Going Korean - perro
Hold on to your horses, I think I've actually found a Korean I may like, to replace my Almera + it comes with a 'proper' autobox on the 1.6
Going Korean - Alby Back
"Evenln' all ! ....Mines a pint ta....now then, I've just got m'self a new car"

"Oh, what is it?"

"A Venga"

"Thought you said it was new, them's as old as the hills.....s'prised it's still goin' !"

Going Korean - jc2
Going Korean - Bagpuss

Actually a Korean designed in Germany (Ruesselsheim) and built in Slovakia. Completely European product.
Going Korean - Altea Ego
>>Completely European product.
Apart from parts and components flowing from Korea to Slovakia, and profits flowing from Slovakia to Korea.
Going Korean - Bagpuss
Apart from parts and components flowing from Korea to Slovakia and profits flowing from Slovakia
to Korea.

Well a lot of the stuff will be sourced locally. A lot of tier 1 and 2 automotive suppliers have set up shop in Slovakia to supply the car industry there and the steel will probably come from Germany (as did the robots for the factory). As to profits - check out the profitability of Kia, they're not doing too well!
Going Korean - carl_a
Actually a Korean designed in Germany (Ruesselsheim) and built in Slovakia. Completely European product.

Actually German designed (well some of it) and built by Hyundai for Kia in the Czech Republic. The Venga isn't Kia's version of the i20 and it won't replace the Rio, its an MPV product. Hyundai will have their own version coming off the same production line at some point next year.
Going Korean - Bagpuss
Actually German designed (well some of it) and built by Hyundai for Kia in the
Czech Republic.

I stand corrected. I thought Hyundai only built the i30 in the Czech Republic.
Going Korean - carl_a
I thought Hyundai only built the i30 in the Czech Republic.

They needed to produce more models to get up to manufacturing 300,000 cars a year there. Kia is going to be making the Hyundai ix35 at the Kia factory next year. I assume its all to do with platforms and making best use of the facilities.
Going Korean - perro
>>> s'prised it's still goin' !" <<<

Ah! you must be referring to the TG-10 Brushfire powered by the GE J85

>>> A SLOVAKIAN Korean!!! <<<

Does it really matter these days (I ask myself) my Panasonic telly was made up the other end (Czech Republic) and I would recommend it to anyone.

Going Korean - ifithelps
For some reason, I can't think of Going Korean without thinking of Turning Japanese:


Going Korean - Altea Ego
I have with the lancer. Its my first car thats come from further east than Turin.
Going Korean - Alby Back
My latest one is Far Eastern. Sunderland to be precise......Wye Aye factory I gather.
Going Korean - ifithelps
...Wye Aye factory I gather...

Gan canny, Humph, me old marrer.

Going Korean - perro
>>> For some reason, I can't think of Going Korean without thinking of Turning Japanese: <<<

Great song from the 80's - one of Ray's Fav's :)
Going Korean - jc2
My Toshiba TV was made in Wales.
Going Korean - perro
>>> My Toshiba TV was made in Wales. <<<

my previous sony tv was made in gran britannia.
Going Korean - Rattle
The Toshiba plant closed down a few months ago :(

Sony still do have a factory in the UK which makes broadcasting TV equipment I think.

My LG M227WDP TV is make in Polski. It is a Korean brand made in Poland.

My parents used to have an old Tatung TV, made in UK.

My Cambridge Audio amp (British brand and designed in London) was made in China.

My Vauxhall car was made in Spain.

Many years ago I bought a cheap PC keyboard from Maplin, I was staggered to find it said "Made in UK".

The brand means nothing to where it was actually made now. A Toyota is more like to made in the UK than a Ford these days.
Going Korean - perro
Amazing Rattle ... My Cambridge Audio CD4 (old one) has "Made in PRC" on a little sticker tucked well out of the way, in fact it's the 1st time I've seen it since I bought the critter 12 years ago!
At least my Arcam Alpha 7 is made in Britannia.
Going Korean - Rattle
Yep but it is still a very odd combination. American owned company > Designed in Germany > Built in Spain > British brand.

Mind you a lot of the bits on my car are designed by a UK company known as Lotus. No doubt half the trim is made some where stupid like Australia.

Going Korean - Old Navy
some where stupid like Australia.

I take it you don't have first hand knowledge of the place.
Going Korean - Rattle
Indeed, the CD4 was an Audio Partnership product. They have a very big ISO 9002 certified factory in China and its owned mostly by a certain Mr Julian Richer, hence people think Cambridge is a Richersounds brand, its not quite the case.

Never the less my Azure 640A is a brilliant product, it has lots of very high end features and I still cannot believe I got it for £150 just because it was last years model. Had it for nearly three years now, last time they were selling these they were £250 and they originaly sold for £350.

NAD were one of the original HIFI companies to take advantage of China's new standards in quality control. Now it seems the far east companies are using Europeans expertise to design and build better cars than they could with Hyundais knowledge of rear wheel drive propshafts!
Going Korean - perro
How's your dad doing now Rattle, is he out & on the mend ok?
There are a few Azure 640A's on ebay @ the mo.
So NAD is made in PRC, well blow me down with a wet woodbine!
At least Arcam are made here still (I think)
Re: Hyundia, I well remember the Stellar & Pony from the 80's :( but they've learnt the game now like the Jap's did in the 70's = 1st they copy, and then they improve on the original ... I wonder where that leaves the Chinese MG when it comes over and is eventually made here, Chinese, MG, doesn't have quite the same ring to it somehow.