What do you think of Elon Musk? Have your say | No thanks
What's your favourite website? - CMark {P}
Apart from this website, (and your own, if you have one) what is each BRer's single, most favorite website?

To kick off, when I am done playing with cars during the day, I like to relax with a good movie - www.imdb.com (internet movie database) helps me avoid wasting my time. Everything you could want to know about films and more.

"never attempt anything without the gloves"

I have been reading the posts on this forum for a while now and am just starting to post my own stuff! Thought this would be a good opener. Searched the archive for similar topic but didn?t find anything, but apologies if this has been done already.
What's your favourite website? - jeds
What's your favourite website? - svpworld


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
What's your favourite website? - BrianW
Friends Reunited
I've been in touch with a few people I haven't seen for 40 years.
What's your favourite website? - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Friends Reunited
I've been in touch with a few people I haven't seen
for 40 years.

Did prison change you? ;-) ;-) ;-)

Parp, Parp!
Note: All Toad posts come with an implied smiley.
What's your favourite website? - M.M
Friends Reunited is my favourite for a laugh. Amazing the details folks give away because they don't seem to realise it is so easy to get 2 plus 2 sussed.....eh Toad!

David W
What's your favourite website? - BrianW
How was L******* Boy's Secondary Modern then?
What's your favourite website? - Dave H
What do you mean "it is so easy to get 2 plus 2 sussed"?

What's your favourite website? - Vin {P}

Satirical website that even managed to deal with Sep 11th last year in a bitingly funny way.
What's your favourite website? - Armitage Shanks{P}
Google, because it leads to everything else!
What's your favourite website? - M.M
OK Dave H...Friends Reunited and 2 plus 2 sussed etc....

Please read all this rant with a ;-) but there is a serious undercurrent.

Many folks like to protect their identities to varying degrees on the web but with Friends ReU they seem to throw all caution to the wind with the thought they will never be found (sussed).

You only need to craftily remember a couple of facts over time about someone and a little work on the FRU site will find out loads more.

For example one person wrote up far more on the site than she had told her new employer, and they genuinely fell across the info by chance.

Another very secretive chap on one forum I use gave away the lot on FRU because he didn't think his two IDs would ever be associated.

With my old school year I was interested to see our head boy and head girl were happily married - how sweet....until later I notice she'd reverted back to her maiden name and posted a scathing update about their terrible years together.

Other folks are laughing about exploits they would still be ashamed for their parents to know of...as if it were a secret conversation in the pub.....I'm sorry guys this is an international free for all here!

Another chap gives his current location full, education history, qualifications, job history, wifes maiden name, childrens names/ages, hobbies, hopes for the future etc etc.....cloned ID anyone.

The site is the first place the newspapers look now if your are in any sort of trouble or come to their attention.....makes it so much easier for them to have all your old school/work chums to ask "and what was he/she like?".

To cap it all I've logged into the site with a name that isn't strictly obvious as my own (to preserve my privacy, not for sinister reason) and damm me I've already been mailed by three girls (yes Toad you can have their numbers) and invited to reunions for schools I never attended...weird weird site.

David W