Had an argument about parking today - Rattle
Parked in a quiet road in Stretford to get the tram. I was no where near anybody's drive and was parked 100% legally, I actually spent a good minute straitening up to ensure I was not causing anything like a remote obstruction. This busy body gets out and the conversation goes as follows:-

Woman: Can you move your car please
Me: why?
Woman: Because I live here
Me: I am parked perfectly legaly and I can park where I want, however I don't like the look of you and don't trust what you might do to my car so I will move it.
Woman looked shocked and didn't say a word :)

I causally then move my car having a joke on her.

Why do some people seem to think they own the road? People park outside my house all the time and I would not dream of going out and asking them to move.

The problem is I now feel she has got away with it :(.
Had an argument about parking today - OldSock
Strictly speaking, you're not "100% legal" to park anywhere on the public highway. Technically, you are causing an obstruction - preventing other road users from 'passing and re-passing' over that stretch of road.

Having said all that, your 'opponent's' attitude is all too common :-(

I once had a neighbour who would put out traffic cones to keep hubby's 'place' while he was at work. I took great delight in parking with my rear tyre trapping the cone underneath :-)
Had an argument about parking today - doctorchris
Great response to that woman, Rattle, I will remember it for future use.
She got away with nothing after you said that to her.
Rattle 10, snotty woman nil!
Had an argument about parking today - Rattle
The problem is any where you park it can be an obstruction but I was not blocking anything and I was faced the right away.

If this woman thinks she has it bad she should see my road, lots of double parking mostly the wrong way etc but on this road they had the luxery of drives.
Had an argument about parking today - 1400ted
Wasn't Granby Road, off Lime Road ?. Used to have freinds there. Old Biddy next door used to rush out and have a go at anyone parking outside her house saying she was expecting visitors. SIe never had any. I used to take delight in parking the transporter there when I visited.
Had an argument about parking today - Rattle
Hehe a lot of people have had that experience on that road. My sister used to go to school there and occasionaly my dad would pick her up as she had back problems and the old pensioners used to get out and give really hard looks. I used to park there but I found I would get stuck too long at the lights, so I parked on the last road off Kings Road to the left (going towards Edge Lane). I haven't mentioned the actual road name but I am sure you know exactly where I mean.

There is a lot of OAPs round there and I get the impression that people parking on their road is the only excitement they get! (no offence to the older people on here who seem to be very active and young and heart).
Had an argument about parking today - Lud
I thought your reply was appropriate too Rattle.

But people like that woman aren't 'snotty'. They are barking mad. Nothing to do probably.
Had an argument about parking today - zookeeper
im surprised she didnt have the obligatory " polite notice no parking" in front of her dwellings
Had an argument about parking today - retgwte
used to happen all the time to a friend of mine

who would just react by unzipping his plain black top to reveal the work "police" on the shirt underneath

Had an argument about parking today - zookeeper
the work police , well thats a novilty
Had an argument about parking today - Bill Payer
People come an go in our road, and we are slightly affected by the village school, but it's not a huge issue. However I'd be a bit miffed if people were parking all day outside my house while they went into town etc.

And if it becomes a regular thing then next thing you've got parking permits etc.

Edited by Bill Payer on 29/05/2009 at 19:15

Had an argument about parking today - zookeeper
hang on mate... why do we pay road tax? if you want parking permits ,then buy your own tarmac
Had an argument about parking today - Woodspeed
We don't pay road tax. We pay (AND HOW) vehicle excise duty). Some of which may go to the roads - or not as the case may be!
Had an argument about parking today - DP
One of my neighbours thinks the title deeds of her house cover the stretch of road outside it. Very, very tedious.

These morons are everywhere. Rattle, your comeback was priceless. I take my hat off to you, sir.

Had an argument about parking today - Tron
Correctly known term is a bully.

Anyone that tells and then forces their opinion upon another is just that.

Small world for some eh?
Had an argument about parking today - nortones2
The title deeds do, usually, up to the halfway point. But probably, the LA has adopted, and surfaced the road as a highway. That gives only the right to pass along it. SFAIK, no-one has taken the issue to court, as the highway does not give anyone a right to obstruct, by parking for instance, even if you own the land. If not adopted, the land is entirely in the owners control, and no automatic ROW exists.

Edited by nortones2 on 29/05/2009 at 21:03

Had an argument about parking today - moonshine {P}

Good on you Rattle - cant stand people like that, rude and selfish, I think your response was excellent.
Had an argument about parking today - Rattle
Thanks :)

It just annoys me as I am very considerate when parking (never once parked ilegaly). A few weeks ago I had to park close to somebody's drive (about 1 yard from the entrance) making it a little difficult for them and they were on their garden. I stopped and asked them if it was ok if I parked here for an hour as I have a job and they said yep fine etc. If there were not there I would have parked some where else, even though technicaly it was still parking legally it would have made it a little tricky for the person to get out of their drive.
Had an argument about parking today - Lud
I am very considerate when parking (never once parked ilegaly).

Inconsiderate parking and illegal parking ar two completely different things Rattle. No decent person would park inconsiderately unless they were pretty thick (plenty are of course). Similarly, no red-blooded individual would hesitate to park illegally if they thought they could get away with it.

Spare me, in case anyone is toying with the idea, any assertion along the lines of 'If it wasn't inconsiderate it wouldn't be illegal'. That's just nursery twaddle for the timid.
Had an argument about parking today - Rattle
Yep I can think of a few examples of ilegal parking which would cause no issue. Palatine Road for example in West Didsbury it has peak time yellow lines but I can't see why it would cause an obstruction any more than a bus lane.
Had an argument about parking today - Bill Payer
if you want parking permits then buy your own tarmac

I most certainly do not want parking permits - but that's what happens in areas where commuters and shoppers are parking in residential streets all day.
Had an argument about parking today - 1400ted
! (no offence to the older
people on here who seem to be very active and young and heart).

HeHe...glad you put that last bit in, Ian. You were very close to getting a savage beating with a pair of Corsa springs !

Had an argument about parking today - rtj70
to getting a savage beating with a pair of Corsa springs !

Are those Rattle's old ones. He should have taken care of recycling those.
Had an argument about parking today - Rattle
Currently in my shed atm but if Ted ever needs a spare one he knows where to ask :).

The broken one looks very pretty amongst a load of old broken motherboards and such.
Had an argument about parking today - GroovyMucker
Might have been tempted to take a photo of her too, "just in case anything happens to my car".

But then I'm a grumpy old Hector.
Had an argument about parking today - brum
This thread is another classic "we are the backroom police" thread. Rather than argue with or threaten someone who says please, why dont you lot carry on tailgating and flashing those mimsers in the middle lane doing a mere 71mph?

Had an argument about parking today - L'escargot
After a traumatic incident in 1984 I have avoided parking on the road except under extreme circumstances ~ and I mean extreme circumstances. My car was parked outside a friend's house in a residential 30mph zone at about 5pm on New Year's Eve. It was hit by a passing car and was severely damaged. Passers-by estimated the speed of the car (before impact!) as 70mph. The repair cost half the value of the (18 month-old) car, and it took 11 weeks to complete because of the difficulty of obtaining a certain mechanical part. The car was crushed against a high kerb and ended up with none of the wheels pointing in the correct direction. Bodywork damage was extensive.

You park where you like, but I reckon that what happened to my car could happen to anyone's car.
Had an argument about parking today - L'escargot
Me: I am parked perfectly legaly and I can park where I want however I
don't like the look of you and don't trust what you might do to my
car so I will move it.

A pleasant and reasoned conversation would have done you more credit, instead of supercilious sarcasm.