I have a Leon TDi SE, the 110 bhp version. Most of the time I'm so pleased with this car that I feel like that driver sketch Saab are using for their new ad campaign. Recently, a glitch has turned up which has marred the driving experience somewhat. Under heavy-ish acceleration, say flooring it above 2200 revs, the engine sometimes starts to hiccup. If I keep the foot to the floor, the effect becomes even more pronounced, the engine kangaroos and the traction control warning light comes on and stays on until the engine is switched off. On restarting, the warning light does not reappear.
This happened earlier this year, shortly before the first service - the dealer ran a diagnostic check at the time and found no fault. However, he did say that this type of fault has come up before, and there was even a recall on some Leons to remedy the fault - however, my VIN is not one of the batch that were recalled. The fault apparently relates to the ABS system, which is connected to the traction control system.
After the service (around May) the problem seemed to have disappeared, but in the last few weeks it has returned. Loss of overall power and reduced fuel consumption (down from an excellent 58+ mpg to an average 53 mpg on the display) have also been noticeable. This time, when it first happened, I kept the engine running and took the car to the dealer again straight away, so he could see the traction control warning light and run the diagnostic check while it was still illuminated. The computer recorded an unspecified fault at first - then after switching the engine off and on again, it found no fault and found no memory of a fault, which he said it should have. We had to leave it for a few days while he got in touch with Seat UK about it - they came back to say that a new piece of diagnostic equipment is now available which should deal with this. In fact, at the time, his technician was already booked onto the training course for using this computer and by now has finished it.
Once the technician returns from his holidays tomorrow, my car will be booked in - at the moment the plan is to replace the ABS control unit to see if that solves the problem - if it doesn't, the whole engine management system may be replaced. Fortunately, this is all under warranty! I'll let you know of any developments and try to get more specific information on the root cause of the fault - it may be worth including in the Car-by-Car breakdown. If anyone else has come across this in a Leon or other VAG TDi (especially the 110 bhp version), I'd like to hear what happened in other instances.
Its a pity about the fault. However it sounds like the dealer is looking after you rather than fobbing you off.
Shame on you HJ for gloating. lol :)
Not sure if this helps but I have the 1.6s 16v which has consistently suffered from poor fuel consumption c30mpg and occasionally on heavy acceleration the engine dies for a second or two before running normally again. No other symptoms, car has had the ecu changed and had two services which has 'shown' no glitch in the software. Let us know how you get on, I'm back to the dealer in the next couple of weeks!
Hi again, sorry this has taken so long to update. I couldn't make the time to bring the car in until Friday morning just past. Apparently the pressure setting of one of the injectors was way too high - however, that information was gleaned from a very short phone call from work in between meetings, so I'll know more on Monday afternoon. Don't know how it got so high - unless the problem was there from day one and gradually crept up - possible software fault maybe?
If there are any pertinent questions I need to ask the dealer on Monday, put them here and I'll ask them (but no impertinent ones, mind you ... I'll get me coat).
Right, here are the details. The electronic injector had developed a fault, specifically "Commencement of injection - control difference. Needle/sender faulty." So a new injector was put in under warranty, which would normally have been £250 just for the part. Dealer was good, - touched up a paint chip free of charge - but the part took an extra two days to arrive, so the courtesy car got 400 miles on it. Have only done a few miles to come home, so haven't had the chance to floor it yet and see how it goes. Oh and he said there was a possibility the lamda sensor may be responsible for the glitch in the 1.6.