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Christmas Driving Music. - Pugugly
Inspired by the Driving Home for Christmas thread, what music will you have playing in the car this Christmas ?

Like a lot of things most stuff has changed for me this Christmas, not least the choice of music in my car, beyond what the airwaves have to offer...

Two CDs in the car at the moment -

Only Men Aloud - Band of Brothers

and er....Band of Brothers the soundtrack of the HBO series (bought in error when looking for the above) cracking driving music though.
Christmas Driving Music. - Alby Back
Depends on my mood and what time of day or night and indeed type of journey. If on a lone long haul trans-european overnight run I favour John Lee Hooker late in the evening, Pink Floyd for the wee small hours and Mozart at dawn. Chris Rea is a favourite in hot weather for some reason but for a Christmas run with the family I sometimes put on some traditional choir sung carols to which we will all sing along badly.
Christmas Driving Music. - Rattle
Fairy Tail of New York. It is the nearest a Christmas song got to Punk.

Just I typed this I looked out of my window and its snowing (

Edited by Webmaster on 19/12/2009 at 01:55

Christmas Driving Music. - Alby Back
Oh now this has got me thinking, I've just remembered that I've loads of music on cassettes stashed away in boxes somewhere. Most of it hasn't been played in years. Should really get around to putting the best bits on to a more 21st century format.
Christmas Driving Music. - NorfolkDriver
Its gotta be "Driving home for Christmas"
Christmas Driving Music. - Brentus
.Driving home for christmas.

Is that Chris rea who sings that. He.s a big motorsport fan.
Christmas Driving Music. - Pugugly
And not a bad driver - I saw him race is Ferrari at Oulton Park once.
Christmas Driving Music. - Lud
Same as usual. When not Radio 4 for the news, some features and the two lots of people who make me laugh, CDs of Fela Kuti - one a pirated version of Buy Africa (1970) amusingly entitled Buy America, and very good, the other a much later 'official' recording that seems lacklustre by comparison -, of Coleman Hawkins, of some Frenchman playing Bach cello suites, and of my son-in-law's funk band Push; and a lot of cassettes of ska, bluebeat and so forth, interspersed with bits of Arab and Indian music, jokes and jazz stuff, assembled and beautifully recorded by a Hi-fi freak friend.

Get bored with all of it sometimes though and just listen to myself swearing madly about other drivers. That soon palls as well. So does the engine note of my car. The sound may well be why those with the loot buy V12 Ferraris or cars with heavily-tweaked sidevalve Ford V8 engines (BLATBLATBLATBLAT!).
Christmas Driving Music. - FotheringtonThomas
I do not play music in the car when I'm driving along.

I won't have enough time to when I'm in the car, but stopped!
Christmas Driving Music. - NorfolkDriver
Just found this one.


A very good remake!
Christmas Driving Music. - old crocks
Reading the title of another thread I thought Mapmaker was going to play Gerry Rafferty all the way up the M40/M1. :-)

Edited by old crocks on 17/12/2009 at 16:46

Christmas Driving Music. - madf
Christmas Driving Music. - Pugugly
James Taylor seems to feature a bit these days - one track in particular Sweet Baby James - getting in Blues for some reason :-(
Christmas Driving Music. - 1400ted
I'll stick with what Classic FM chucks out...as usual..some stuff they play ranks as worlds most boring, Bolero, Spiegel in Spiegel, Gorecki's 3rd...etc. etc.
Prefer to be depressed rather than bored so stick a tape on,, Mahler, Richard Strauss, Brahms, etc.
Well , it ruins my image if seen to be happy...especially at Chrimbo !

Christmas Driving Music. - Rattle
No point on tempting you with some Buzzcocks or Sex Pistols then Ted! Not that I can drive with that stuff on, if I am driving its either XFM, The Smiths or the Cure (all fairly easy listening compared to the Sex Pistols!).

Whats a tape :p
Christmas Driving Music. - maz64
No point on tempting you with some Buzzcocks or Sex Pistols then Ted!

Sounds like you've got the sort of musical taste to appreciate the Rage Against The Machine 'Christmas' track then Rattle
Christmas Driving Music. - Rattle
I have considered buying it and I might do, I might go down to my local record shop to see if they have it in 7" (I buy most my hard copy music on vinyl).

I would be annoyed if it didn't get to number one though!
Christmas Driving Music. - maz64
see if they have it in 7"

Not sure if that will count towards chart positions!
Christmas Driving Music. - 1400ted
Buzzpistols ! Sexcocks ! can't say I have ever heard any of this sort of music. Wasn't into 'pop ' even when your age, Rats. As a Police Cadet, I did talk the Super into letting me go and help at the first Beatles concert in Manchester, at the Ardwick Apollo !
It wasn't because of the music though.....I knew there would be lots of fainting girls in mini-skirts and boots.......and I was right !! I'll have to educate you...you're of an age where you should be appreciating more ' serious ' stuff.

Christmas Driving Music. - maz64
Smiths or the Cure (all fairly easy listening compared to the Sex Pistols!).

Actually behind the Sex Pistols' sneering were some fairly conventional (and tuneful) melodies. I think Johnny Marr wrote much more musically complicated and perhaps therefore less accessible stuff, most of which I bought as a student.
Christmas Driving Music. - Lud
Ian Dury, 'New Boots and Panties' if you like punk Rattle.

There's a very good track called Plaistow Patricia. Be sure to turn the volume up to max and open the windows just before it comes on. It will impress any passers-by (or if at home, your parents and the neighbours) with your superior musical taste and generally demure approach to life.


Edited by Lud on 17/12/2009 at 17:58

Christmas Driving Music. - Rattle
I meant brand new 7" :)

On a cheap car system all you can really here is Morrissey's vocals anyway, but I agree on my HIFI system there is no way I could drive and listen to teh Smiths, I would be far too busy listening to Marr's guitars rifts to concentrate on driving!

And yep the Sex Pistols are simple melodies, just like the Ramones, Buzzcocks etc its all the same chords.

My mate got told off once many years ago driving his battered MK3 Fiesta, he was about 20 at the time, he was listening to Limp Bizkit at top volume and the cops pulled him over! These days he listens to XFM on almost silent.

As we all know I prefer to listen to the sounds of valves clattering away than music when driving I leave that to my HIFI. I have thought about putting some christmas lights in my car but its highly ilegal!
Christmas Driving Music. - Pugugly
Rattle people will laugh - don't do it.
Christmas Driving Music. - Rattle
I wouldn't do it anyway :) Just thought it would make a change, instead of Corsa with an ilegal exhaust, a Corsa with ilegal christmas lights!
Christmas Driving Music. - BobbyG
On my ipod I have a Christmas playlist featuring the normal Xmas songs as well as Carols, Nat King Cole etc.

On my half hour drive home I realised that I kept putting "Oh Holy Night" on. I am not the most religious of people but after being at the kids school carol concert last night and hearing that carol sung by close on 150 kids, in perfect harmonys with accompanying music also supplied by the kids, fair brought a lump to my throat!
Christmas Driving Music. - Optimist
Anyone recall Christmas on 45? Carols to a driving beat released in 1981, maybe.

My copy won't play any more, so if it's available anywhere I'd like to know.

There's also a Pretenders song: It must be Christmas time (?) of about the same vintage which I like to hear in the car.

Christmas Driving Music. - Brian Tryzers
Two Thousand Miles . Not one of the Pretenders' best - but then the bar for a Christmas single is rather lower. Stop the Cavalry , anyone?

And Rattle, if your hifi has clattery valves, you really ought to take it back to the shop.

Edited by WillDeBeest on 17/12/2009 at 21:32

Christmas Driving Music. - maz64
Anyone recall Christmas on 45? Carols to a driving beat released in 1981 maybe.
My copy won't play any more so if it's available anywhere I'd like to know.

At least 2 available on ebay at the moment.
Christmas Driving Music. - Pugugly

Bobby - found this on Mrs P's Laptop. Somewhat different version.
Christmas Driving Music. - perro
I quite like Sufi Koranic chanting but it's not easy to come by, so this will suffice ~

Christmas Driving Music. - bell boy

a proper steering wheel tapper
Christmas Driving Music. - ifithelps
...a proper steering wheel tapper....

Root beer, anyone?

Christmas Driving Music. - BobbyG
PU, certainly is a different version! I love the Welsh accent!

I have about 4 or 5 songs / tunes that make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when they are performed well (but not really xmas related!) but I do play them in my car!

O Holy Night
Highland Cathedral (bagpipe tune)
Do you hear the people sing from Les Mis

and finally
Eva Cassidy's Fields of Gold.

All for different reasons and different meanings but real heartwarming songs and tunes.
Christmas Driving Music. - tyro
Well, I'm not planning to be driving at Christmas. And even if I was, I rarely listen to music in the car.

But if I was driving and listening to music, I'd probably go for Vivaldi's Gloria or Handel's Messiah.
Christmas Driving Music. - Brentus
Ive got me i pod connected in the crv PUG. So i just play what i fancy. But more often on short journey's i usually have the local radio station tuned in and take what they play.
Christmas Driving Music. - Lud
I used to stay in a large cheap hotel over a cinema in downtown Algiers. Just down the road was what in the days of the French had been the Catholic cathedral, now a mosque. Five times a day a recording of a muezzin doing the prayer call would be played from its tower, now a minaret, at phenomenal volume.

The usual muezzin recording was of some ghastly fellow, no doubt a sincere believer, who made the call to prayer sound like a very large dog being sick. But once or twice a week - don't forget the first one was at dawn - the muezzin sang a fabulous glissando piece of music that I would defy anyone not to be moved by, or fail to understand whatever their language. Just sublime.

I stuck my cassette recorder on the balcony one afternoon and got the good muezzin loud and clear, along with a few honks from the traffic below. Really prized that tape, but it's long gone.

Oddly enough some religious Algerians seemed to think it was sort of sinful to enjoy that wonderful prayer call for itself. Especially of course if one was an unbeliever. Idiots.
Christmas Driving Music. - pda
I'll just stick with Angus and Lemmy:)

The Pogues probably:)

Christmas Driving Music. - theterranaut
Now you're talking Pat. On the way home last night in the snow I was varying widely between styles. Started with some AC/DC, "Highway to Hell", finished with "Astral Weeks" by Van Morrison. The bit where he sings "in another face" at the end of that particular track really moves me in an odd, slightly disturbing way. What does he know that I dont?

Anyway: Lud, you officially crack me up.


Christmas Driving Music. - perro
>>> Really prized that tape, but it's long gone. <<<

Tis a shame Sire, as you could have stuck it on Youtube!

ere's one of a close friend ~ www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUoWdP_ipOc
Christmas Driving Music. - Lud
Unfortunately, perro, my computer is refusing to play youtube all of a sudden. It tells me to get the latest flashplayer but won't install it because Javascript is turned off or something. It also says it won't install it if Firefox is open. But it won't do it if it's closed either.

It will play some film links, but not youtube ones at the moment.

That muezzin was really something though. I think what the puritanical Algerian Muslims were trying to tell me was that the content was the important thing, not the form. They didn't like me complaining about the vomiting dog muezzin because the content of what he was bawling was sacred, therefore every bit as good as the content of the other muezzin's song.

This is a perverse, wilfully philistine attitude in my opinion. Just take a look at the New English Bible, or indeed the English text of the Catholic Mass, if you don't believe me. Form counts.
Christmas Driving Music. - Rattle
Lud did you google the flash removal tool and then re-install it? I usually find it fixes this issue.
Christmas Driving Music. - Lud
Thank you Rattle. I will give it a try, but when it comes to computers I am the most incompetent dangerous mimser you could imagine. Strange but true! The nippers are better at this stuff than I am.
Christmas Driving Music. - perro
>>> That muezzin was really something though. <<<

Yes, I can just imagine Lud, it must have been some experience - especially with their culture on the one hand and an AK47 in the other!
I don't adhere to any Religion really, I lean towards being a freelance monotheist, but one thing I have found is that all these 'so called' Religious wars are nothing of the sort really - they're about money + power IMO.
Anyway, back to the OP ... if you ever do get youtube to play - give this one a whirl ~
Christmas Driving Music. - oilrag
Anything with a trumpet solo would arrest me in flipping between stations.
I used to play one, also a cornet and baritone horn.

It`s a very long time ago but I can still feel a trumpet in my hand when listening and the fingers on my hand twitch a little - funny that.

There`s nothing like hearing a Yorkshire brass band cracking into a march - up the hill in Upper Mill - sound bouncing off the walls of buildings and in the background the adjudicator in his box, listening to the `set piece`in the great competitions.

A trumpet solo though, as opposed to the softer more rounded tone of the cornet. Something else and out of this world really.

I was always flaky on the high notes - lips too thick and more suited to the lower register, in instruments with larger mouth pieces.

A good jazz trumpeter then, to listen to at Christmas - old self taught school, a handkerchief draped over the fingers - to not show the fingering positions as different to those of us who learnt more formally.

Actually, Eddie Canter would be great also with `apple blossom white` ??

Christmas Driving Music. - perro
You don't mean Eddie Calvert ~

Christmas Driving Music. - oilrag
Yes, I do Perro. Thanks for that ;-)
Christmas Driving Music. - Alby Back
Went to a brass band concert on Friday. Frankly I was dreading it but now a convert, really very good. Anyone know where I could get some ferrets and wide leg trousers ?
Christmas Driving Music. - Altea Ego
one for the road....
