Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - 28 AC
I own a BMW 335d Coupe with 19" wheels & runflats.
From new it managed 14k miles before scrubbing the inside edge off all 4 tyres. The front tyres still had 50% of their original depth over 85-90% of the surface. The dealer told me I would need a 'KDS alignment' to sort this which cost nearly £300.
14k miles later again scrubbed all 4 inside edges, again the dealer told me a 'KDS allignment' would solve this. He appeared shocked when told the car had already had one.

I spoke to customer services @ BMW (UK) & they stated that this was not normal & to return to the dealer so they could investigate.

Returned to the to be told that the tyre wear was normal for this model & BTW both rear wheels are cracked £1000 please.

I again complained to BMW (UK) who now told me that the tyre wear was normal & that I must have driven through a pot hole to crack both rear wheels & therefor they were not covered by warranty despite the car being 18 months old & having only done 28k miles.

I have filed with the county court that these wheels are not fit for the purpose.
Does anyone have any similar cases that they are willing to provide as coroberative evidence?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
If you google 'bmw 19 alloys cracking' there's a thread on pistonheads which might help.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - 330i
I recently bought a 12 month old 330i convertible (ex BMW owned) that had only covered 3.5k miles. I've had it 4 months and done 4000 miles in it myself. I had to take it to the dealer recently for a minor fault, only to be told when picking it up that I needed two new rear tyres and a KDS alignment recommended....totalling £900! (255 19 30 run flat tyres). The tyres have 7mm left across most of the tyre but have a 1" strip worn on the inside rim on both. Needless to say, the dealer doesnt want to know and has used every excuse under the sun from I've run them with out enough pressure, I've hit a pothole to I've kerbed them. I'm astonished that a car that I only bought 4 months ago can be costing me this much already (Oh....and by the way I've been told they wont guarantee that a KDS check will sort the problem!)....I'm ringing BMW UK tomorrow
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - bmw
I bought my 335i M Sport Conv from new and have had the car less than 2 years. Imagine my disgust this week when after my first service BMW tell me that I need 2 new rear alloys due to cracks. They tried to blame it on the roads but I've lived in the same place for 10 years and always driven performance cars and NEVER even heard of a cracked alloy let alone had 2! My car only had 13k on the clock and the garage even described it as 'imaculate' during the pre-service check. Looking at other websites there have to be some legal issues in respect of safety here that BMW should be worried about. In the meantime they have lost a loyal customer.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Hamsafar
There was another thread on here years ago, as I had déjå vü, and this is the only car forum I visit.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - bobbie
I'm a journo interested in the cracked alloys situation.
Would you be happy to chat???

020 800 80256

hope to hear from you.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Bagpuss
255/30R19 tyres? You must be best mates with your Orthopedist!

I once had a car with 19" wheels and 255/30 tyres at the back and 225/35 at the front. It looked great and was borderline acceptable on billiard table smooth road surfaces such as the autobahns in Southern Germany. I would not fancy using these tyres on potholed UK roads, my spine is too valuable.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - moonshine {P}

Both the ride quality and handling must really suffer with those size wheels and tyres. Personally I wouldn't feel safe with tyres and wheels in those dimensions, hit a bump on a bend in the wet and see what happens...

On the subject of fit for purpose, I've seen owners on a few forums complaining about cracked wheels. There's a thread on this forum somewhere as well, use the search to see if you can find it.

Blaming it on the condition of the roads is a poor excuse, IMHO.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Affinity
I've had wheel and tyre problems with my 335d, but trying to sort it out with BMW UK and the dealership has been a total joke as they just pass you back and forward and do nothing but fob you off with excusses, this has been going on for the past 14 months, as a last resort before legal action I sent a four page letter to the MD of BMW UK Mr 8< snip - {no naming/shaming please} , but he has just passed my letter to the same deprt/person, a Snip again - {same reason as above} Customer Service Manager (so called) who has just sent me a standard, we are sorry but get lost letter which tottaly ignores all my points, I have never come across such poor customer service and blatant disregard for customer satisfaction, after being a loyal customer of BMW for 10 years prior to these events I will never buy another BMW again, they just don't give a damn

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 26/09/2009 at 22:08

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Affinity
I also own a 335d with 19" wheels & run flats, both my rear wheels are cracked and I have been told this is due to pot holes, I was also given advise in a very condesending manner on how to drive over speed humps when i questioned the quality and suitability of these wheels and tyres for the UK roads,It would apear with my 24 years of driving in the UK I need some special skills to drive the current BMW's

BMW customer service eventually sent an inspector to asses the wheels after 7 weeks only to say the same, that I have hit a pot hole and that they would not replace under warranty,I happened to speak with an owner of a 335i cab the other day and he has had the same problems with his car, along with a long list of other problems he added, we compared list's of faults and both agreed that we would not be buying another BMW any time soon.

I have had over 20 faults with my BMW including Turbo failure,Idrive failure (3 times) rusty wheel hubs, cracked wheels (rear) electrical faults with seats and an oil leak which required half the engine being removed, I currenty have paint peeling off the bonnet and rust on the underside of the bonnet edge at the front.
I also found that my finance deal with BMW COULD AND SHOULD HAVE allowed the return of the vechicle after 18 months use, but I had been sold the deal £1,000 over the limit of £25,000 and not been advised of this, I would have added the money with my P/X funny they never mentioned it!! well they have lost me as a customer for good, hope the little extra commision was worth it BMW.

I am speaking with Trading standards regarding all points and would also like any advise from other dissatisfied BMW drivers on ways to return my vehicle prior to the end of the agreement.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
I have filed with the county court that these wheels are not fit for
the purpose.

In what terms did you say they are not fit for the purpose? You must have had to define their purpose to be able to say they weren't fit for it. I'm honestly interested in how one would describe that something is not fit for the purpose.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
You must
have had to define their purpose to be able to say they weren't fit for

Can't one just state that the wheels should include the capability of being driven on Britiain's roads at legal speeds without cracking?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
Can't one just state that the wheels should include the capability of being driven on
Britiain's roads at legal speeds without cracking?

That's all I wanted to know.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - cheddar
>>Can't one just state that the wheels should include the capability of being driven on Britiain's roads at legal speeds without cracking? >>

Seems that the grey area might be between the two, while that statement is correct, you could also say of the highways agency and local authorities:

... roads should include the capability of being driven on by type approved vehicles within the law and at legal speeds without causing damge to said vehicles ...

However circumstantially if a significant minority of BMW 19" alloys crack and other 19" alloys dont then that leans the case one way as opposed to the other perhaps.

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
I own a BMW 335d Coupe with 19" wheels & runflats.

Apparently other owners have had cracked wheels. www.autoexpress.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1159

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 28/09/2009 at 00:53

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
BMW wheel problems being discussed on Watchdog BBC1 now (Dom Littlewood).
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MissScatty
Yes!! I was just about to say that too!!

Go to dealer
if not satisfactory then
contact vehicle manufacture if not
then contact Motor code !! According to bloke with specs on right now. See iplayer for replay.

I think you may be ok on this as Watchdog scored a victory for the Clio drivers with bonnets that popped open - let's hope it does same again.

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Pugugly
wow - now I understand - potential politician that guy.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Andy P
According to BMW they don't have this "cracking" problem elsewhere, only in the UK. Now given the combination of poor road condition, lots of speed bumps and the use of run-flat tyres, it's hardly a surprise that this sort of thing is happening. I wouldn't have bought my 335d if it had 19" wheels on - it's just asking for trouble,
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Ben 10
Having watched the programme and saw the damage highlighted I must say, the rubber between alloy and tarmac is remarkably narrow, so I'm not surprised these alloys crack under the strain of potholes and speed humps.
Or BMW are buying in sub standard wheels.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Lygonos
Plenty of rubbish roads on mainland Europe - Maybe Europeans don't subscribe to the sad willy-waving that is having wheels much bigger than is actually useful (reminds me of a joke where the punchline is about an 18 inch pianist...).

Thus less cracked alloys.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
........... I'm not surprised these alloys crack under the
strain of potholes and speed humps.

And mounting/hitting kerbs etc.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Manatee
>>According to BMW they don't have this "cracking" problem elsewhere, only in the UK.

They said that about the Nikasil bore problem!
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Bill Payer
>>According to BMW they don't have this "cracking" problem elsewhere only in the UK.

There's plenty of reports of it on US forums - does stupid BMW not know the web is world wide?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
My wife bought a pair of shoes with stilletto heels.

She's only worn then on two hiking trips and on one marathon but already they're falling apart - I find it truly disgusting that a new pair of shoes has deteriorated so quickly.

I'm going to write to my MP and the Daily Mail immediately, this surely a national scandal.

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Bill Payer
Yes of course, that's the problem - these BMW owners are using their cars on the road :yikes: instead of just looking at them on their drives.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Rattle
What ever happened to tyres being used to absorb some of the bumps? I don't understand why anybody in their right mind would buy a car with such low profile tyres. The ride quality must be bone shaking.

I found BMWs attitude quite disgusting. Clearly if all these wheels are cracking its not all the drivers fault.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
She's only worn then on two hiking trips and on one marathon but already they're
falling apart

...and what's the equivalent of this in driving terms? From what I've heard/read none of the owners with problems have been driving on anything out of the ordinary.

Edited by Focus {P} on 23/10/2009 at 12:43

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - TheOilBurner
She's only worn then on two hiking trips and on one marathon but already they're
falling apart - I find it truly disgusting that a new pair of shoes has
deteriorated so quickly.

So in the case of BMW 19" rims, this would be the equivalent of two long trips off road through a rocky gorge, followed by 24hrs on the Nurburgring....

Yes, you're right, I wouldn't expect alloy wheels to take that kind of punishment either.

However, normal road use is another matter, isn't it?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
This size/type of wheel and tyre is completely unsuitable for the UKs roads.

If people are silly enough to pay lots of money for them, it's their lookout, and they will need to lookout, for every speed bump and pothole.

What do people want, government regulations saying you can't have stupid wheel/tyre combinations?

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Rattle
I think you have a point :) BMWs are just show pieces designed as status symbols and should not be driven on public roads :) I assume this why their indicators never work.

They could be nice cars but they need to make them more practical for proper roads. Whats the point on super handeling when there is speed cameras every mile anyway?

My uncle has a 5 series that is a nice car, it has proper tyres and is actually very comfortable. That is what BMWs should be like.

Edited by Rattle on 23/10/2009 at 13:52

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - TheOilBurner
If BMW fit it, then they agree (by law) that it is fit for purpose.

Owner's buying a car fitted with these wheels have a reasonable expectation that BMW should only be offering them because they are suitable. If they are not, then BMW should withdraw them and offer affected owners new alloys of a smaller size. This is a moral and legal obligation.

Myself, I prefer 16" rims or less, as it happens. But I understand why people like the larger designs and why they are unhappy with this situation.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
This size/type of wheel and tyre is completely unsuitable for the UKs roads.

The wheels should be fit for purpose, and while the definition of 'purpose' might be open to interpretation, 'driving along the average road at legal speed without cracking when used in a BMW approved wheel/tyre combination' seems reasonable. Are you saying they are not fit for purpose?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
The wheels should be fit for purpose and while the definition of 'purpose' might be
open to interpretation 'driving along the average road at legal speed without cracking when used

So are you saying all BMW drivers with silly wheels always travel below the speed limit, and go over speed bumps at an appropriate speed?

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
So are you saying all BMW drivers with silly wheels always travel below the speed
limit and go over speed bumps at an appropriate speed?

Don't be daft :-) But the ones featured on Watchdog claimed to be sensible drivers - I suspect at least some of them are, unless you know otherwise.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
>> So are you saying all BMW drivers with silly wheels always travel below the
>> limit and go over speed bumps at an appropriate speed?
Don't be daft :-) But the ones featured on Watchdog claimed to be sensible drivers
- I suspect at least some of them are unless you know otherwise.

If they were sensible, why did they buy this wheel/tyre combination ?

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
If they were sensible why did they buy this wheel/tyre combination ?

I said they claimed to be sensible drivers - I don't think being a sensible driver and liking the appearance of big wheels are mutually exclusive.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
>> If they were sensible why did they buy this wheel/tyre combination ?
I said they claimed to be sensible drivers - I don't think being a sensible
driver and liking the appearance of big wheels are mutually exclusive.

Well they weren't going to parade the boy racer brigade , or people who say they went over speed bumps at 40mph were they !

Would you not say that people who buy huge wheels and thin tyres are more likely to be "enthusiastic" drivers than the norm, and therefore more likely to cause damage to delicate fashion accessories ?

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - TheOilBurner
Would you not say that people who buy huge wheels and thin tyres are more
likely to be "enthusiastic" drivers than the norm and therefore more likely to cause damage
to delicate fashion accessories ?

Nonsense, there's no evidence for such a poor generalisation. Only your own preconceptions support this idea.

That's like saying that if you own a car with 15" rims you'll drive carefully, but if your next car happens to have 19" rims, you suddenly become a hooligan?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
That's like saying that if you own a car with 15" rims you'll drive carefully
but if your next car happens to have 19" rims you suddenly become a hooligan?

You seem to be trying to put words in my mouth.

Do you think people who buy drug-dealer wheels are more likely to "keener" drivers than those who buy 15 steel wheels?

How many pensioners/nuns/mums/vicars do you see driving BMWs with 19inch wheels?


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 23/10/2009 at 20:03

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - TheOilBurner
You seem to be trying to put words in my mouth.

No, just pointing out the absurdity of your argument.
Do you think people who buy drug-dealer wheels are more likely to "keener" drivers than
those who buy 15 steel wheels?

That's unknown. The worst driving I see round my way is teenagers in chavved up Corsas, with or without big alloys. There's a nice gentlemen down the road from me with a 645i convertible and a set of huge rims, which he drives impeccably and with some grace.

You see where your generalisations don't work?
How many pensioners/nuns/mums/vicars do you see driving BMWs with 19inch wheels?

How many aggressive arrogant types do you see driving humdrum Vectras and Mondeos with 16" wheels?

Meaningless question, meaningless answer.

The fact is, you're trying to claim these BMW drivers brought this wheel failure upon themselves by either choosing a wheel that's inappropriate or by driving inappropriately.

You cannot and do not know whether either of those are true. You only have your preconceptions of an average BMW driver to guide your reasoning here.

But the simple fact that there are other makers with a very similar target audience (e.g. Audi and Mercedes) appearing to be producing cars fitted with 19" rims without having these issues. How would you explain that?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
There's a nice gentlemen down the road from me
with a 645i convertible and a set of huge rims which he drives impeccably and
with some grace.

Have his wheels cracked?

But the simple fact that there are other makers with a very similar target audience
(e.g. Audi and Mercedes) appearing to be producing cars fitted with 19" rims without >>

having these issues. How would you explain that?

Not so many boy racers buy Mercedes or Audi

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - TheOilBurner
Have his wheels cracked?

No, but then he doesn't use it as a daily driver, more as a weekend toy. Give it time, who can tell?

Not so many boy racers buy Mercedes or Audi

Well you plainly haven't suffered from one Audi after another up your backside on our lovely motorways. Haven't you heard? Audi is the new BMW...

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
Well you plainly haven't suffered from one Audi after another up your backside

Makes my eyes water just to think about it !
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
delicate fashion accessories

Ah well if that's how they're described in the BMW catalogue then fair enough :-)
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MVP
Ah well if that's how they're described in the BMW catalogue then fair enough :-)

I'm sure this was in the BMW catalogue, they wouldn't rely on their customers working it out for themselves ;)


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 23/10/2009 at 20:03

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
I'm sure this was in the BMW catalogue they wouldn't rely on their customers working
it out for themselves ;)

I think it is reasonable for customers to expect a hard ride, but not broken wheels when driven at legal speeds and taking normal pothole/speed bump avoidance measures. Is it that you disagree with, or that all the customers who are complaining were driving at illegal speeds etc.?

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 23/10/2009 at 20:03

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - LikedDrivingOnce
This size/type of wheel and tyre is completely unsuitable for the UKs roads.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It's not the point though, is it?
Other manufacturers can supply these tyre & wheel combinations without them having the problems that the BMW ones are having.

In this case, "The Ultimate Driving Machine".....isn't.
What do people want government regulations saying you can't have stupid wheel/tyre combinations?

They are not "stupid wheel/tyre combinations". I reiterate, other manufacturers have no problem supplying reliable examples of these particular wheels.

Do you work for BMW or something - or are you just one of their over-zealous fans?


LDO (BMW driver, but neither strongly pro- or anti- the marque)
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Roly93
BMW wheel problems being discussed on Watchdog BBC1 now (Dom Littlewood).

BMW know they have a catastrophe on their hands here and are fighting it to the hilt.
Phew, glad I've got an Audi !!

I must say the the SMMT guy they had on watchdog was pretty slimey, you can see that they aren't on joe publics side.
I will be very interested to see how this pans out, I wounder how much it will cost to replace all of the 19" alloys on BMWs in the Uk sold in the last few years ?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
It would cost too much (and probably add too much weight) to make everything guaranteed 100% everlasting. A few examples of all cars will suffer unexpected failures. On my 1991 Citroen ZX Volcane the dipstick tube mounting bracket fractured. On my 1996 Peugeot 316 XSi one of the bonnet hinges fractured. Both were at moderate mileages. These things happen.

Edited by L'escargot on 23/10/2009 at 14:34

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - maz64
These things happen.

But when it happens a lot, in apparently normal use, you start to get suspicious.

(I don't know what the actual numbers are BTW.)
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
>> These things happen.
But when it happens a lot in apparently normal use you start to get suspicious.
(I don't know what the actual numbers are BTW.)

Until I get proof to the contrary I will assume the numbers are small.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - bell boy
Any metallurgist would look at those rims last night and confirm they were fractures ,i¨m sure
Elastic bands of rubber and alloy rims should be sold for racetrack use only in my opinion.
Im surprised no one has complained to vosa under construction and use
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - LikedDrivingOnce
Until I get proof to the contrary I will assume the numbers are small.

If everyone adopted that approach whenever someone started a thread along the lines of "I'm having problems with my 1.6 diesel xxxxxx SE - anyone else found the same?", then there would be no discussion in the backroom.

Do some Google searches, visit some owner forums, visit the Watchdog site to see the response from BMW owners today. Yes, I know that you get a disproportionate number of whingers on all these sites, but you get a "feel" for what is a normal amount of whinging, and what is above average noise (and hence indicative of an underlying problem).

There is a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that BMW have been cutting corners to save money and have now been bitten in the same way that Mercedes were a few years ago. For example, a slight drop in quality of the interior trim in the latest cars, and the way that certain items of kit have been dropped from the standard spec (e.g. cruise control, folding rear headrests, runflats on some models).

Don't forget that BMW have also got previous form with regard to high failure rates of specific components. HJ's CBC breakdown points out the suspiciously high rate of turbo failures, for example.

I always used to be a BMW fan, but as a current owner of a car that has also had its own share of problems I'm not so sure.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
>> Until I get proof to the contrary I will assume the numbers are small.
If everyone adopted that approach whenever someone started a thread along the lines of "I'm
having problems with my 1.6 diesel xxxxxx SE - anyone else found the same?" then
there would be no discussion in the backroom.

What I wrote was my contribution to the discussion. It was short and to the point, unlike some of the ramblings one sees on here!

Edited by L'escargot on 23/10/2009 at 16:17

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - LikedDrivingOnce
"...short and to the point"
....and which added nothing to the discussion on how to fix the problem.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
....and which added nothing to the discussion on how to fix the problem.

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - macavity
I again complained to BMW (UK) who now told me that the tyre wear was
normal & that I must have driven through a pot hole to crack both rear

If BMW are prepared to stand by that statement: then a claim against the people that failed to maintain the road that you used when damage occured to you car is fairly straight forward.

Best not to fall out with BMW quite yet.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Armitage Shanks {p}
It is one of life's anomalies that some councils pay out more in compensation for pothole damage to vehicles than they do on making repairs to the potholes!
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Iguassu
I live and work in Aberdeenshire - a land of eternal potholes and collapsed road edges.
My car is a BMW 2006 and has 19" alloys.
I have to ride over potholes and other road faults all the time.
My front tyres wear out very badly over a 2" section of the outer part of the tyres.
Tyres are inflated as per the BMW manual for the car.
(BMW tyre inflation advice seems to be a compromise for "comfort" with tyres taking the brunt of the compromise and wearing out unevenly.
My wheels have no cracks at 58,000 miles.
I had one wheel replaced under warranty due to the paint peeling off (poor quality somewhere there).

I suppose that the difference here is that the car is an X5 3.0d Sport.
The wheels are suitable for the car and for being driven.

The 19" wheels fitted with RFTs are unsuitable for any rough roads and BMW dealers/sales/documents should have warnings that ordering such wheels/tyres combination for purposes other than display in showrooms/driveways will seriously impact the contents of your wallet !
I am about to change my car and was going back to a 3 series - now I am having second thoughts and tomorrow will be out looking at other makes. BMW have just lost another customer. We have been through eleven brand-new BMs over the years - looks like it ends here ! Shame the dealers and BMW treat most owners like idiots. Suppose they must be right though, after all we bought beamers from them.
Very saddened. P..
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - eggunderhat
i have had the very same problem on my 335d coupe with the runflats . not sure if wheels are cracked how did you find out ,did the tyre go down? just fitted 4 new runflats filled with nitrogen +kds allingnment at £1500 .as i was having these fitted anoter 335i coupe with 19" wheels came in to the tyre fitters with all 4 tyres in the same state. somthing up,this is not normal,my fronts had 65% of life in them the rear 40% but when removed from wheel the wear on inside edge was allmost through to the inside of the tyre on all 4, someone going to get killed bmw need to act.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Statistical outlier
I don't understand this filled with Nitrogen thing, could someone explain to me.

Air is approximately 78% nitrogen. My cars have always had tyres that run at about 33 psi or so, or 2.28 atmospheres.

So, if you fit a tyre in the ambient atmosphere, then inflate it to 2.28 atmospheres using pure nitrogen, then by my calculations there will still be about 9.6% oxygen and other traces in there. Assuming the inflation is 100% N, which it won't be.

In round numbers, fill with air get 20% other. Fill with N, get 10% other.

What's the point?

Edited by Gordon M on 30/10/2009 at 16:56

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - CJay{P}
I don't understand this filled with Nitrogen thing could someone explain to me.

You have a valid point. I think the argument comes from racing events, where there is an argument that there is a unsprung weight advantage in filling with Nitrogen. In the greater scheme of things, I guess it will save about 100g (or even less?) per corner?

I guess it IS sexy to say that one's tires are filled with Nitrogen!

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
>> I don't understand this filled with Nitrogen thing could someone explain to me.
I think the argument comes from racing events where there
is an argument that there is a unsprung weight advantage in filling with Nitrogen. In
the greater scheme of things I guess it will save about 100g (or even less?)
per corner?

The density of air at STP (0°C and 101.325 kN/m²) is 1.293 kg/m³ and the density of nitrogen at STP is 1.2506 kg/m³. All we need now is someone with a pocket calculator to calculate the weight saving of using nitrogen instead of air!
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Manatee
>>So, if you fit a tyre in the ambient atmosphere, then inflate it to 2.28 atmospheres using pure nitrogen, then by my calculations there will still be about 9.6% oxygen and other traces in there. Assuming the inflation is 100% N, which it won't be.

3.28 atm actually, since the 2.28 is above atmospheric - so 6.7% other, but your point stands, and I hadn't really considered that to be honest.

Every time this comes up two reasons are usully cited for using N. Less leakage, and drier than air. Now we have another in this thread, reducing unsprung weight!

The reasons on this sheet seem logical -


I suspect it's also easier to use bottled gas in some situations (as with aircraft) than it is to cart a compressor about, especially when dry air is required, and N being relatively unreactive is as good as any.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - L'escargot
N being relatively unreactive is as good as any.

I thought it was completely inert.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - macavity
>> N being relatively unreactive is as good as any.
I thought it was completely inert.

Even though car bibles say it is inert it is reactive at high temperatures therefore nitrous oxide emissions from car engines etc. But Nobel / inert gases are: www.chemicalelements.com/groups/noblegases.html
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - macavity
There is something about Nitrogen Inflation here: www.carbibles.com/tire_bible_pg2.html

and Kwik-fit have something about it as well: www.kwik-fit.com/tyre-technology.asp

"And by using it in a mixture with oxygen to inflate your tyres the theory is that it?s possible to negate the issue of slow deflation, which is caused by oxygen slowly infusing through the tyre wall from the atmosphere. " this is a direct quote and yes it is completely illogical. Sort of destoys the appeal / kudos of paying extra to have 2% more Nitrogen in your tyres than the next guy, when Kwik-fit are involved.

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Zdarma
I have a 08 330 on 19inch rims with the Bridgestone runflats.

Bought the car at 3k miles from a dealer in Cambs Feb 09, took it back this week for service this week, and yes you've guessed it. Uneven tire wear on the inner edges of the rear tyres.

Tyres have about 4.5mm of treat on all but a 1 inch strip on the inner shoulder. This strip is slick - no tread left at all and slightly concave.

The dealer has blamed everything from filling with the wrong kind of air - Tescos' air pumps may not be accurate enough to dispense budget air into BMW tyres, to claiming that the tyres are meant to be like that as they're asymmetric. Which they aren't.

I've booked in to have the KDS alignment in a couple of weeks but will almost certainly take it to an independent instead, as I don't trust the dealers much any more :(

All I've asked for from the dealer is that they do the alignment for free as I've had the car less than a year, and would very much like not to destroy another set of tyres. And, yes you've guessed it again, they aren't even willing to do that.

My Plan B is very simple; the run flats will be removed ASAP and kept for future reference as I have a feeling this will get a bit fighty. I'm going to replace the Bridgestones with a real tyre - plenty of options as pretty much only BMW want runflats on their performance cars. I'm my last car swapping Bridgestones for Goodyear F1's was a transformation, so I see no downside at all swapping. Almost anything will be better.

The attitude of BMW and the dealers is simply stunning and boils down to telling me that their spec for black is now white. Sadly, I'm not prepared to accept that I now own a car that costs £100 a month in tyre rubber, so I'm quite up for a fight. :)

Obviously I'll be driving about with spare and a jack - neither of which the dealers will help with as BMW don't recommend them as the runflats are sooo popular! (Anyone know if an e46 spacesaver will fit the studs and offset on an e92?)

BTW, regarding alloy rims being a problem, it would seem there's a fine line between too soft and too brittle - Audi RS owners often bleat that hard driving can bend their alloys and have had to fight Audi all the way to get the problem acknowledged.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Andy P
You can get a space saver + jack for the E92 - I enquired about one for my E92 335d - cost about £150 or thereabouts. "Problem" I have is that the exhaust doesn't leave enough room in the boot for even a spacesaver, but then I don't have a problem with RFTs - I've driven cars with much firmer rides than this.

Hopefully Bridgestone will have launched the 3rd generation RFTs in time for when I need to replace them.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Zdarma
Cheers for the infos on the jack and tyre.

Ride comfort is really the least of my worries - Having moved to a real car from a Jap rollerskate it's still better than I've been used to!

My problem is the speed of the tyre wear, the expense of the replacements and the lower grip and nasty handling characteristics, especially when wet. I just see no reason why a great car should be so comprised at the very point it should be perfect - its contact with the road.

I wouldn't accept this kind of crap from a Skoda, failing to see why anyone should need to wait till version 3 for the tyres to work on a car 4 times the price. /rant :)
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - MGspannerman
"I wouldn't accept this kind of crap from a Skoda,"

I drive a Skoda - don't worry, you dont have to! Not about tyres or anything else come to that, they just work. My other car is a "jap rollerskate" of sorts, and that doesnt cost £100 a year in tyres let alone £100/month. Still, must be nice to have a "real car", I'll move over for you next time I'm in your way in the outside lane so that you can enjoy it. :-)

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Lygonos
>> I just see no reason why a great car should be so comprised at the very point it should be perfect - its contact with the road. <<

It's because the 'great car' has been hamstrung with impractical wheels and tyres for the sake of looks/image/willy-waving.

It's not a track car and it's not on slicks so you'd get a better drive of 18" or even 17" wheels.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Zdarma
I didn't get to buy mine new so had to go with what was available - M Sports all get the 19's but I agree, road cars work just fine on much higher aspect tyres. Hell, F1 cars don't have the smears of rubber we're forced to endure. (270/55 front & 325/45 rear) So its clearly not vital.

But, I still think they should work better than they currently do. My last car ran on 215/45 which gives a sidewall height of 96mm, the BMW has sidewall heights of 78mm front and 76mm rear - just 20mm of difference, but the ride was smooth, it got round corners and I got 20k on average per tyre - all for about £120 each.

I think loosing that 20mm AND adding a massively stiff runflat sidewall has been a step too far. It just doesn't work.

Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - Lygonos
My last car ran on 215/45 <<

Spec B Legacy or were they 17 inchers ?
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - miroku1949
On Watchdog tonight.
Abnormal tyre wear & cracked wheels - rtj70
This is not read only because discussion on this also in another thread.

