Skoda makes headline news - Roger Jones
BBC Radio 4 included this in their headline news at mid-day today:

One wonders about the BBC's priorities and how well informed they are, as I suspect it was intended to tag along with the long-outdated "Skodas are rubbish" myth.

Which car made in Britain could have been chosen as a direct alternative?

Edited by Roger Jones on 07/04/2009 at 13:27

Skoda makes headline news - Bilboman
With the Daimler DS long gone, there is sadly not a lot of choice in the market of British built/modified luxury cars/limos. The "entry level" Jaguar X type is not quite large enough whilst higher up the range prices are way too high, which obviously rules out Bentley and Rolls Royce.
Coleman Milne still make limos to order, but I don't imagine the Fairlane-based 6 door Dorchester is quite what's needed. Any kind of 4 x 4 would immediately upset green lobbyists - not even the fairly green British-built Qashqai would pass muster.
So it's over to foreign-owned factories in the UK or their parent companies, which would tend to keep Lexus and BMW on the shortlist and the likes of Mercedes and Audi (and even Volvo) off.
Decisions which fleet operators such as the police have to take all the time...
Skoda makes headline news - gordonbennet
Which car made in Britain could have been chosen as a direct alternative?

Toyota Avensis.

Afraid patriotism and national loyalty are things of the past....unless there's votes or other benefits in it.
Skoda makes headline news - daveyjp
Avensis wouldn't be large enough.

The major selling point for the Superb is the vast amount of room in the back seat, this coupled with low running costs makes it an ideal choice.

Skoda makes headline news - Mick Snutz
Clearly it was a slow news day for Radio 4.

And who is this MSP Richard Baker anyway that seems to think driving a Skoda would 'raise eyebrows' when the car rolls up at civic functions.

He sounds as outdated as the skoda jokes of old. Typical politician. Hopelessly out of touch with reality.
Skoda makes headline news - maz64
He sounds as outdated as the skoda jokes of old. Typical politician. Hopelessly out of
touch with reality.

I don't know - I'd like a Skoda, but SWMBO still won't consider one based on old prejudices. Statistically it's unlikely she's the only one, although hopefully as you say she's in the minority.
Skoda makes headline news - merlin
Talking to the Skoda garage in Shrewsbury apparently the local mayor has ordered 2 Superbs. I'm still prejudice against Skoda having grown up with the old Skoda jokes. It doesn't help with the VAG connection and their reputation for customer service in this country.
Skoda makes headline news - Mick Snutz
I admit I had my prejudices until my wife had a Fabia as a personal lease car through her work.
It was a fantastic little car, well build, quiet and comfy. We eventually bought the car outright and then sold it to my parents who still have it and they love it too.
Skoda makes headline news - BobbyG
My two local councils use either Volvo (the big one?) or a Phaeton (assume they bought it new rather than buying used and not taking the hit on depreciation)

Why do they need to be big in the back? Lets face it there will never be 3 of them in the back seat surely? Provost and side kick or wife/husband at the most.

In fairness to Glasgow I believe they still have the old Rolls limousine with the reg G0 but it cost so much to keep going that it very rarely sees the light of day now!!
Skoda makes headline news - commerdriver
In fairness to Glasgow I believe they still have the old Rolls limousine with the
reg G0 but it cost so much to keep going that it very rarely sees
the light of day now!!

I think I saw it in the Museum of Transport up there when I was in about a year ago so don't know if it's still on the road, any of the locals know?
Skoda makes headline news - daveyjp
"Why do they need to be big in the back? Lets face it there will never be 3 of them in the back seat surely? Provost and side kick or wife/husband at the most."

Forget width, consider legroom.

When I was in the Superb I put the passenger seat as far back as it would go - my feet weren't touching the bulkhead under the dash, yet the seat didn't hit my wife's knees who was sat behind me.

If the driver is over 6 ft, there is no problem with both rear seats having ample legroom, which cannot be said for a number of cars which appear large from the outside.
Skoda makes headline news - ex-Triumph man
Just a bit of background information re the Lord Provost's car having such an unusual number plate, G0.
Many years ago, the Citroen dealer in Glasgow, Galts in Woodlands Road, had the registration G1. When approached by the Council to see if they would sell it, they were turned down. So having sought and obtained special dispensation, the registration G0 was issued.
Skoda makes headline news - BobbyG
Triumph man, I think the G1 reg is now owned by someone called Gillespie?

Glasgow have G0, Edinburgh S0
Skoda makes headline news - legacylad
My fiance would like a Superb as her next company car, when the time comes to replace the Passat next year. It has already been ruled out because it does not have an electronic parking brake! She loves the split boot/hatch arrangement and thinks that only men should drive estate cars.......
Skoda makes headline news - 659FBE
My Mk1 Superb 1.9D was originally leased to the Mayor of Mansfield before I bought it from the local dealer. (Probably the only way they could think of to shift it).

Anyway, thanks, mate for looking after it and not leaving any rubbish in the back.

Skoda makes headline news - ajb1
>It has already been ruled out because it does not have an electronic parking brake!

Who wants the electronic parking brake ? And why ?

One of the factory options for the Superb is "Hill Hold". This makes hill starts etc much easier.
Skoda makes headline news - apm
My fiance... thinks that
only men should drive estate cars.......

My wife is of the opinion that only school-run mums drive estates (a group she wants desperately not to be associated with, although she'll be one in a few years). This makes no sense to me as my experience is that they all have soft-roaders.

Upshot was that we ended up with an S60 (which I do love), rather than the V70 I really wanted.

Strange creatures, they are, women. Then again, perhaps I'm strange for wanting an estate car in the first place. Wibble.


Skoda makes headline news - Stuartli
as I suspect it was intended to tag along with the long-outdated "Skodas are rubbish" myth.>>

I didn't get that impression whilst reading the story; from about half way through it makes play of the fact that the Skoda brand has been turned round image wise.
Skoda makes headline news - maz64
I didn't get that impression whilst reading the story; from about half way through it
makes play of the fact that the Skoda brand has been turned round image wise.

I got the impression it had been written by Skoda on the off-chance they might get some free advertising, and bingo!
Skoda makes headline news - Stuartli
>>I got the impression it had been written by Skoda on the off-chance they might get some free advertising, and bingo!>>

If that actually was the case, then the Skoda Press department's employee involved has definitely earned him or herself a nice little bonus.
Skoda makes headline news - concrete
SKODA, so what? why all the fuss? Despite the old jokes and prejudice the fact remians they are an excellent car, especially the Superb, which lives up to it's name unlike some so called 'better' marques I have had over the past few years. I regularly transport my son and 3 other members of his rugby team to matches in great comfort. Bear in mind I am talking about young men of giant proportions from 6 feet and 15 stones to 6'5" and 19 stones. With my work I travel 30K miles per year and average over 50mpg. Services come at about 20K miles as the car requests them. Overall cost are low even using a main dealer. Now got 70K on the clock and just run in. Going to keep it for a few more years yet, and then..... another SKODA SUPERB of course. I am really pleased that there is still a stigma and an attitude about Skoda, it keeps these car snobs out of the way of people who appreciate good cars at good prices with decent running costs, so keep on buying your Peugeot, Renault, Vauxhall, Toyota, Ford and Jaguar, all of which I have ran for some time during the past 15 years and would not return to. No offence, just common sense. Concrete
Skoda makes headline news - Alby Back
I think a Superb estate would Think someone on here said there would be one in due course ?

As a fan of large practical estates as workhorses, I wouldn't take much persuading.
Skoda makes headline news - v8man
Recently I was looking at used prices of Superbs and Passats and the Skodas were more expensive. Says it all really. They are great cars.
Skoda makes headline news - Pizza man
I think it's amazing that it's a simular 1.9 TDI to whats in my 2000 cordoba in a bigger car is making the same 55mpg and 0-60 time when the superb is so much heavier :) how technology marches on.