01 1.3 Yaris : Stuttering once warm - Chad.R
SWMBO's Yaris seems to have developed an annoying fault: Once warmed up it seems to develop a stutter - almost like someone is pinching the fuel line or similar. This causes you to make fairly erratic progress down the road - "the car has hiccups" as my toddler son said.

It only seems to start once the engine has warmed up and isn't noticeable from a cold start.

Any ideas what it might be?

Thanks in advance.
01 1.3 Yaris : Stuttering once warm - Chad.R
Update: Today the engine management warning light came on. So it'll be going to see the doctor this week.
01 1.3 Yaris : Stuttering once warm - Chad.R
Just to round this one off.....

The diagnostics said it was a problem with the throttle position sensor, had that replaced and all is well now.