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05 ECU light on. Fault codes P132A, P132B & P1664. - TheresaT
Hi. I have a 2005 Mondeo which started running badly last week and the warning light flashing away. I took it to Ford on Thursday for them to look at it. I went back over on Friday and they had not completed their checks but they have told me it has the following faults;


The woman on reception had no further information on the computer. Can any of you please tell me what these mean and a rough figure to fix it.

Thank you. Theresa Twigg

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 13/12/2009 at 19:55

How much to repair my Mondeo - OG
P132A is the turbo actuator vane.


How much to repair my Mondeo - the swiss tony
P132B is turbo boost control 'A' performance.

P1664 is injection pump control module malfunction.


(full list of fault codes found here - racingtec.sg1009.myweb.hinet.net/DTC.pdf )
How much to repair my Mondeo - john96
Google is wonderful Theresa...

p132a- turbo actuator vane

p1664- fuel injection pump

p132b- seems to be activated if the required boost levels are not achieved during a learn cycle or at specific speed.

Imagine this could be expensive!!!
How much to repair my Mondeo - TheresaT
Thank you gentlemen, but what does this actually mean? I don't know a great deal about cars so please be gentle. Is this something that can be quickly and easily fixed or left until my finances are improved, or does it mean that I will have to be without the car for a long time and facing a whopping bill? I am currently between jobs and have two interviews to attend during the coming week. Do you think I should arrange a hire car on Monday?
I have only had this car for 6 months and I have already spend £150 to repair the back brake.

Thank you. Theresa.
How much to repair my Mondeo - Blue {P}
Hi Theresa,

I'm not all that technical but they don't sound like the types of faults that can be left. Give this forum some time to answer but if not, then I hope HJ won't mind me recommending the guys at fordmondeo.org They will likely know exactly what that combination of error codes points too, make sure your post goes in the MK3 TDCI section though if you want the most specific help.

Good luck geting it sorted and please let us know how it turns out!

Edited by Blue {P} on 13/12/2009 at 17:47

How much to repair my Mondeo - Bagpuss
3 error codes at the same time. Could be as simple as a dodgy electrical contact.
How much to repair my Mondeo - piston power
This post wants to be in the techninal forum thats why your not getting the advise you require.
How much to repair my Mondeo - Martin Devon
My work from home indy who is brilliant at all things wheels has read a few codes off of the Master over the years and often, but not always 1 or 2 others get 'thrown up' by the one really at fault.

How much to repair my Mondeo - WorkshopTech
Mixed news on this one I think.
My gut feeling is that the P1664 is nothing to worry about and will clear OK. If the pump really does go AWOL then I'd expect other codes relating to it as well. Could be wrong, but that's my guess.

The other codes relate to the crap turbo actuator system used on this car. We see about one of these a month.
In simple terms, (to the OP who doesnt know much about engines), the turbo is a little fan which blows air into the engine to make it operate more efficiently. The fan is powered by fast moving gasses in the exhaust pipe. To make the best use of the turbo it is fitted with a series of little metal vanes which have to be moved through an angle according to engine load and speed. Now on most cars these things are moved by a vacuum operated actuator which is normally fairly reliable. the bright sparks who designed your modneos turbo decided to move the vanes using an electrical actuator (like a little motor) sat on top of the turbo.
Now turbos get very hot, and electic motors dont like heat and they go wrong. So the chances are the actuator has packed up.
Now Ford (again, a company full of highly paid bright sparks) say the actuator and turbo go together a a pair and you have to buy the whole package. This costs something heading towards £1000 and then needs to be fitted etc etc. So at your dealer this could be a £1200 repair.

Now, we have swapped actuators off secondhand turbos and they have worked OK as replacements, but its not officually approved.

My suggestion is get your car out of the ford dealer ASAP before they take you for a ride on this. Get it to an independent diesel or turbo specialist who should be able to fix it all in for about £800 or so (or less if you go with used parts,but thats a bit risky).

\ Advert removed.... do new turbos for about £700 and thats maybe the best bet if you are keeping the car. HTH.

Edited by rtj70 on 13/12/2009 at 19:49

How much to repair my Mondeo - rtj70
Moving to technical.

It's a shame Aprilia doesn't post on here now as this was the sort of thing he'd respond to if I remember correctly.
How much to repair my Mondeo - M.M
Will take the liberty of pasting in your post you put in Discussion so further replies here make sense...

It has been at the Ford garage since last week and they have now confirmed that it needs a new Turbo. The fault is as described by one of you. It has a motor on top of the turbo and that motor has failed. Ford cannot supply the motor alone, and so I have to buy the two together. With fitting they will charge me almost £1300. If I don't let them do the repair they intend to charge me £140 for finding the fault. Do you think this is a fair price, I did expect they would charge of course, but it seems expensive.
I am a single mother with two children, recently made redundant (lloking hard for another job!), and Christmas is coming up. One of the replies suggested that I might fit a secondhand part. Do you think this would be a good idea? When can I buy a secondhand turbo?
A garage that repairs diesel cars have quoted me £760 inc vat over the phone to do the job, using a reconditioned part. Will this be as good as the Ford part?
I am very disappointed that this has happened and I don't know what the best course of action would be. My background is in the food industry and I know nothing at all about cars, in fact I didn't even know my car had a turbo until last weekend. I have only had the car 6 months, it has only covered 67,000 miles and was a one owner car with full service records. It was owned by a man who worked for Ford, so I thought it would be a good purchase. Clearly not. Thank You. Theresa.

My opinion... get it away from Ford and have the independent guys do the cheaper repair... there is no problem using recon parts as long as you get a warranty (a year?) This will save you about £400 before Chrismas.

Sadly these expensive repairs out of the blue are the way many modern cars are going... it has changed my outlook on what type of cars we buy, where from and how much I value a warranty.

Edited by M.M on 15/12/2009 at 13:36

How much to repair my Mondeo - Collos25
They cost £675 plus vat for a new one plus fitting If you look on ebay for "Micktheturbo" then you should get an almost new one for around £275.Had the same problem on my Jag x type 2.0 diesel same engine and turbo.
How much to repair my Mondeo - WorkshopTech
Can anyone explain why the company I recommended has been removed "advert removed" whereas I see other posters recommending companies with no problems. Will 'micktheturbo' be deleted then?
Incidentally, I have no connection with the company I mentioned other than knowing that they provide new parts at good prices with good service.
How much to repair my Mondeo - WorkshopTech

I don't really recommend recon turbos on these Fords, with or without a warranty. We have only fitted a few and they all failed after a few months. The warranty does not usually cover the labour involved, so it can work out expensive for the customer.
I don't recommend secodnhand turbos from unknown sources either.

What I will suggest is that you swap over the actuator unit. This is not approved of by Ford, but we have done a few times and not had problems. Its also fairly quick and easy to do.

Under the circumstances, if youd like to e-mail me at the address below with your details then I will send you a tested and working actuator FOC, just a charge for packing and courier (say £15). Then get an independent repairer to fit it. You have very little to lose using this approach.
Please note that this is for TheresaT ONLY, I dont want load of e-mails from people asking for free turbo parts.

address is:

workshoptech (at) safe-mail (dot) net
How much to repair my Mondeo - WorkshopTech
£140 to read fault codes at the Ford dealer is expensive, but not surprising. Often they will justify it by saying £70 to read fault codes and another £70 for inspection of the part. Its a case of charge what you can get away with.
We usually charge £25 to read fault and £25 for interpretation, if cusotmer asks for it and takes car awaty. If customer has us do the repair then the second £25 is wiaved.