling sorry for them too, I fetched a screwdriver and prised them open, only to have the 4'' of frozen snow slide off them as I wheeled them up the path all down my back and feet.
The birds are fat, warm and dry, I'm hungry, wet and cold.


Edited by pda on 23/12/2009 at 10:03

Full of Christmas Cheer - Dipstick
Pat, after that little bird feeding story which I read with wry amusement, I empathise entirely, as that kind of palaver happens on a daily basis to me.

In fact, there is only one sensible response, and it is this.


Question - Pugugly
Watching the news just now see that an aircraft has run off the runway in Scotland - wonder if that will incur an extra charge for passengers to get off.
Question - Altea Ego
Its an easyjet flight. That means those who paid speedy boarding fees, get to line up next to the big A and use the emergency slides. Those who didnt have to wait or jump

Good job it wasnt Ryan Air. There is an extra charge for life vests (plus a 2% credit card fee)
Question - bell boy
im just glad im at home for christmas with all these things happening everywhere
Question - Altea Ego
Christmas is the busiest time for A&E departments, lots of injuries at home.

Favourite is the eye being poked out by a xmas tree branch.

Question - Pugugly
Is there a story there ?
Question - Altea Ego
Caused, aparently, by people reachng under the tree to retrieve presents.

Question - Dipstick
If, as we are lead to believe, something like 82% of all accidents happen in the home, then to my mind the best advice would be to move.

Question - Big Bad Dave
I bet more people die pulling crackers than on the roads on Christmas day.
Question - bell boy
i pulled a right cracker one christmas
Question - Big Bad Dave
Christmas Carol?
Question - Altea Ego
She got her claus into him
A&E at Christmas - deepwith
We have had two Christmas related A&E visits.
First was a 2 year old sitting in the back of the car, announcing "Mmm, delicious ...". She was eating a berry from a piece of mistletoe. Just so you know, over three berries likely to be bad news for a toddler.
Second was another toddler who stepped on a needle from the tree, which became badly infected.
A&E at Christmas - Rattle
Are the ok now?
A&E at Christmas - deepwith
Yes Rattle - the berry eater is 27 and the t'other is 17 on Friday!

Did you get any better pain killers for your elbow?
A&E at Christmas - 1400ted
Second was another toddler who stepped on a needle from the tree which became badly

We had a ' Just pre-toddler ' ( 39 in a fortnight ! )...She was stood up, hanging on to my leg as I was sat down
. She was whinging like all rug rats do. I picked her up to a.) comfort b.) thrash her ( joke, Mr NSPCC Man ) and felt something prick my knee.
Investigation revealed a sewing needle through her foot and sticking out of the top. ( sorry, for the squeamish.)
Pulled it out downwards, doused the foot in antiseptic and in 5 mins all was ok again. No blood,
thank goodness, I had me best strides on, being Chrimbo.

Rug Rat now a fine strapping paramedic !

Did the same myself with a wood screw years later. Some difficulty removing shoe in lounge...got it off, found sock was screwed to foot...diabetic...no pain !
Left a nice pool of blood on the cream lounge carpet......still carry the scar. ( not from where SWMBO hit me ! )

A&E at Christmas - maz64
I remember as a kid putting my thumbs over the business end of a stapler and pressing to see what happened - yep, it staples things together. Not too much blood fortunately.
Full of Christmas Cheer - bell boy
apparently some people have had christmas cancelled because their supermarket food deliveries cant be delivered
(reminds me of when marge had the same problem many years ago in The Good Life )
Sheer boredom - Rattle
I can't work because i can't get out and only got use one arm. I can't play video games for same reason. Even posting on here is a big ordeal. Can anybody think of any racing type games i could play with one hand?

I've caught up with all my books in A&E yesterday.
Sheer boredom - Dipstick
Can anybody think of any racing type games i could play with one hand?

Why not try some simple Flash games? Most of those are left right fire with the mouse or some such, and even if they pall after three goes there are millions.

First Google hit:


Sheer boredom - Robin Reliant
I can think of one game you can play one-handed, but this isn't the forum for it.
Sheer boredom - Brentus
Ive just been to Lidl and bought one of thier Rowen Hill bakery Xmas puddings (thats the christmassy bit) saw a cook programme and they tested them all said this was the best.
Sheer boredom - maz64
Some good 'point and click' games here: jayisgames.com/

My OAP mum really liked this one: machinarium.net/demo/
She liked the demo and paid for the full game, and it took over her life for a few weeks.
I'm not saying you're an old woman :-)
Sheer boredom - maz64
My OAP mum really liked this one: machinarium.net/demo/
She liked the demo

BTW so did I (first 3 levels IIRC) - it's pretty good, very atmospheric, walkthroughs available if you get really stuck
Sheer boredom - bathtub tom
I tried it.

Had to use the 'walkthroughs'.

It took me ages to find I had to hold the LH mouse button on the 'move right' icon to shoot the damn spiders!
Sheer boredom - smokie
There are some very cheap games in the Steam sale. all for download so no waiting for delivery.

Sheer boredom - old crocks
No posting by Rattle since this thread at 2pm yesterday. Hope he's alright and not totally overcome by boredom.
Survelliance - nice for once - Dwight Van Driver
Much has been said on here about Speed cameras, CCTV etc etc but not all is bad news. Did you know that because Rudolph the reindeer's famous nose gives off an infrared signature similar to a missile launch NORAD/Fylingdales can track the movement of Mr Claus on his journey today and tonight?

I gather he is due to move at 11am so if you want to know where he is then click on


See if you can spot the parcel for HJ containing a decent titfer and glasses

Which is my way of sending seasonal greetrings to one and all......

Survelliance - nice for once - cheddar
And to you Dvd !
Survelliance - nice for once - Altea Ego
Alas, The latest information is Santa has been pulled into a weigbridge by VOSA after hitting the Uk. The tacograph has been checked and he has been found to have exceeded his driving hours and the speed limit. In addition the sliegh was overloaded and with six reindeer is too long for British roads.

Kiddies, some of you will be getting presents late, and some of you, not at all.
Survelliance - nice for once - Pugugly
ISIHAC - Jack Dee

"And now some letters from our loyal and some disloyal listeners - first of all in response to a disloyal listener - Yeah, you and whose army ?! - You think that President Ahmadinejad would have something better to do with his time"

Sorry on my own it made me laugh out loud !
Survelliance - nice for once - 1400ted
Took me some time to get to grips with the lad's name. Rob.
Can still only do it by thinking 'I'm a dinnerjacket ' !

Survelliance - nice for once - old crocks
That's exactly what I think when his name is mentioned. Glad I'm not alone.