Drivers licence query.... - bintang
...elementary, I fear, but it has never occured to me before. My licence "from" date is 2/9/75. Why us this as I have held a full licence since about 1964?

How can I find the actual date quickly, since DVLA won't release such information via email and calls to it cost 60p per minute from my mobile and waste time on a lot of unwanted information?
Drivers licence query.... - rtj70
Did you last change your address in 1975. Therefore the from date for this licence is 1975. Your driving entitlement will be shown separately.

On my photo licence there is a "Licence valid from" date and a "From" date for each of the categories of vehicle I am entitled to drive.
Drivers licence query.... - Robin Reliant
I believe 1975 marked the end of the era where your licence had to be renewed every three years. That will have been the date it was replaced with the current licence for life (Till 70, anyway).
Drivers licence query.... - ifithelps
Was it also around this time that everything was centralised in Swansea?
Drivers licence query.... - rtj70
replaced with the current licence for life (Till 70, anyway).

Or until you move. The licence is valid from a particular date so if you move you get a new licence.
Drivers licence query.... - Robin Reliant
Or until you move. The licence is valid from a particular date so if you
move you get a new licence.

Being irritatingly pedantic, you get a replacement licence when you move. Previously you had to renew your licence every three years or you would lose your entitlement to drive.

Smug mode off.

Edited by Robin Reliant on 04/07/2009 at 16:10

Drivers licence query.... - Bromptonaut
Wasn't 75 about the time licensing moved to Swansea?

My licence is valid from May 1977, when I passed my test, until my 70th birthday in 2029. Does not change when I've moved (though that may be different with photocard licences).
Drivers licence query.... - bintang
Thanks for elucidation and the "Fom" date 1975 is about the time I moved but there seems no indication of the date I qualified. This could be important for insurance so I will just have to snailmail the DVLA in the hope they have a record.
Drivers licence query.... - Robin Reliant
Whether you've had a licence for 35, 45 or even 105 years is unlikely to make a jot of difference to your insurance. It is only the initial "don't know backside from elbow" first few years that make insurance companies twitchy.
Drivers licence query.... - jbif
35, 45 or even 105 years is unlikely to make a jot of difference to your insurance >>

True when you get your quotes and Policy.

However, if you are ever the subject of a visit by an insurance "investigator" or "loss adjuster", you may find that remembering the date, and proving it, could become an important factor in how your claim/settlement gets expedited or delayed for "further investigation of facts". [statenment based on experience of colleague].

Edited by jbif on 04/07/2009 at 17:19

Drivers licence query.... - zookeeper
ive got a new fangled photo licence and on the plastic bit it has all my dates when i passed my motorcycle, car, etc etc.. they all run out in 2030 at my 70th birthday
Drivers licence query.... - Harleyman
Previously you had to
renew your licence every three years or you would lose your entitlement to drive.

Hadn't realised that. Interesting that a lot of peopel are getting hot and bothered over the photocard renewals but have forgotten this; though I daresay it may have been proportionaltely cheaper to renew it back then.

Anyone got an idea of how much it was? Be interesting to compare it against the average wage then and see how much it differs.
Drivers licence query.... - martint123
ISTR it was around 15 bob at the time I renewed mine.
Green stickers in the little red book.