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97 2.5 300 TDI starting problems after lift pump s - DP
Changed the (noisy but functional) lift pump on dad's 97 Disco 300TDI over the weekend, since when I have had massive problems with air in the fuel system.

I followed the Haynes instructions to the letter. Removed the pipes from injectors 3 and 4, and slackened the unions on the injection pump end to allow the pipes to be swivelled out of the way, took the inlet and outlet hoses off the lift pump, undid the two bolts, removed the pump, refitted/reversed process etc. The engine would start, but start running rough and stopping. When I cracked the bleed screw off the pump housing, air would come out in quite large quantities.

I have used new olives and female connectors on the lift pump hose connections, and there is not a hint of diesel leaking from any of the joints I've disturbed, but clearly there is air getting in somewhere. In desperation, I refitted the old pump, again with olives. Now the car will start and run as long as you want it to, but it is an absolute swine to start, cranking for 20-30 seconds before firing up. Once it's running, all seems well.

I'm tearing my hair out. The joints all look good, there's no sign of diesel anywhere, but it's a swine to start. It seems to drive perfectly OK, but just doesn't want to fire up. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to take any longer to fire up when you switch off and back on again, or leave the thing overnight.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

PS - this car has always started instantly, hot or cold.


Edited by DP on 30/11/2009 at 17:56

97 2.5 300 TDI starting problems after lift pump s - injection doc
suspect the new pump. the way to chack is get some clear plastic pipe & fit it after the pump. If you can see air bubbles streaming along then it confirms air is getting in , if not try the clear pipe before the pump & check again.
97 2.5 300 TDI starting problems after lift pump s - 659FBE
I've seen some very shoddy Chinese bits in Land Rover boxes - supplied by them.

Lift pumps are a real fast mover on this engine.
