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My lousy Xantia - Tony Bee
Marvellous innit. I post a message about my wonderful Xantia and then what ? The s-d lets me down. !!!
Got in car and as usual it started at ch. Not chug chug chug, Just ch. It always starts like that.

Drove 1 mile to Sainsburys. (Not lazy --pouring with rain )
Half an hour later unlocked car wife and I got in and before I put my key in the switch the alarm went off and would not stop with the " turn on ignition and press the cancel switch " business.
Passer by said get out and go through whole sequence again. Did so. No result -alarm still screaming.

Turned off alarm under bonnet. All the warning lights come on but starter motor is dead.

Youngest son arrives says battery done for. Hell it`s only 7 and a half years old !!

Stuck jump leads on and off she went. Ran around a bit to charge battery. Problem is the red light that flashes when the alarm is armed now glows continuously with the ignition on or off but at least the screaming has stopped.

And altough all the array of warning lights come on plus radio lights etc it wont start .The starter motor spins and then just runs out of puff and lies down and dies.

How do I fix the alarm ? Is it just a new Battery to cure everything ? Help needed please.
And it`s my Birthday And was told today I`m on pills for life for blood pressure. Where the hell is that McEwans No. 1 ?
My lousy Xantia - doug_523i
This happened to me when my battery died, the alarm comes on when the battery level is almost drained. I think you've turned the alarm off, but the immobiliser is still active, hence the light. A new battery sorted mine, but I didn't have the radio code, so that caused me more grief.
My lousy Xantia - David Lacey
I've seen (and not fixed) Xantias with this red LED on; it makes sense for it to indicate the alarm is disabled, I guess.

Try a new battery and re-activating the alarm :)

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My lousy Xantia - Mondaywoe
A new battery will almost certainly fix it. My 9 year old Xantia (original battery!) did much the same - alarm went ballistic - couldn't turn it off - couldn't start engine - got breakdown out - they jump started it and it took me home. Next morning.....you guessed it! - wouldn't start - alarm went off - couldn't silence it - in desperation tried disconnecting the battery - STILL carried on sounding!!!! (must have an internal battery) - jump started it and drove 10 miles with alarm going non-stop to buy a battery. We put in the new battery and alarm went off again - but after locking and unlocking doors with the remote everything went quiet and from that point everything was fine - for about 3 weeks when there was a loud bang and oil started to pour from underneath!!!! That's another story and I have now had a new C5 for a month. Miss the Xantia though!!!

My lousy Xantia - Steve Brautigan
Just goes to show that car alarms are often more a pain in the neck than they are good.
My lousy Xantia - Ben79
Graeme, what do you miss about your Xantia? Do you think the C5 is just okay, or is it great? Which C5 have you bought? Is it the same engine as your Xantia?

My lousy Xantia - Tony Bee
Thanks people.Greame your experiecnce very similar to mine. I went to buy a battery -a Bosch from Halfords since you ask --with the blasted headlights flashing like a cop car !!!
I really hate drawing attention to myself but the damn things would not go off till the new battery was fitted . Everything fine now
Looking forward to views on the C5