Walking home from the shops today I saw a DVLA liveried van driving thru the estate, together with signage on how to report an untaxed car. It was a Transit with a big roof-rack on it and what was clearly an ANPR camera mounted at each corner, at 45 degs to the fore-aft axis of the van. I hadn't seen one before. Are they new or have I just missed them?
AS, you have just missed them.
Been around for a while.
Normally clamp untaxed cars.
Thanks BobbyG - they are obviously widening the net from Chav Central into the stockbroker belt!
AS, I have bad news for you. Wokingham *IS* chav central.
No they dont operate at 10.000 feet but very active, and have been for some time at ground level.
Bags of clamps in the back......daggerdaggerdanger.
The DVLA clamping vans can be summoned by 'traffic wardens' - now civil enforcement officers - who report untaxed cars they come across on the beat.
Thanks AE! When my partner bought her house 30+ years ago the cul de sac was entirely occupied by officers attending the RAF Staff College. Over time the staff College has been closed and had 400+ houses built on it and her street has become multi-occupancy Polish registered car central so the DVLA van was a welcome sight!
your comments are worrying , do you you think that some polish drivers are breaking UK laws?