06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - Snakey
I'm looking to buy a 06 Vectra 1.9 cdti Estate, with the 120bhp engine.

Can anyone tell me a) if it has the DPF (I suspect it has) and b) what maintenance the infernal thing would require?

I've tried ringing a couple of local Vauxhall dealers and after being told I would be called back twice with no result I gave up!

I quite fancy the car, but the DPFs seem to be a nightmare on most cars
06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - topbloke
can't give you a difinitive answer on that question, i usually look under the car/bonnet to see if it has one but i would offer this advice, if you drive like a maiden aunt then stay away from anything that has a dpf if however you occansionaly drive it like you stole it then they arn't a problem, the biggest problem stems from the miss selling of the vehicle in the first instance and driver education in the second,basically if you give it an "italian tune up" once in a while then it should be okay only other thing is that if you are buying from a dealer then ask if it can have the latest software downloaded to the engine ecu (if indeed it has a dpf) there was an update to warn the driver that the vehicle needs a good blowout (italian tune up) the engine managment light flashes when the dpf is almost full,Regards TB
06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - Dynamic Dave
According to www.srba.cz/opel/files/pdf/srba-servis-vectra-spec...f it has a DPF.
06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - Snakey
Cheers for the info.

Its at an independant dealer, who honestly admits he doesn't know whether it on or not.

Now to decided whether the risk of DPF and snapped spring are worth the risk!
06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - topbloke
dont understand what the bit about broken spring is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - Dynamic Dave
TB, I'm guessing he's referring to the front suspension coil springs, which have not been unknown for them to break.
06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - topbloke
what car dont break springs this day and age
06 1.9 CDTI Estate - DPF or not? - Snakey
Sorry, I meant (as I've had a vectra before) that the risk of springs snapping is so high that its a consideration when buying one.

Good all round car apart from that though!