Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars [Read Only] - autumnboy
A friend of mine asks, " Would he be allowed to have his Diesel car remapped, where its a motability car."

He wishes your opinion, before approaching Motability.


Edited by rtj70 on 23/04/2009 at 20:39

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - wazza
You are allowed to modify a mobility car as long as it can be returned to it's original condition when you return it back. So it is yes to alloy wheels, tinted windows and no to custom paint jobs etc. With regards to chipping you have to notify the insurance company.
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - Dynamic Dave
I would have thought chipping would have invalidated the warranty on the engine ?
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - L'escargot

Edited by L'escargot on 23/04/2009 at 08:15

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - L'escargot
The manufacturer and installer need to be Motability accredited and the insurers (Royal & SunAlliance Motability) would need to be informed. tinyurl.com/dzjb8u

Edited by L'escargot on 23/04/2009 at 08:33

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - autumnboy
The manufacturer and installer need to be Motability accredited and the insurers (Royal & SunAlliance
Motability) would need to be informed. tinyurl.com/dzjb8u

Thanks but the link don't work.
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - rtj70
The link does work but covers adapting a vehicle for your life. Not sure the document covers chipping/re-mapping a diesel.

I will email the working full (non tiny URL) link.

As this thread seems to be unable to offer much more advice - you're really going to have to ask the Motability people - and people seem to want to have a go at each other, I am locking this thread.

Rob (Moderator)

Edited by rtj70 on 23/04/2009 at 20:39

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - Mr X
I thought the whole idea of the mobility scheme was to provide those with very limited mobility, a way to achieve mobility they would otherwise not have.

As this scheme is funded by the tax payer, it should provide, safe , practical vehicles based on each individuals needs. I would be uncomfortable with the idea that once in receipt of this benefit, individuals could start ' souping " such vehicles up with re mapping or chipping of engine management systems.

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - b308
(Post to Mr X, but I'm not sure if that should include HJ too, I'm very disappointed in you, HJ!)

That post really takes the biscuit... are you for real or just a wind-up merchant...

So, to follow the logic, because you are disabled and can claim MA then you should not be allowed to enjoy yourself and should be limited to a boring, but safe, life, MrX??

Yes, you can get boring and safe cars, but many disabled people also want a life and therefore add some of their own money to upgrade to something better, and why shouldn't they, they don't have the freedom that you or I do by being able to get around on foot, bike, car or on public transport, so I don't see why they should be restricted in their freedom just because of people like you...

There was a sign in our local disabled shop for putting on windscreens of cars of able bodied people parked in disabled spaces, it read: "You've taken my space, now take by disablity"...

Think about it, MrX, before you make any more ill-informed comments...

Edited by b308 on 23/04/2009 at 11:15

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - b308
HJ, have you ever tried to get DLA or MA? I assume that you haven't, and in which case I'd suggest you speak to someone who has, we had to "jump through hoops" metaphorically speaking to get them and, from what I can gather after talking to many people who get it we are not alone. There is a rumour around that getting them is easy, let me assure those people, it isn't!!

Edited by b308 on 23/04/2009 at 11:19

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - Mr X
You're going to have to explain the logic behind..
' they don't have the freedom that you or I do by being able to get around on foot, bike, car or on public transport,'
We are talking about some one who has the ability to get about by car ( a motobility car ) and wether they can soup up a vehicle supplied under Motobility.

If they are being provided with a car under MA, then surely their freedom is being looked after. ?

Edited by Honestjohn on 23/04/2009 at 15:04

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - b308
They can't just "take a walk in the country" or a cycle ride... or even nip to the shops without a great deal of trouble... unlike you or I who can just do it without any problems whenever we want... in other words their freedom is severely restricted... is that clearer?

Re the second part many disabled people work, the MA is an allowance by the Gov to help them get around... so why shouldn't they have the ability to be able to get a better car or improve the one they have in the same way you or I do to our cars? They are using their own money to do this, its not tax payers money.

Edited by b308 on 23/04/2009 at 11:45

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - Mr X
Are you missing the point deliberately ?
Why would loss of the freedoms you describe mean that they should have the right to make their car accelerate faster and achieve higher speeds ?

As HJ pointed out, gone are the days of those dangerous, unsafe blue noddy cars and the mobility allowance ( correct me if I am wrong ) can be used against the purchase of any car on the market . If the number of MA cars on our roads has increased by a factor of 3 over the last few years, that would indicate that requirements re hoop jumping are not as stringent as we are led to believe.

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - b308
As I said to HJ, MrX, try talking to someone who has those allowances and how "easy" it was to get them... I can assure you from our experience it was not easy...

As for the other comment, no, I'm not missing the point... the MA rate only gets you a very basic, small, car, if you want anything bigger then you have to put your own money in, so I really can't see where there's an issue, you and I aren't subsidising the larger cars or mods, the disabled person is, just like you or I would if we wanted a better car...

BTW it doesn't stop there, any help for disabled people is very much a "post code lottery" like health care for us better off people, except for them they have little choice if they need something - despite my wife getting DLA and MA we have still had to fork out thousands of our own money for things to help her round the house and even a wheelchair (!) that the national and local gov don't provide... Most genuinely disabled people try their utmost to lead as normal a life as possible and a very large percentage hold down jobs and pay taxes... So why shouldn't they be allowed to try to improve their life just like you or I?

From your comments I assume that you'd rather them be stuck away out of sight and out of mind (at least yours, but not their families')... bring back the asylums, eh!
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - cuthbert
A Daily Mail reader no doubt
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - ForumNeedsModerating
I would be uncomfortable with the idea that once in receipt of this benefit, individuals could start ' souping " such vehicles up with re mapping or chipping of engine management systems.

Mr X, would you also be 'uncomfortable' if say, a pensioner used part of their government funded pension to do such a thing, or if someone spent part of their family credit buying something you didn't approve of? As far as I can see, the higher rate DLA award is meant to enhance the lifestyle/mobility of the recipient - if their life is enhanced by wanting to drive a bit more sportily wants wrong with it? It seems this is a question for the recipient, Motability, the manufacturer & the insurance company - and nobody else.

Or would you further suggest that the new 'scrappage scheme' should come with rules & provisos re modifications too - after all, that's government funded isn't it?

Now it seems all sorts of people can get a mobility allowance and put it into a car.

HJ, well all sorts of people are disabled - if you have doubts about 'worthiness' or qualifying criteria, perhaps you could elucidate? It's a valid question, but not really relevant to the OP's question.

One source told me that the Motability fleet is now 3 x the size it was just a few years ago, and the discounts it gets from manufacturers mean that manufacturers are effectively subsidising the operation as well as the taxpayer.

So, no different really to any large organisation or fleet buyer then - should Motability be penalised or prohibited for negotiating favourable deals? The Motability scheme is voluntary for manufacturers & dealers - they put forward lists of cars/leasing costs to Motability, not vice versa. In these straitened economic times, Motability should be thanked for providing a large (and hitherto untapped) market for new cars - not criticised.

If you look at the lists of 'approved' Motability cars you'll notice many are entry level models & the leasing costs are not that different to commercial leasors - in fact I'd say higher in some cases. Motability recipients do have the option of 'topping-up' their Motability vehicle with their own extra contribution if they want something a bit better than basic - and good luck to them.
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - davidh
Is the disability allowance for the use of a car or to actually buy it?

I think thats the nub.

If its to simply lease a car and then to hand back then I assume its never owned by the individual.

I cant imaging hiring a car from Avis and then tuning it up and sending it back with 30% more power. Who'd buy it later? How could the Lease company value it?as it would affect the lease cost as the residuals would be lower for a modded car.

If the person concerned wanted to mod a Government provided car - fine - so long as the risks associated with voided warranty and diminished resale is adequately covered by said individual.

All IMO.
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - b308
David, just to clarify, there are two elements to Disabled allowances, Disabled Living Allowance and Motability Allowance, unless you are on the higher rates of DLA you don't get MA (thats it, roughly).

If you get higher rate Motability Allowance then you can either use the moneys to buy yourself transport (such as a car, wheelchair or mobility scooter) or just use the money to fund the use of taxis, etc., to get yourself around or...

The other alternative is to use the Motability Scheme where they take all your motability allowance and provide you with a car or electric scooter. Its a lease scheme, you have the car for 3 years then you can buy it or send it back and get a replacement (just like a company car, in fact).

As to what car you get, well that depends on you and your personal circumstances... if you get a basic small car then you will pay your MA to them but thats it, they service it and you provide fuel, and there is also a mileage limit, if you go over that you pay a penalty.

However if you want something more than the basic and have the funds then you can pay extra up front and get a better car, or better-spec'd car... though at the end of the three years though they get the car back and you don't get anything for any improvements you may have made to it or any extra money you paid out in the first place. Thats how we got the level 3 Roomster, we paid some extra at the outset because that car suited our needs better.

They are very strict on what you can do to the car, including what fuel you can use, any damage caused by misuse would have to be paid by the individual... going back to the OP the only way of really knowing whether they'd allow chipping would be to ask them.

Edited by b308 on 23/04/2009 at 14:37

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - cuthbert
Lets ban all PCP agreements and also company car schemes then .

Lets ban family tax credit !! they may spend it on a McDonald and enjoy themselves

I know to some disabled people it has made a huge difference to there quality of life and just because they are disabled does not mean they should have less choice than an able bodied person
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - b308
A Daily Mail reader no doubt

Me or MrX?

(If me, why??)
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - cuthbert
Mr X sorry about that !! I tried to edit my post to make it more clear but was unable
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - FotheringtonThomas
As far as I know, Motability cars are supposed to be returned in good order - and that the customer takes "good care" of their car - normal wear & tear is expected. If your chipping doesn't affect this, I can't see a reason why it shouldn't be done (insurance questions etc., aside).
Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - autumnboy
Thanks for all the Negative views.

All my friend wanted to know, was yes or no.

And why should'nt a disabled driver enjoy driving as much as a non-disabled driver.

I do not want any further wasted comments.

Diesel Re-Map - Motability Cars - b308
Thanks for all the Negative views.
All my friend wanted to know was yes or no.
And why should'nt a disabled driver enjoy driving as much as a non-disabled driver.

AB, regretably there are one or two people on here who can be both ignorant and also intollerent of other people's handicaps, please don't take their views as typical of the forum as a whole because they aren't, the vast majority are a decent bunch...

The simple answer to your question, as a couple of us have already said, is to ask the Motability people themselves, I've found them very prompt and helpful with any queries I've had in the past... just email them eh!

But whatever you do, tell him not to chip it until he has permission as it could become expensive if things go wrong! ;)

Edited by b308 on 23/04/2009 at 19:12