Harsh ride over speed bumps - catsdad
I've recently taken delivery of a brand new 2.0 Diesel Ghia harchback on standard 17" wheels. Generally very pleased with it. However in a car park I use daily it is very hard over the speed bumps. Its far worse than the 10 or so other cars I've taken over in the past. None of the reviews I've read suggest anything other than the Mondeo has a very good suspension set-up. Have any others experienced speed bump issues with the Mondeo? I did wonder if there are "blocks" or anything to remove as part of the PDI that may have been missed but all looks OK underneath. Any ideas or do i just need to put up with it (and the trail of other users behind me who must think I'm a mimser!)
Harsh ride over speed bumps - runboy
I took my new Audi back to the dealership 3 times, complaining of a very hard ride, before they noticed the suspension blocks had been left in (despite PDI sheet ticked to say they had been removed). I would check.

Presume the tyre pressure is ok too? Not sure how much difference to the "bouncy soft" feel correct tyre pressures add, but it is not unknown that dealers get the pressure wrong and the tyre is inflated to within an inch of its life.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - craig-pd130

I've a Zetec diesel estate with 16" 55 profile tyres and normal suspension. The ride generally is very good although I've also noticed that the bump resilience at very low speeds (i.e. less than 10mph) is harsh.

However, it's a lot better than my old Passat in this and all other aspects of ride / handling. The VW managed to crash harshly over any bump and yet wallow soggily.

I run my tyres at the max recommended pressures for full load at all times, and find this is better for the ride than the "normal" pressures.

I also suspect it's a bit of a trade off in conventionally sprung cars -- if it gives a comfy ride over low-speed bumps then it will probably wallow a lot at speed.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - Lud
bump resilience at very low speeds (i.e. less than 10mph) is harsh.

It is in a lot of cars. Makes me apoplectic when I have to follow someone over a cobbled bit of road who carefully slows down to the most uncomfortable speed attainable, instead of belting over the tops of the cobbles like a sensible person (with due regard for the limited adhesion of course).
Harsh ride over speed bumps - AF
You would hate me then. Any sort of speed bump is never taken at more than 15 mph, and if it is particularly high or steep hump, then it is a full stop before and a 1st gear crawl over. Don't like it. Tough, write to the council and get them removed.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - Old Navy
You have it right Lud, If you dont drive at the right speed to hit the crests on a corrugated dirt road in Australia you will shake your car to pieces in a few miles. Thats a bit extreme AF, do you drive a rusty heap that is liable to fall apart going over a small pothole? My car rides most speed bumps better at 20mph than 10.

Edited by Old Navy on 04/05/2009 at 20:12

Harsh ride over speed bumps - AF
Nope, couple of years old. But after having to paying to replace prematurely worn suspension components on the last car, I am not doing it again.

I treat speed bumps as I would any other defect in the road.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - perro
I like what AF says - he speaks common sense! The road I live in is a mile long with a downhill stretch into the town + there are a couple of schools nearby but I've noticed that French or Anglo Frence cars can sail over the many humps as if they wern't there but German built cars with their stiff suspenders have to slow down for them.
I take the critters @ 15MPH as I've seen the damage they can do when I was in the motor trade + I'm in no hurry murry.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - grumpyscot
I've noticed that French or Anglo Frence cars can sail
over the many humps as if they wern't there >>

In the old Xantia, you could drive over any speed bump and never feel a thing!
Harsh ride over speed bumps - Old Navy
I treat speed bumps as I would any other defect in the road.

So do I, fortunately we dont have too many in my area. What was the car that had the suspension problem?

Edited by Old Navy on 04/05/2009 at 20:54

Harsh ride over speed bumps - Lud
It's perfectly true that 'these infernal things' as HJ calls them cause wear and even damage to tyres and suspension parts. It's a good idea to have a car that can stand up to them, and whose parts or absurdly wide fragile tyres don't cost too much.

Quite apart from that though, people like AF, others in the BR who say the same sort of thing and people one sees on the road all the time may think they are being finely independent and not being pushed around by impatient glaring drivers behind them, and so on.

But in reality they have let the council carphounds grind them down. I get very impatient with them and try always to hammer over these vile silly expensive polluting deliberate obstructions as fast as possible without causing damage. I don't sympathise much with these mimsers' fantasy of getting top dollar for the eurobox when it is five years old. And believe me, most of them won't.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - Bill Payer
I run my tyres at the max recommended pressures for full load at all times
and find this is better for the ride than the "normal" pressures.

Wonder why that is - it's totally counter-intuitive?

Also, don't the tyres wear out the centre band of the tread?
Harsh ride over speed bumps - craig-pd130

@ Bill Payer -

the tyres are wearing evenly across the tread, I'm not over-inflating them, just keeping them at the pressure recommended for high-speed / full load work.

For what it's worth, the manual states "normal" pressures are 35psi front, 32 rear, high-speed / full load is 36 front, 40 rear.

I've found I get less road noise, sharper steering, and oddly, less bump-thump with the higher pressures.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - jetta
The 17" rims and low profile tyres can give harsh ride over speed bumps. Seems to be more noticable with very low profile tyres. My 1990 Jetta GLI with racing shocks and suspension and 17" rims with 205X40 tyres is horrid over speed bumps.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - b308
Everyone to their own, I suppose, Lud, when its my money that has to be used to replace suspension pieces I'll slow down all I want, thanks, its not being "ground down", its financial common sense...

A lot of the blame also has to go to the car manufacturers for using ultra low profile tyres on cars that just don't need them... like ordinary Mondeos... they aren't racing cars and most people don't drive anywhere near the grip they give compared to higher profiles...

Perhaps there should be a campaign to bring back "80" profile tyres!
Harsh ride over speed bumps - perro
I shall never forget the Sebring red Triumph Dolomite Sprint with black vinyl roof that sat there in the dealers showroom window and lured me away from a decent chunk of wedge ...
Having got the thing home, I couldn't believe how harsh the ride was - akin to a bone shaker (and some!) in fact it was sooooooooo bad that I got back to the dealer and tried to exchange it for a Capri he had, but, no such luck and I outed it mucho pronto!
Being in 'the trade', I got to drive many Sprint's in the 80's but none were as harsh as that critter was, I never kept the thing long enough to experiment with tyres & dampers as there were other problems with the 16v head (hehehe!)
Harsh ride over speed bumps - catsdad
Thanks for replies. Tyre pressures had been set too high by up to 6 psi. Now remedied and improved ride a bit but still not a great over the sharp car park bumps. These are distinct from the broader type you get on public roads and the Mondeo just doesn't go over these car park ones at any more than a crawl, say 2-3 mph.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - jetta
I can appreciate the concept and need for "speed bumps" in some situations but their usage seems to be excessive in many locations. Worst is, they vary in severity from well ramped humps to abrupt obsticles. A standardized type with modest ramping and height would serve the purpose without destroying tyres and suspension.
Harsh ride over speed bumps - datostar
Some particularly vicious humps have been placed near where I live. They're like piles of floor tiles with sharp angles. They are all turning black now with the tyre rubber they're scraping off. This is disgraceful - probably sponsored by tyre makers!