ineffective speed bump - zookeeper
the other day whilst travelling to town via the back roads i came upon a pair of speed bumps ( the dark red square type with the chamfered edges ) the one on my side had its off side edge more or less on the roads centre line so i was able to go around it without actually having to touch it ...seems a waste of money to me , ive noticed quite a few being put down around the rural roads just recently ,is this done just to spoil everybodies peaceful sunday afternoon drive or is it me?
ineffective speed bump - Cliff Pope
They are a sort of negative pothole, put there to encourage you to keep your eyes on the road, or to buy a 4X4.
ineffective speed bump - Bill Payer
They're apparently causing a lot of damage to the inside edges of tyres. A lot of full width speed bumps were replaced with these in our area as ambulances can straddle them.

Must be murder traversing them in a Robin Reliant!