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Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Andy
For all the Mobil 1 fans out there! I've just been to my local Kwikfit branch in Worcester and bought 7L of Mobil 1 0-40 for £30. You have to take your own containers though.

A huge saving on the Halfords price!!
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - RogerL
Are you really sure it\'s Mobil 1 0-40?

It might be a different grade which is much cheaper.
It might be a Mobil ordinary oil.
It might be something else altogether.

Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Mark (RLBS)
I have removed the comments specific to a certain retailer. As you know, removing one note in a thread removes all following ones, so this meant all notes got deleted.

It is dodgy criticising or accusing unless one has absolute proof which has been accepted either by admission or be a court of law, and even then the question of motive is relevant.

That\'s all too difficult and time-consuming, so I would appreciate your assistance in not writing such stuff in here.

Whilst I am here, I would also mention that, for example, \"F*rd\" is as identifying as \"Ford\" as is \"a car manufacturer ryhming with cord\". So coming up with clever plays on words won\'t make the comments acceptable either.

Mark (RLBS)
Moderator at Work

Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - lezebre
:-) and presumably it wouldn't be allowed to make allegations against the late lamented Cord Automobile Company by referring to the manufacturer as "rhyming with ford".
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - svpworld
I recently had the mobil oil change at the well known cheap place to have it done! They wheeled a huge drum over to the car labelled at Mobil full synthetic 0W-40 or whatever, pressurised it up to the air line and put it in my car. I didn't perform x-ray analysis or spectrometry on the oil, but I wouldnt think a large retailing giant like these would fill a mobil 1 barrel up with cooking oil! Very cheap though considering what this oil usually costs on its own!


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Andy
I checked with Mobil's Technical Helpline and they confirmed that they supply Kwikfit with Mobil 1 0-40. So I'm happy!
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - <0.One%
The Mobil1 website confirms this to be true.
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Rich Mixture

If you search the site you'll find other discussion on the retail price of Mobil 1. I've stated previously in the Backroom that for the last 3 years I've been regularly having Mobil 1
0W-40 (full UK spec) delivered to my door by a Mobil wholesaler for £19 for a 4 litre container. Consequently, I see no reason to believe that your fast fit chain are supplying you with anything other than what they say as there is clearly considerable retail margin built in to the price of this top branded lubricant. Just don't pay £30 for it in the High Street!

Have run my 406 on this stuff since new, it starts to discolour at about 3000 but is still reasonably clean when I change it at 5000 - I believe it's worth the price that I pay for simple peace of mind. Think I'd use the same change regime but with a cheaper synth or semi if I couldn't get M1 for £19. I buy the factory specified Purflux oil filter at GS&F for about £4 so all in a 5000 mile oil change costs me £24. Not unreasonable I think?


Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - volvod5_dude

Took my Volvo D5 into Kwikfit this afternoon for it's first 6000 mile oil change, (Volvo recommend 12k miles). They couldn't do the filter (because Volvo have gone back to using the cartridge type), but they drained the old oil, put 6lts of Mobil 1 in the engine and put 2lts in a can I took along for topping up, so that was 8lts of Mobil 1 0-40 for - £34. Can't beat that and it saves me getting my hands dirty!
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - RogerL
I don't understand the point of changing the oil but leaving the old filter in place. Can anyone explain, please?
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - lezebre

Presumably d5_dude reckons that if Volvo say he can go to 12k between oil and filter changes, he doesn't need to lose any sleep because he has only partially oversrviced it at 5k.
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Dizzy {P}
Agreed. Oil filters can actually improve in filtering performance as they 'clog up' so, as Le Zebre says, no need to lose sleep. The trick is not to let the filter clog up to the point where the by-pass valve is held open!

Even so, I can't understand why they couldn't change the filter because it was a cartridge type! I hope they drained the bulk of the oil from the filter can when they drained it from the sump, so as to minimise mixing old with new.
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - jud
Honest john does not recommend removing the factory fit oil, its a special oil for bedding in the engine, changing it at 6k is a pointless exercise in my opinion
nothing special - lezebre
Actually, I think you'll find it's just oil, jud !

True, HJ is saying don't put in the best, minimum friction, oil until the engine's had a reasonable chance to be run in.

Confusingly, though, some backroomers have recently pointed us towards Mobil 1's site, where it says that this commonly held view amongst experts is a bit of a myth, and you can put in Mobil 1 as soon as you like.(But then they would say that?). Other equally or more advanced oils are available from other manufacturers.
nothing special - Rich Mixture
Actually, I think you'll find it's just oil, jud

Not necessarily 'just' ordinary oil though: "VAG's factory fill is a special brew using a synthetic base and reclaimed, processed oil" [Source: The Daily Telegraph Book of Motoring Answers 1998-99 Edition].

> sometimes it is - lezebre
Thanks for the correction, Rich, and apologies jud.

VAG are doing their best to stay trendy where oil is concerned aren't they? Four years ago when RM's source was published, you couldn't do better in any kind of manufacturing than to boast that you made use of recycled / reclaimed products.

Now the focus is on optimum oil performance, and VW/Audi are getting themselves noticed by recommending a cutting edge oil regime.
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Andy
Dizzy, Jud,

Perhaps my logic is all wrong. I had the oil changed at 6k miles because I have recently driven the car hard on the continent for 2.5k miles and the oil had gone very black, so I thought I would have all the old crud drained out and fresh put in. I suppose as the D5 engine is new, a pattern filter wasn't available to KF, besides I didn't want pattern one put in for warranty reasons. I also thought that if Volvo had designed the filter for 12K miles then the existing one would be ok. Surely if the engine oil is changed too soon the engine will simply take a bit longer to "bed in". I can't see how any damage or excess wear could be caused to the engine. Seems to be an in-exact science to me with HJ recommending one course of action and Mobil et al recommending another.

Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - lezebre
I'm no expert (Dizzy is) but based on my interest and researches, Andy, your actions were spot on in my book.

Enjoy your car.
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Dizzy {P}
No I'm not an expert! It just happens that I used to work with someone who was widely recognised as such and I picked up some of his know-how over the years. I'm sure he would also have commended Andy's actions.
Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - <0.One%
>>I can't see how any damage or excess wear could be caused to the engine. Seems to be an in-exact science to me with HJ recommending one course of action and Mobil et al recommending another. >> said Andy.

Andy: why not e-mail HJ to draw his attention to this thread and ask for his help in resolving this apparent difference of expert opinions.

Inexpensive source of Mobil 1 - Ali K
Rich, do us a favour and post the contact info for your distributor.