Intrusive adverts [Read Only] - teabelly
For some reason I am finding links in the backroom are forcing adverts to appear even when I am not actively clicking on anything to do with them. Is anyone else having the same issue? It's one thing having banners which you can choose to go to, it's another being thrown into some advert which is not relevant. They always open in another tab then force focus onto that tab. Most annoying.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 19/12/2009 at 01:46

Intrusive adverts - Pugugly

Report them via the button below. I'll e-mail our contact for you.
Intrusive adverts - teabelly
Ta. Will actually have to make a note of what they actually go to as normally I just swear and hit the close button without even registering what it is for :-)
Intrusive adverts - Alby Back
TB - I'm absolutely no computer expert but for what it's worth I don't get that problem on my PC which has XP but I do get it on my laptop which has Vista. I've noticed that Vista will just open things even if you inadvertantly hover over them. Problem is by no means limited to this site so I can only surmise that I need to cast an appropriate spell or incantation over my laptop. Just don't have a geek handy I'm afraid.
Intrusive adverts - M.M
Have you got IE.8 teabelly... I junked it as it seemed to have a mind of its own in such circumstances.
Intrusive adverts - Victorbox
What annoys me is if the pop-up blocker successfully blocks the ad it then proceeds to open a new tab as if to spite you. What about the one that floats across the screen and unfolds into a small rectangle (usually over the bit you were reading) forcing you to close it? Do advertisers think that annoying you will make you buy the product?

Edited by Victorbox on 17/12/2009 at 22:06

Intrusive adverts - Graham567
I reported this very annoying problem a while back but nothing has been done.I use Firefox 3.5 and Windows Xp and the advert for instant compensation opens up behind the window i am using to access Honest Johns website.This means that when i close my browser there is the advert behind.I have the popup blocker enabled in Firefox but i seems to get past.
I don't mind adverts at the side of the site but object loudly to popups.Note to admin,please get rid of them,they are very annoying and spoil and otherwise excellent site.
Intrusive adverts - 1400ted
I was getting pop ups regularly, but only on HJ. They have stopped now, maybe 'cos I did an Adaware clean up.
I often now get one when I close for the night...always an Ambulance Chaser type ad., lurking behind HJ.

Intrusive adverts - jbif
I was getting pop ups regularly, but only on HJ. >>

Never seen pop-ups or pop-unders here myself. Solutions which work have been suggested in previous threads on this topic.

Intrusive adverts - teabelly
I'm using the latest version of firefox on a mac. Got ABP installed. I noticed it recently. I don't like the mouse over expanding ads either. Those floaters really annoy me too. Any ad which interferes with the functionality and usability of the site is a bad idea. Advertisers that use annoying methods would make me less likely to buy their product. I've also added Ghostery which lets you see what web bugs are in a page. Got a little suspicious of ads related to things I had searched for elsewhere. Don't like that.

Seems to be worse on the laptop so I am wondering whether the touchscreen is a little sensitive and there are ad links embedded in the page that I'm mousing over by mistake.

In days of old you'd not need ad blockers as generally you'd have the odd banner here and there. Which was fine. The day the pop-up/pop-under was invented was the day the internet was ruined.

Revenue generation for sites is a hard one to crack as people won't pay much for content nor do they want to be lost under ads either.
Intrusive adverts - L'escargot
Isn't this a "catch-22" situation? The HJ site relies on the income from the advertisers and the advertisers rely on the income from the people who buy the goods/servives they advertise. If we don't watch the adverts and don't buy the goods advertised, there is liable to be no free HJ site. That's the way I see it.

Edited by L'escargot on 18/12/2009 at 14:27

Intrusive adverts - the swiss tony
Isn't this a "catch-22" situation? The HJ site relies on the income from the advertisers
and the advertisers rely on the income......

There have been times lately when after suffering that blasted hovering popup, then closing my browser to find another window behind it (I use firefox, and save my current open pages on exit) that I have seriously thought of never coming back to this site.

If/when I do that, I wont see the adverts, and if we all did the same then the income would cease..... ''catch-22''?
Intrusive adverts - ForumNeedsModerating
I simply don't buy (no pun intended) the idea that HJ has to have pop-ups of any kind, underline links or other distractors

The most successful company selling ad space is Google: no pop-ups, link 'thingys' or any other of that third rate ad nonsense. I know it has a slightly different business model to HJ, but I'm sure HJ could take note & make the site more classy by not having the in your face style of revenue earners.

I would also think that the average user of HJ (who may already have some anti-ad procedures in place) may well be more susceptible to classier ad strategies - and surely that's what the ad placers want isn't it? How much better to have quality click-throughs from target audience users than target users doing everything they can to avoid them.

A bit more sophistication would pay dividends I'm sure.
Intrusive adverts - jbif
The HJ site relies on the income from the advertisers and the advertisers rely on the income from the people who buy the goods/servives they advertise. >>

IMO, the ad agency that HJ has chosen is perhaps not one which has HJ's or the forum members' interests at heart. Although I think they are giving HJ a cut from their clients' fees, the ad agency is possibly pushing the boundaries a bit too far in cramming too many ads on this site.

My firewall logs show tons of ads blocked at every page click here.

Intrusive adverts - jbif
I don't like the mouse over expanding ads either. Those floaters really annoy me too. >>

teabelly - see the other thread about this site's performance to figure out how to get rid of these problems. Another way to achieve the same objective is via a good configurable firewall which lets you choose which IP address to block (try Agnitum-Outpost or fortknox-firewall).

Edited by jbif on 18/12/2009 at 14:51

Intrusive adverts - BobbyG
I must admit I am pretty ignorant to all this "making money on the net" thing. I use the net every day, I use Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Tinyurl, Pistonheads to name but a few.
I don't pay to use any of them but they all make money for their owners.
I also don't pay any attention to adverts and employ all the technology on my computer to prevent me from seeing adverts.

I also don't understand online newspapers either. I used to buy newspapers but can now browse the same content on-line free of charge so they don't get their 30p or whatever from me!

Intrusive adverts - Lou_O

Blocking by IP is OK until the IP changes, by blocking at the hostname level you'll probably get a longer, more satisfying, block.

Editing your hosts file, which works on Windows, Mac and Linux, is a good way to do it as it effectively blocks a whole raft of IPs for that PC.

Blocking by hostname/IP on your router is another way, and all the PCs on your home network will benefit.

Finally, t's not hard to find a pre-filled hosts file available for download that will block lots of undesirable sites. All you have to do is put it in the right place for your particular OS.

Intrusive adverts - jbif
Blocking by IP is OK until the IP changes ... pre-filled hosts file ... etc. >>

I find that noobs and/or tech-averse peeps do not like opening and manually editing a HOSTS file. Some are reluctant even to use the pre-filled hosts files (and these can block the operation of cashback sites such as Quidco), and some are reluctant to use the features of their software firewall that allows IP blocking. However, most seem comfortable using programs like ad-aware or spybot-s&d which have their own regularly updated generic block lists.

Edited by jbif on 18/12/2009 at 15:26

Intrusive adverts - Lou_O
I tend to use adblock (in Chrome and Firefox), but for some reason it doesn't block some of the ads here, hence I had to go to the hosts file as a last resort :)

Intrusive adverts - teabelly
I tend to use adblock (in Chrome and Firefox) but for some reason it doesn't
block some of the ads here hence I had to go to the hosts file
as a last resort :)

It doesn't block all by default. I have added more in when finding the most annoying ones.

Perhaps a low subscription option for ad free browsing could be considered? The perfect bribe would be to have an edit button that's available for longer :-)
Intrusive adverts - Pugugly
Right - I'm locking this now - details will be passed to the site publishers for their info.

