Does anyone know whether, on the 1093cc Polo engine (1983 vintage) the valves will hit the pistons if the cambelt breaks? And before everyone says 'change the cambelt', I would point out that (1) the car was free (2) I have inspected the belt and it has no cracks or frayed edges (3) the water pump is seized solidly into the block and unlikely to come out undamaged, so if I changed the cambelt I would have to buy a new pump. Since I only use the car to transport the dogs in, a belt failure would be inconvenient but nothing more, unless it trashes the engine.
Richard Hall
According to the trade bible this is classed as an interference engine where damage is most likely to occur.
If I guess the pump might be seized in the block then I just get a new o-ring and cost in popping out the pump, cleaning/greasing seal area plus coolant top up.
Or you could use the "proper" trade method and fit the belt without moving the pump. Happens on these and Astras more than folks would like to know!
David W
As David W suggests, you should be able to slip the old belt from the camshaft sprocket and ease a new one in its place without moving the water pump.
I know you know what I mean but I just "mentioned" that method rather than saying it's adviseable.
David W
Sorry David. What was said and meant didn't quite tally.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to change "David W suggests" to "As a matter of *bad* practise..."
Or maybe just scrub it altogether.
No problem Robert, I'll leave it as a pointer towards things that are done, and mostly folks get away with, compared with benchmark advice.
The main problem with that method is the care needed when pulling the belt onto the pulleys with so little slack and the fact you're stuck with the tension setting as it stands.