Been looking (out of curiosity) at personel plates, first through the DVLA site and then through the site which is featured on the top of the HJ home page, I am amazed to find that the HJ advertised site is selling the same DVLA numbers at a hefty premium eg DVLA plate £499 through, the \"agency\" £644!!!.
I always thought personal plates were for snobs & rich people but out of curiosty I visited the DVLA plate website, typed in the registration number I fancied epecting it to cost £££ but when it came up at a cost of £250 I thought why not and it is now residing on the front and rear of my mondeo.
However I can't understand these people who buy old NI number plates on the cheap e.g BAZ 1234, TAZ 5678, they look awful!
Looking on e-bay at plates for sale and the prices that some of them fetch I wonder if a tidy profit could be made by buying distinctive plates direct from the DVLA and then putting them up for sale on e-bay, if I had the balls (and the cash) I would consider doing this myself! This is obviously what the company you refer to is doing!
The point is they are not outlaying any cash as the numbers are presently held by the dvla so it looks like anyone can set themselves up selling these plates mmmmmmmm !
Be a bit difficult to sell one, then find it's already been sold by DVLA.
Take cover, chaps..................
You are corrct about the private agents mark up. I noticed one or two plates I was interested in were actually cheaper on the DVLA site.
As for the NI plates, people buy them because they are dateless (or appear to be) so no one knows how old their car is.
I have noted the crass comments on an earlier thread re personal plate ownership. I own a pre - 1963 (no prefix) solely as a sound investment, If you follow the DVLA site over a few weeks, you can pick up a decent number that will gain in value second only to that of property.
Not certain about that claim.
The DVLA carefully releases numbers to Classic or Custom auctions with set reserve prices on them. Any decent plate has a reserve of around £2500 to £3000.
99.99% of plates do not appreciate in value that much.
Not certain about that claim. The DVLA carefully releases numbers to Classic or Custom auctions with set reserve prices on them. Any decent plate has a reserve of around £2500 to £3000. 99.99% of plates do not appreciate in value that much.
If I may be so bold YOU may be wrong. In the late seventies I sold an Anglia van, umpteenth hand and generally f, sorry knackered with reg **** (nothing special I assure you), followed by MD. Just look at the prices today for similar registrations. Second only to property someone said!
"99.99% of plates do not appreciate in value that much."
Who was it said that 92.374% of statistics are made up on the spot?
Most plate prices reflect the rarity of the initials - I figure it's cheaper to buy a plate with an obscure set of initials and head off to the Deed Poll.
Most plate prices reflect the rarity of the initials - I figure it's cheaper to buy a plate with an obscure set of initials and head off to the Deed Poll.
Fortunately my name happens to be W182DJR...
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
Saw a good plate last Friday on the Edinburgh on a new BMW convertible M3 YE52BMW or YES 2 BMW.
The spacing can qualify for 3 strikes and your out. If you are stopped and warned about your plate not conforming to the regulations three times your plate is deleted at your cost.
My grandfather owned the registration WET1 for as long as I could remember. When he died in the mid 80's, it was sold for about £5000. Coincidentally it is currently for sale - at £24,650 - not a bad inflation beater for somebody.
Why in so many photos and auctions do we see number plates "erased" or blanked out? What's the big deal?
SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
It's so that the same photo can be used over more than one registration period and in more than one country without having to reshoot or touch up.
Apparantly whenever the use a recognisable telephone number in a television program or film, thousands of sad people ring it to see what they get. Therefore they use dead numbers pre-agreed with the local telephone companies.
I assumed that these number plates were blanked out for some similar reason.
You mean you kept getting an engaged tone?
Is that why whenever a phone number is quoted on US films/tv it always begins with 555? -it's puzzled me for years - but not enough to find out why!!
Is that why whenever a phone number is quoted on US films/tv it always begins with 555? -it's puzzled me for years - but not enough to find out why!!
Yes I've always noted that and presume that there is no exchange which starts 555. Similar to saying 0209
our local boys, telkom, obviously haven't seen to many movies...
With the rise in double lines (one for internet, one for phone), a lot of new local numbers have become 555 numbers.
>>Is that why whenever a phone number is quoted on US films/tv it always begins with 555?
Exactly why. Apparantly people are even sad enough to try and see the number dialled, even where one isn't said, to see where it takes them.
You are corrct about the private agents mark up. I noticed one or two plates I was interested in were actually cheaper on the DVLA site.
Yes, one I am interested in is £250 including transfer fee from the DVLA, £395 + fee from agents.
Always look on the DVLA site first!