Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Skepsis
Is it me or is there an increase in people pulling into traffic from a side road and then NOT accelerating causing you to slow down?

This seems to be happening more and more as if the new 'rule' is. Get into the main road and then idle along.

I thought that it was necessary to pull into traffic so as to not cause the on coming cars to have to slow?

After this if you safely over take them as they pootle, it's then a crime, in their eyes, for you to over take them!

Are these the same people that accelerate to stop you overtaking them and/or do not leave a gap for overtakers?



Edited by Pugugly on 04/10/2009 at 17:56

Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Lud
Tell us about it Skepsis.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Manatee
>>Is it me ... ?

Not necessarily. Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not all just waiting for you to come along.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Robin Reliant
Happens all the time down here, generally either a flat capped old boy or some old dear with a blue rinse in a Fiesta. Proceeding to idle along along at below 30 in a 60 is not uncommon either

What is most annoying is that there is often hardly any traffic on the roads, so it's not as if they can't wait for a gap. Funnily enough, you rarely see anyone react to it. Back in Essex it would lead to an explosion of murderous road rage.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - gordonbennet
Happens all the time.

What really annoys is when someone pulls out in front in their large engined car, toodles up the road causing you to brake and then when you are down to their speed zoomes off to show you just how big their thing is...they do this to truck drivers a lot, probably getting their own back for someone else's affront to them previously.

Poor driving is one thing, deliberately antagonizing others is different.

As for those who try to prevent you overtaking, had one of those Friday evening, he was quite annoyed, must have taken 2 years off his headlight flasher.

Hope this makes sense, lost me readers whilst picking the last apples from the tree..;)
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - b308
Back in Essex it would lead to an explosion of
murderous road rage.

Glad I don't live there then... its just one of many annoying things these days... especially the volume of traffic, personally I think the rest of you should stop driving so me and Lud can waft around without any problems...

Relax... its not worth the agro...
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Mick Snutz
Its all very well saying relax, its not worth the aggro but motoring is a big part of some peoples lives whether they like it or not so when this sort of thing happens it will have an effect on them.
My personal hatred is when you're in a convoy of say 3 cars and after you there's nothing for three miles, but the 'good samaritan' at the head of the convoy decides to stop simply in order to let a little old dear turn right so she can get to the shops and buy her little Tiddles a tin of cat food.
Meanwhile three cars now have to get into first gear and use more fuel and produce more noxious gasses accelerating up to speed once more.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - b308
I must be getting to the age when getting wound up just doesn't seem worth it... I do get annoyed sometimes, but have calmed down an awful lot... one way is by planning my journey better so I'm not in so much of a rush... and I'd say doing that is even more important to those for whom "motoring is a big part of some (peoples) their lives" when setting off a little earlier means that sort of incident doesn't take on the same level of annoyance...

Lets face it there are far too many cars on the roads, and no amount of road building will alieviate it, so the best we can do is make the best of a bad job... I'm not saying things are perfect, just work out ways of learning to live with it without ending up being killed by some road rage maniac....

Edited by b308 on 04/10/2009 at 21:19

Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Mick Snutz
I agree planning one's journey helps but if an incident occurrs along the lines being discussed here it still raises your blood pressure. There's nothing wrong with admitting being narked off because of someone's stupidity. We're all human and humans have emotions. Having some berk pulling out in front of your pride and joy causes stress.
Besides if someone pulls out then proceeds to crawl along, any spare time you planned into your journey will have vanished now because you're now stuck behind some twonk crawling at 40 on a NSL.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Manatee
Having some berk
pulling out in front of your pride and joy causes stress.

There's a lot you can do to reduce it - starting by just acknowledging it will happen, and deciding to stay calm.
Besides if someone pulls out then proceeds to crawl along any spare time you planned
into your journey will have vanished now

..but that's why you allow enough time - it's like having a small insurance policy and claiming on it.

>>because you're now stuck behind some twonk crawling
at 40 on a NSL.

A twonk such as a LGV driver limited to 40 mph on a single carriageway NSL? How frustrated must he or she be?

Of course it's natural to be irked, but if you allow yourself to get worked up, the only person who suffers is you. I'm pretty calm these days, allow plenty of time, and I've started enjoying driving more. I'll knock on when I can, but it's not a disaster if I get held up for a minute or two.

About the only thing I have no patience with is tailgating, but I'm working on that ;-)
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Hamsafar
A lot of people also seem to go into the right lane at traffic lights and then set of really slowly boxing you in. You can see them looking in the mirror doing it on purpose sometimes. I think they think that they are doing God's work.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - smokyjoe
Yes i too have noticed this happening quite frequently mabe its because its now being drummed into us that to save the worlds resources we should avoid sharp acceleration.

On our way back home today this very thing happened to us, we where traveling along a very straight road about 1 mile or so long at between 55 and 65mph when in the distance we saw a car pull up from a side road and stop, we got to about 150 yards from the junction and it pulled out infront off us, the misses was rather cross and braked hard and pulled up behind it then the driver noticed us in the mirror and braked, we both crawled along at 32 mph untill we could pass he then sped up as we where passing and we ended up doing just over 75mph to get past,
To top it off when we passed him he looked across and called us t0ssers with the full hand actions, have you ever tried to explain that to 2 young girls in the car.
now i defy anyone not to get cross at that.

just like to add that i wrote down the reg no and am going to report him for it tommorow.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Pugugly
Common occurrence on a bike sadly. There's a particular stretch of Dual Carrigeway in North Wales where I can almost warrant that on the approach to a roundabout a whilst you're in lane one that a car will draw up in lane 2, try to out pace you then cut in front of you to get into Lane 1 on the other side and then accelerate to 60 and stay there. Never happens in the car, always on the bike, I try to approach in lane 2, but the camber of the roundabout curves make it a bit iffy.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Sofa Spud
Can any of us say that we have never pulled out onto a main road causing another driver to ease off a little as they come up behind?

What if a T-junction has limited visibility to your right, you can't see anything coming and pull out, but just round the bend, out of view, was a crazy biker is approaching at 80 mph? The biker would assume you pulled out in front of them because you didn't look properly or weren't paying attention, when, in fact, they hadn't been visible to you at all.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Pugugly
You don't have to be crazy or riding near the speed limit for that to happen......I have seen people eyeball me and then pull out in front of me.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - gordonbennet
Can any of us say that we have never pulled out onto a main road
causing another driver to ease off a little as they come up behind?

Agreed SS we've all got it wrong sometimes, and i never worry about anyone pulling out in front if they get the clog down and clear off, which is exactly what i do, foot to the floor and gone.

It's those that mince about taking all the time in the world that annoy, whether by sheer incompetence/ignorance or intentional obstruction...i'm unsure which is worse, but it's getting more widespread.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - the swiss tony
I was once in a car being driven by a work colleague, who wore thick glasses, and I swear he couldnt see even with them...

at a t junction he waited till a car was on top of us before pulling out (and turning right) Im sure that was because until he saw it he wasnt sure if anything was coming or not!

that was the 1st, and last time I got in a car with him!
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Lud
i never worry about anyone pulling out in front if they get the clog down and clear off

It's those that mince about taking all the time in the world that annoy

Absolutely gb. Those drivers, and the many here who secretly or overtly support and defend them, need a kick of unexampled savagery right up the whassername.

But as you say, the carphounds are in the ascendant. What to do?

Nothing I'm afraid. Doing anything positive about it would take an enlightened authority, with executive staff like Westpig in a good mood. Dream on.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - teabelly
>> Can any of us say that we have never pulled out onto a main
>> causing another driver to ease off a little as they come up behind?
Agreed SS we've all got it wrong sometimes and i never worry about anyone pulling
out in front if they get the clog down and clear off which is exactly
what i do foot to the floor and gone.
It's those that mince about taking all the time in the world that annoy whether
by sheer incompetence/ignorance or intentional obstruction...i'm unsure which is worse but it's getting more widespread.

Absolutely agree with you. If I pull out and someone is approaching faster than I realised then I make sure I clog it to give them as much space as possible. Also do the same on NSL dual carriageways if someone is coming up behind me quite quickly and I'm overtaking. I'll speed up to get out of their way bit more quickly if I have room in front. Seems polite.

Some herberts seem to speed up when you try and overtake them. You slot in behind then they suddenly slow down! So you pull out to overtake them again and they often speed up. Usually end up pushing on and getting past them if they're going to be dog in the manger. Often men so you know they are deficient in certain departments.

The mincers are most dangerous when you follow them to join a dual carriageway or motorway. They pranny about at 40mph for most of the way up the slip road. Have started to floor it past these types as they are often a total liability.

Clearly the speed kills mantra has made a load of people into ditherers and afraid to use appropriate speed. Joining a motorway at 40mph is lethal but obviously they think they're being virtuous by not accelerating briskly. Save the planet but end up in a hospital bed with a mangled car. Hmmmm.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - cjehuk
This seems to be a common occurrence in the west of Scotland too, and it is highly infuriating. It seems to be becoming more prevalent everywhere as people suddenly feel the need to inflict their driving style on others. It's a closely related condition to the one that causes people to overtake you when you're doing 60mph on an NSL road and bomb away from you, only to drop below 40mph because the road bends very gently to the left.

As a result of this I feel the need to have a powerful car because when I drove a 2.0TDI I would try and overtake such people and they would then attempt to prevent the overtake. They now have less of an option about this. Overtaking of course only when safe and legal to do so, but that still doesn't stop some people trying to prevent you passing.
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - Dave_TD
About the only thing I have no patience with is tailgating, but I'm working on that ;-)

Copious amounts of windscreen washer fluid, I find, works a treat. Especially if it properly smears the virgin flies on their windscreen. ;-)
Vehicle pulling into traffic and then driving slow - dieseldogg
Tother particular aggravating twist to this pulling out habit.
On our mostly? less busy N I roads
Is pulling out in front of me
When there are NO OTHER cars behind me
You cant fix stupid