£900 fine for foreign drivers - boxsterboy
Police are to be given the power to fine foreign drivers £900 for driving offences. Failing which the vehicle will be impounded until the charge is paid. Aimed mainly at foreign truck drivers, who have three times the accident rate of our home grown variety. On the surface, to be welcomed?

But in the detail it will apply to British drivers who cannot prove their address/ID. My old paper driving licence will be no good, then.

Nothing short of ID card by stealth, or am I just a paranoid old git?

Edited by boxsterboy on 06/03/2009 at 10:07

£900 fine for foreign drivers - AlastairM
You might well be paranoid, but that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!
£900 fine for foreign drivers - R75
I was chatting to an ex-traffic cop who now works for VOSA about this the other month, apparently the Police are not too happy about becoming money collectors, too much risk of them being accused of taking the money they reckon!

I personally think it is a good idea if not taken to excess and common sense is used, however, by past experiences I can't really see that happening!
£900 fine for foreign drivers - dacouch
I would have though UK lorry drivers would be ok, as the UK police can establish the vehicle is insured and has mots etc through their computers (Which they cannot do for foreign drivers) so I would assume they would be satisfied that they know who you are or failing that they could use the information to trace you through your employer.

£900 fine for foreign drivers - AlastairM
Might be more honest, not to mention cheaper, if they were to fit every police car with a debit machine and admit that a lot of what they do is finance based.
£900 fine for foreign drivers - kithmo
Might be more honest not to mention cheaper if they were to fit every police
car with a debit machine and admit that a lot of what they do is
finance based.

Do you think they will give cash back if you pay by debit card ;0)
£900 fine for foreign drivers - dacouch
I'll have a look on Quidco they may have some "New customer discounts".... ;)
£900 fine for foreign drivers - IanJohnson
Is this about foreign drivers . .

or foreign registered vehicles ?

You can have a foreign driver in a UK registered and insured vehicle and vice-versa.
£900 fine for foreign drivers - boxsterboy
It's being presented as tackling the problem of foreign-registered trucks with their lousy driving standards. But actually it will apply to all vehicles on the road, UK registered or otherwise.

Like I said, ID card by stealth.
£900 fine for foreign drivers - Dwight Van Driver
Not yet in force but will be as from 1.4.09

Part 3A of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 (?the Act?) was inserted by section 11 of the Road Safety Act 2006. It provides that, when a constable or vehicle examiner believes a specified offence has been committed relating to a motor vehicle, the constable or vehicle examiner may impose a financial penalty deposit on a person without a satisfactory UK address who has been given notice of likely proceedings or a fixed penalty notice (in Scotland, a conditional offer) in respect of an offence.

This Order specifies the amount of the deposit, defined as the ?appropriate amount? in new section 90B(2) of the Act.

Article 2 of this Order provides that, if a person has been given a fixed penalty notice or handed a conditional offer for a fixed penalty offence, the appropriate amount is as specified in the third column of Schedule 1. For those cases in which the person has been given a fixed penalty notice or handed conditional offer for a graduated fixed penalty offence, the appropriate amount in respect of that fixed penalty notice or conditional offer is specified in Schedule 2 by reference to the nature of the contravention or the failure constituting the offence or the seriousness of the offence. For those offences which are likely to be tried in a court, and for which the person has been given notice of that fact, the appropriate amount is £300.

In the event that the person is not prosecuted, is acquitted, or is convicted but not fined, or the period in which a prosecution may be brought ends, appropriate steps to make an appropriate refund of the financial penalty deposit are required to be taken by the Secretary of State. These steps are set out in the Road Safety (Financial Penalty Deposit) Order 2009. That Order also specifies the offences to which the financial penalty deposit scheme applies. The rate of interest to be calculated for the purposes of determining the appropriate refund is set out in the Road Safety (Financial Penalty Deposit) (Interest) Order 2009.

£900 fine for foreign drivers - Hamsafar
Bad new for travellers, or will they still have immunity from such things?
£900 fine for foreign drivers - Fullchat
Bit like a Bail Bond then? Sounds good for Summons process but for FPT's why not just pay the ticket on the spot? Particularly if it would seem that some sort of deposit is having to be paid there and then.
£900 fine for foreign drivers - GroovyMucker
But in the detail it will apply to British drivers who cannot prove their address/ID.
My old paper driving licence will be no good then.

Why so?

Mine's got my name and address on it.