Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
Was actually going to make a thread how I have seen this late model Corsa B on a private sale which sounded perfect if a little over priced.

It does have 12 months MOT looking closely at the pics on ebay I spotted quite a lot of rust on the C pillar above the sills.

Had a look at some more cars today and it really does seem that if insurance is an issue £2k is no longer enough money to buy a decent car. The best one garage could come it with is an S reg Fiesta for a whooping £1500!

I am now angery for selling my old car so cheaply, I know it needed a huge amount of work doing to it but I never imagined finding a car would be so hard. I think it is because of my past bad luck I am now being very picky, in the past a bit of rust on the sills would not have bothered me, where as now I know it generaly means the car is rotting and won't last much longer.

If anybody out there like me is looking for a first car it seems now is a very difficult time to buy :(.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Blue {P}
Why not just put yourself out of your misery and buy a new or second hand Ford Direct Ka or something like that which still has manufacturer's warranty etc?

I know it would cost up to about £4 or £5K but with a £2K deposit the payments would be less than you would spend trying to keep an old car in showroom condition. It would honestly be a lot easier, or, another option would be to accept that rust is to be accepted on a sub £2K car! Mine goes in again next week for the front wing to be resprayed to remove a patch the size of a 50p piece where some of the paint literally fell off the other day!

I know that you feel like you've been stung (in all honesty your problems with the Fiesta seemed par for the course rather than unusual in my experience of running cars ranging from bangers up to brand new) but I think you've hit the nail on the head by saying that you are now very picky!

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Blue {P}
How about this?


Don't know how far away it is from you, but perhaps you could persuade a friend to go on a road trip, I've done it several times when buying off Ebay and it's a fab day out!

Edited by Blue {P} on 25/03/2009 at 00:50

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Blue {P}
Or how about:


It's for sale at a Ford dealers so shouldn't be an absolute dog and would probably come with some form of approved used warranty. Nice little car that, I had a 1.25 Ghia in the same colour and loved it. Cheap to run and so nippy it was a hoot to drive. Please don't expect it to be free of any rust spots though as it will probably have some small amount of it by now, my W reg Mondeo does.

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Blue {P}


I honestly can't understand how you haven't found a car yet, are you really restricting yourself to local area only?
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
Not really I live in South Manchester and have so far visited:-
Stockport (not that far from me)

So pretty much all of Manchester.

I am sometimes very busy so miss some good cars, I reckon about 30% of the cars I have phoned up about have been sold. Most traders have just made me walk away but there are a few I think I trust and I check their websites for stock daily.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Blue {P}
Lol, we obviously have different ideas of local then as I consider anything within 70 miles to be local!

I live in Sunderland but have bought cars in Slough, Telford and Coventry, I've also travelled to Surrey and London to view cars that I ended up not buying.

I viewed each trip as nothing but a fun day with my dad, we had a laugh in the car on the way down (flew Easyjet once too which gave a sense of occasion to the day), enjoyed dinners in various nice pubs and got a new car all in the same day. We also learned that Mercedes COMAND should have an option to avoid socially deprived areas after getting stuck in traffic in one of the rougher inner city areas of London with £8K tucked under the seat. A Met Police friend of my dad's later told us that we'd been quite lucky to come through it without a scratch as even the Police don't travel alone there and he reckoned that two white men in a new Merc will have stood out like a sore thumb! All part of the fun really and makes for a decent story when we talk about our little jaunts.

If you can't ask your dad to help then maybe persuade a mate that a road trip would be fun. It doesn't have to be an expensive car to be worth travelling, I spent £2,200 on my Mondeo and travelled to Coventry to collect it based on some high-res photos that the seller sent me. You'll find it easier to recruit friends if you try and combine the trip with something else, like a night out in a new city etc.

The upshot is, be prepared to leave Manchester and you will find a car in days, not months!
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
Its similar to my dads but his is a 1.3 Ghia. The problem with that is insurance group 6 :( it means I would be paying over £100 a month, where as a 1.6 Focus would be £80.

Astras G's are high on my list as they seem to offer a lot of good value but a couple of people told me they rust were it dosn;t show. e.g the bodywork looks completly perfect but underneath is really bad - not sure if this is true as HJ dosn't mention rust on C2B.

I've bought three Fiestas in just over two years, my dads is ok has had issues but I have fixed half of them myself the engine is so easy to work on. The other two I has for less than 6 months!

Maybe I should import a Tata Nano and fit a 1.25 Zetec engine into it!
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
Well my old car had quite a few little dents and knocks in and a bit of surface rust it didn't bother me in the slightest, but the underneath was far worse but on this Corsa mentioned above it looks like its developing into a hole and it means it would never pass another MOT without some fairly time consuming welding.

A new Ka or something like that would be ideal, a well cared for three year old one should not have issues with rust for a few years yet (there are plenty of none rust R reg Ka's about so they don;t all rust) I am just not sure I would get the loan, but buying a newer lower insurance group car would offset the cost of buying an older car such as a Focus with a higher insurance premium.

My dads always had old bangers apart from the nearly new Punto which was no better or worse than the bangers in terms of repairs.

I think I just look at a car and see a huge list of problems though some of them are real sheds, one of the cars I was looking at today had a 12 month MOT yet the brake pipes were clearly not fixed to the chasis.

In the past it seems we have (my parents) had paid a few hundered for a car and got quite a few years out of them, but now the same sort of car seems to cost £1500. I think seems to be because there are now hardly any private sale cars about.

We bought a 6 year old Escort with 60k and FSH for £1600 in 2002 for example.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
With my limited experience of driving if I went long away away it would be difficultt to get back but I am sure if I paid my dad a bit of money he would do it.

The furthest I have been so far is 14 miles away (but on public transport in a big city that equates to a 90 minute journey).

Having said that there is a Focus up in Norht Manchester I want to take a look at, but working all day tomorrow, all day thursday etc so it will be sold.

I wonder if an auction might be the best way? I dont expect a car to be perfect but if I am paying book price for something large rust patches just make me run a mile

Just remembered I should have a couple of hours spare tomorrow afternoon so will go and try and see this Focus then, Its on the pricey side £2K for a 2000 T 1.6 but its 75k and FSH so if the FSH checks out and there is no rust on the arches it might be just what I am looking for. If there is a little bit of rust then I will probably want it for £300 less.

Edited by Rattle on 25/03/2009 at 01:57

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
I will go and check this out tomorrow [I will make time] tinyurl.com/d36atp it similar to that yellow one you posted above but a lot closer to where I live.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - 832ark
I know of a nice S reg 1.4 Clio with 30 something thousand miles for sale in Wolverhampton for £1350 from a garage with warranty. Just had cambelt done, nice little car.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - NARU
Sometimes you do have to travel.

I looked at cars in Bristol and Northampton before buying one from Derby - all from home near Blackbushe (not far from the auctions).

My local dealers had been pricing their stock £3-4k higher than I paid, making the travel worthwhile.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - ma
T is 1999 not 2000!
Just when you think you have found a car.... - rtj70
T is 1999 not 2000!

Correct. V reg was Sept 1999 I think. I got my T reg Golf in August 1999. Stolen in Feb 2000. Passat arrived in May 2000 on a W plate.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
Yep on the bus back I was working this out in my head.

R is Aug 97 to Aug 98
S is Aug 98 to Sept 99
T is September 1999 and this was when they changed it from August
V Sept 99 to March 2000
W March 2000 to Sept 2000
X Sept 2000 to March 2001
Y March 2001 to Sept 2001
51 reg Sept 2001.....

So there is no way this could have been a 2000 reg car unless the plates have been changed.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - rtj70
You've got that a little wrong. When the S plate came out they were then on a six month cycle for the reg plate. So the S lasted 6 months. Followed by the T. The T reg was not Sept 1999. It was until Sept 1999.

I got a T plated car in August 1999. The V plate came days later and yet the lease company did not mind getting it early - well the old car went back to the old lease company and the new car was with a different company. So they got a car out early.

I also think it makes sense to consider other cars. You discount some for being £20/month more on insurance and yet plan on buying the car with a credit card.

Edited by rtj70 on 25/03/2009 at 17:59

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Blue {P}
With my limited experience of driving if I went long away away it would be
difficultt to get back but I am sure if I paid my dad a bit
of money he would do it.

Please, please get a grip.

I don't mean that to sound nasty but you really need to re-consider the idea of getting a car if you don't feel confident enough to drive it. When I was 17 I was driving to Alton Towers which is the other side of the country from me with nothing but a print out from their website to guide me in.

What difficulties do you forsee in finding your way back and maybe we can address them?
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Pugugly
Blue, Don't I remember you posting photos of your Fiesta when you got it ?
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Blue {P}
Quite possibly, I don't really know where any of my mega old pictures are now, I've used the same hosting service for quite a while but certainly not far enough back to have any pics of my old Fiesta.

I've had 3 Fiestas so would hope that some photos still survive, you've just made me think about it enough to do a count, I'm on my 7th Ford since passing my test in 2001. That's brand loyalty for ya, or at least it would be if I hadn't also had an MG and two BMWs. :-)

I think by Rattle's standards I must buy cars quite quickly then :-)
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
Ha well I have bought three Fiestas since Jan 2007!

tinyurl.com/cvwm5m - 95 N reg with 102k on the clock when I bought it, soon noticed a rattle from the timing chain and camshaft area (it was lower down as its a pushrod engine thats prob the camshaft). My username was named after this car. Got 4k out of it but I knew the engine had so many problems when it refused to start one morning I justr scrapped it for £80. Bought if for £400 sold it for £80 with 10 months MOT :(.

tinyurl.com/ab5dy4 - 97 R reg with 62k on the clock bought in Aug 2007 to replace the one above which was I knew was dying. Paid £850 for it with 12 months MOT and FSH, my dad still has this car today and has put 17k on it. Has its faults but it is reliable.

tinyurl.com/czus8m - 1996 N reg - Paid £350 in Oct 08 for it with 67k and 7 months MOT, did have a good engine but so many faults just kept going wrong it was one thing after another and it was never out of the garage. Decided to have it MOT'ed early and that is when I was told the chasis was rotton. Sold it for £250 in Jan as an MOT failure. Lost more than £200 on it due to the repairs I already did to it. Learnt to drive on my own in that car though so in that respect it was worth every penny.

tinyurl.com/d6dyto - My dads old Escort paid £1600 for it in 2002 (95 N) it was a very good car but during 2006 became nothing but trouble. My dad had a major accident (DIY) later that year so could not drive it, it was stored in a damp garage and just rotted away. Even with 100k on the clock which it finally got to the engine still sounded completly silent and would get through no oil at all (just a yearly change). It was the 1.6 Zetec brilliant engine. My dad bought this car but I found it etc..

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Paul Robinson
Rattle, I'm not sure if this has already been suggested, but have you considered placing a 'wanted' ad? You have fairly specific requirement, insurance and budget wise, so state them. Plenty places to advertise, postcard in the local newsagents, post office, supermarket etc. Little ad in the local free newspapers.

You may get replies from people who haven't yet put their cars up for sale, so time won't be such an issue. If you're really lucky they might even be prepared to bring cars to you!
Just when you think you have found a car.... - FotheringtonThomas
Something screwy here. How much have you to spend on a car? Approximately where do you live?
Just when you think you have found a car.... - jbif
Something screwy here. >>

I prefer "very fishy", caught by a big hook dangled in perpetuity, if you get my drift. ;-)

Edited by jbif on 25/03/2009 at 10:38

Just when you think you have found a car.... - FotheringtonThomas
I do get your drift. I have thought similarly. I think you are probably quite right.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - bristol01
Travelled from SW England to NW Wales to pick up a new car the other week, and as an earlier poster remarked, it gave me a chance to have a great conversation with my Dad which I don't get to do ordinarily. I traded in that '97 Polo I mentioned a few weeks ago in connection with another of the OP's posts - lovely car, never let me down once, but too small now that I have a family. New car in N. Wales was cheaper than local dealers and the bloke gave me a very good px on the VW. Might be worth thinking about travelling you can afford the time - the risk is that someone else gets there first, of course.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - DP







All within 25 miles of the Trafford Centre (except the last one). Rattle, one of these is bound to be worth something like its asking price. There are hundreds more. I got bored.


Edited by DP on 25/03/2009 at 11:13

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Lud
Rattle has supervision and will find rust spots on all of them.

He's just too good for cars in the real world.

Edited by Lud on 25/03/2009 at 11:18

Just when you think you have found a car.... - rtj70
I found quite a few doing a quick search on Autotrader too. Plenty for around £1k. So could buy and keep money to fix what needs fixing. No car at this age will be perfect.

If you want to avoid all problems then buy new or nearly new. And still you will have issues. I've had brand new cars needing fixing - e.g. a Golf GTi 1.8T needing a new gearbox, a Passat 1.8T needing a new turbo charger and both needing some new door locks.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Adam {P}

I sympathise with your plight and I too like to think I weigh up each purchase carefully before jumping in.

However, I don't. Just yesterday I went into Comet with the intention of buying a coffee machine I'd seen for 20 quid. I walked out with one costing twice that that froths the milk for you! It froths it itself! The fact I only drink coffee black just didn't come up - it has a milk frother! The last three cars I've bought have all been the first cars I've seen. Some have had problems...actually....ALL have had problems (apart from what I've got now - fingers crossed) but I think it's just something you have to accept. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you go wading in and buy the first thing you see...but even with a budget two or three times the size of yours, I think you have to accept the car will have some kind of issue with it however small.

I wish you the best of luck but as others have said, maybe look a little further afield if you can. I work 6 days a week for a very strict and unsympathetic company which has meant I've had to book holidays to go out and look at cars. Maybe it would be an idea to make a list of potential cars to go and see and book a day off next week to go and have a look. You mention travelling to Leigh - Wigan is just 2 minutes further and has countless dealerships!

Good luck!

Just when you think you have found a car.... - Adam {P}
Just to add, the problems that befell my cars were very serious but even with the most comprehensive inspections would not (did not even) warn any potential buyers. (Knackered autobox on one and quite a thirst for oil on another). There is no "perfect car" out there....just one that makes you happy once it's yours.

Just when you think you have found a car.... - DP
There is no "perfect
car" out there....just one that makes you happy once it's yours.

I agree. I often have this discussion with my brother-in-law, who is an absolute perfectionist.

To give you an example, he stood by our recently acquired Golf for 20 full minutes, trying to work out if it had had the front wings replaced / resprayed. I don't think it has (or if it has, it's a pukka job), and it's HPI clear, so that was enough for me. He on the other hand would have walked away because in his mind, there is a niggling doubt. He concluded that he "wasn't sure". Nobody else who has seen the car, including mechanics and experienced car buyers has a clue what he's talking about.

When I buy a car, I weigh up the overall picture. Obviously, odd coloured panels / wonky shutlines, missing paperwork, mismatching addresses etc = walk away. Otherwise, it's a combination of the seller's attitude, the overall condition of the car, signs of any high bills in the immediate future, and of course the price relative to others on the market. You don't reject cars at £4k for the odd mark or interior squeak, and you certainly wouldn't knock a £1k car back for a spot of surface rust. I wouldn't, anyway.

Our Golf is by no means perfect, but it's straight, presentable, legal, drives well, and I liked the seller.


Just when you think you have found a car.... - jbif
Rattle has supervision .. >>
He's just too good for cars in the real world. >>

supervision! real world!

You cannot be serious. ;-)

Edited by jbif on 25/03/2009 at 12:09

Just when you think you have found a car.... - FotheringtonThomas
I'd guess that for some reason none of these will do, or they'll be impossible to get to due to circumstances. ICBW.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - quizman
It seems that the whole of the Honestjohn forum is looking for a car for Rattle. I have started looking in the evening paper for cheap cars, there are dozens out there. Plenty of private sales and some decent looking cars at dealers.
There is an ex Ford dealer in Ashbourne with a good stock of cars, but of course Rattle is too nervous to drive to Ashbourne and says he could not find his way back.
Come on Rattle have a go, there are signposts and Manchester is easy to find. Just think of all those people discovering America and climbing up Everest. If you don't try you will never do it.
Come on and please please get a car, there has been plenty of advice on this and other posts. There are hundreds of cars sitting out there waiting for you.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Lud
It seems that the whole of the Honestjohn forum is looking for a car for Rattle.

I'm not. He would only turn it down for some unreasonable reason.

Of course I want him to have a car and learn to drive properly. But only in the abstract. I have a feeling he doesn't like cars actually and is too nervous and pernickety ever to enjoy driving in today's Britain. And if he drives anything like he chooses cars he would be in the way all the time.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Rattle
OK I have been doing a lot of phoning round today and a lot of seeking. Both private sale car (DP posted one above) and this Corsa no answer but will try again later.

I went to see a Focus today but walked away when they kept insisting it was a 2000 T and not a mistake and the chasis number appeared to be missing on the floor but I did not see the V5 so it may well be a 1999 T and it has some welding done on the chasis but it could also be something more worrying either way I don't think I was being fussy walking away,

That Focus above with a 7 month MOT [DPs link] I will arrange to have a look at it but £1k of my money is coming from my credit card (I can easily pay the repayments) so finding £1500 cash will be a little tricky but not impossible. Its been on Autotrader for at least a week or more now though. There is another Focus in Bury I want to see but it will probably be sold by the time I get time to see it as I am very busy now.

The wanted add is a very good idea and I will try that.

Just when you think you have found a car.... - oilrag
`Rattle` twinned with `Stu`? ;-) (for enduring `saga`interest)

Just joking of course.. If i lived in Manchester Rattle, I would offer you help in checking them out..
All the best ;-)
Just when you think you have found a car.... - PoloGirl
If you're managing this long without a car, and don't actually like driving... do you need a car?

Just when you think you have found a car.... - doctorchris
PG, it takes a woman's brain to cut through a load of rubbish and identify the heart of Rattle's problem.
His love affair with the car has ended at a young age, he should embrace the bicycle and public transport.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - PoloGirl
>PG, it takes a woman's brain to cut through a load of rubbish and identify the heart of Rattle's problem.

Yeah but I still can't do the maths on the braking distance thread! ;-)

Just when you think you have found a car.... - bell boy
i wont comment on this thread because im sure me and rattle would disagree :-)
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Lud
Can it really be you bb?

Do us all a favour and rush round there and sell him a 1.25 litre Fiesta with an offer he can't refuse.

And please stay above the parapet.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - stunorthants26
>>`Rattle` twinned with `Stu`? ;-) (for enduring `saga`interest)<<

No fear, I can find a car with far less than trouble than the Rattler - and I wont expect it to pass a concours event before I buy either :-)
Just when you think you have found a car.... - redviper
There is a Vauxhall Omega that has been "parked" in the car park at my work for over a year now, Its in tiptop condition (AFAIK) but its free to a good home! - the DVLA are not bothered that its there and not taxed - if you can get some keys, and get it started im sure who evers it is wont mind as its been left there for year and they have not claimed it.

Its in silver and looks great
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Chris White
Maybe the current owner should leave the keys and V5 in it with a 'Free to a good home' notice on the windscreen.......... ;-)
Just when you think you have found a car.... - redviper
I would have it, if it was...... i think it just would need some new tyres as its been stood for a long time

i think it was one of the last ones to be made its on a 51 plate, i think!?
Just when you think you have found a car.... - quizman
>>>i think it just would need some new tyres as its been stood for a long time

Oh no, I can just imagine- What tyres should I get for my new Omega, do you think second hand Chinese would be OK...........................................?
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Mapmaker
>>`Rattle` twinned with `Stu`? ;-) (for enduring `saga`interest

'Rattle` twinned with `Stu`? ;-) (for enduring `saga' more like.

bellboy, you're the man. But if you've got an ounce of intelligence you won't sell a car to Rattle.

As for welding... whoever heard of a 2000 car that's been welded? And if you have, then have you ever heard of two... or in fact 100% of all cars of that vintage. Get real.

Curses. I've just been caught again. Memo to self not to respond to anything else on this thread.
Just when you think you have found a car.... - Lud
if you've got an ounce of intelligence you won't sell a car to Rattle.

I seem to remember that bb has a short way with tiresome punters. But you are right Mm, even his psychic stability might be threatened after a few weeks of peering at microscopic rust spots and listening for imaginary suspension knocks and tappetty noises in some little just-above-bangernomical gem from old Henry's industrial diaspora...

'History is bunk, my boy.'

'Yeah but bb, this is SERVICE history we're talking about, not some old tat about Henry V... surely those spots on the C pillar should have been touched up at the third service... etc.'