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wheel clamps - CM
Driving round London this morning I came across a car parked on a single yellow with a wheel clamp. This got me thinking as to why the thing was put on - presumably because the car was illegally parked and causing an obstruction. So - if the car is clamped presumably it will stay there for about an hour until payment is made and the thing can get removed thus causing more obstruction than the illegal parking would most likely have ever caused. I can't see the point at all - just ticket the car or tow it away.
Re: wheel clamps - terryb
I agree - just lift 'em and get the road clear again
Re: wheel clamps - The
Unfortunately too many people ignore parking tickets. And when the ticketed car drives off another car will usually take its place, maintaining the obstruction.

Towing the car away and impounding it, as well as probably being more expensive, is only a deterrent to the driver and any witnesses. And leaves room for another car to take it's place, unaware of the deterrent. And it doesn't work if the car was stolen. And it causes further obstruction as the tow truck does its work.

Clamping is probably cheaper and provides a warning to others: bit like horse thieves and highwaymen being left swinging on the gallows. Only now it's the government who are the horse thieves and highway robbers!:-(

None of which is meant to condone obstructive parking, nor anti-car highway robbery (by means of yellow lines, or otherwise).

Oh, and why are motability benefits so high?

Why is it that whenever you see a car in a disabled bay, or obstructing a road on a reasonable yellow line with an orange badge, it's always an expensive BMW?;-)
Re: wheel clamps - CM
not just the government - I parked in a private car park (for thos ITK the one at Clapham Junction station) and carried my mother-in-laws bag to the ticket office and came back, at the outside, 45 seconds later to see the car clamped and a demand for £50.

I was going to complain to the company but gave up when I saw that their registered office was in the Cayman Islands, which just goes a long way to say what sort of people these are.

P.S. my cousin was the 1st peson in the country to be prosecuted for smashing a clamp!
Re: wheel clamps - crazed
yea but block their van in
Re: wheel clamps - crazed
i lived in an flat in a large PC city

out of 6 flats there were 6 spaces, which were funded by the residents, but legally owned by the council

one of the 6 flats had a disabled resident

and the council turned 2 of the bays into disabled bays

i) the disabled resident already had a slot

the council were corrupt, and the other bay was in fact for the sole use of someone with high connections

endless arguments that caused, and didnt help the case for disabled people in wider society any at all
Re: wheel clamps - Simon Butterworth
The wrote:

(actually a rational post) but then stirs the pot with:-

> Oh, and why are motability benefits so high?

So you fancy being unable or practically unable to walk then?
Re: wheel clamps - The
Simon Butterworth wrote:
> The wrote:
> (actually a rational post) but then stirs the pot with:-
> >
> >
> > Oh, and why are motability benefits so high?
> >
> So you fancy being unable or practically unable to walk then?


Do *ALL* the people on this forum have a problem with reading to the end of a post?

Is it any wonder the party with the shortest and most empty soundbites gets into power?
Re: wheel clamps - Simon Butterworth
I did read to the end!

What is the realtionship between

>>Oh, and why are motability benefits so high?


>>Why is it that whenever you see a car in a disabled bay, or obstructing a road on a reasonable yellow line with an orange badge, it's always an expensive BMW?;-)

Higher rate DLA for mobility is about £40 a week, or you can give it up, pay a cash deposit for anything much bigger than a Seicento and get a lease car for three years. Last time I was involved with this (in a professional rather than personal capacity) the deposit on a Vectra/Mondeo was around £2000.

Struck me as a crap exchange for the ability to run, ride bikes or climb mountains

Suspect the beamers are privately/company owned and "dropping off Granny".
Re: wheel clamps - The
Simon Butterworth wrote:
> I did read to the end!
> What is the realtionship between
> >>Oh, and why are motability benefits so high?
> And
> >>Why is it that whenever you see a car in a disabled bay, or
> >>obstructing a road on a reasonable yellow line with an orange
> >>badge, it's always an expensive BMW?;-)

I'm obviously too subtle for my on good.

Clearly motability benefits are *not* so high as to enable the disabled to seemingly fill every disabled bay with BMWs, Mercs and top of the range 4x4s and MPVs, and still leave plenty of such cars to clog up yellow lines with orange badges in the windscreen, and no sign of granny anywhere.

It was a dig at arrogant and selfish drivers who think that "money" *does* buy you everything.
Well done bogush - Keith Stockdale
Congratulations Bogush, an extremely well written and constructive post ;)
Re: wheel clamps - Dave
I'm told it's possible *and* legal to remove the clamp if you don't damage it.

I don't know which vehicle components you'd have to remove.

Anyone care to guess? It must be more than just the wheel...
Re: wheel clamps - Dan J
Depends what the clamp is Dave.

I got clamped at Keele uni a few years back. After being told it'd cost 60 quid to remove the thing, a sum of money I would've sold a body part for at the time, I knew it had to come off!

After a bit of head scatching I borrowed someone's wheel nut spanner which was much narrower than my own, managed to get it between the clamp and the wheel so loosened the nuts. Let all air out the tyre (completely), jacked the car up and prised the clamp over the tyre. Spare back on the car, flat tyre in boot to be pumped up later and one wheel clamp smugly delivered to security.

They said if my car was ever caught on the premises again they'd put a clamp on each wheel and see how I get out of that one. Fortunately changed my car very shortly afterwards! :)
Re: wheel clamps - Lee H
I make a habit of dropping the suspension on the Xantia when I park anywhere that *might* be liable for a clamping - I always endeavour to avoid a situation where I will be clamped, but often the signposting is so bad that you cannot be 100% sure

Of course, there's always the argument that you can take them to court if there is inadequate signing, but in the meanwhile your car is immobile and you're soon to be relieved of £95.

Just wondering however if I was clamped, and the car settled down on its suspension naturally (no non-return value on my 93), how would I stand about someone paying to put right my then knackered wheel arch?

And are there clamps that can still get me when it's sat down?

Re: wheel clamps - Rob F
It is perfectly legal (in the sense you can't get prosecuted for criminal damage) to remove a wheel clamp *without* damaging it.

I once read the Court of Appeal case that decided clamping was legal - does anyone know the reference? - and it does make interesting reading. The right to clamp is based upon the law of distress, where if a neighbour's sheep wanders on to your land and starts causing trouble, you can tie it up to prevent further damage. IIRC the right to levy payment for release of the clamp is based upon putting signs up so that it is clear you are entering a contract by parking on the land, or carelessly letting your animals wander.


Rob F
Re: wheel clamps - David W
>if a neighbour's sheep wanders on to your land and starts causing trouble, you can tie it up to prevent further damage.

And do you think the Magistrate would fall for that?

Where is Dave when we need him?

PS. Up to mild++ only Dave ;-))

Re: wheel clamps - Dave
That sheep lied!

After the meal I drove her striaght home and behaved like a perfect gentleman!
Re: wheel clamps - David W
Very restrained for you, and on a Friday!

Doing much over Bank Holiday or just the usual search for a 45psi girl.

Re: wheel clamps - Dave
Empty weekend. ;-(

Could go back to Gods own country but not much to do there.

I shall prolly help a mate who smacked his bike down on the south coast and go to one day of the Aston Martin race weekend at Brands. Interspersed with a few beers and some nosh.

This time last year so busy I was turning camping/walking/biking trips down all the time. ;-(

Acheing for some windsurfing...
Re: wheel clamps - David W
Oh well, enjoy anyway.

Re: wheel clamps - Dave
I shall try too! You got to work Saturday?

(If you can call the pottering about with cars that most of us do for pleasure work...)
Re: wheel clamps - David W
Made a small error of double booking Sat/Sun (both normal days for me) so a bit rushed. No matter I'm taking Tues off as well as Mon.

Re: wheel clamps - Dave
Doh! Funny how most self emplyed people have a complete b*****d as a boss!!!!

I'm off now! Enjoy your Late weekend!
Re: Well done bogush - The
Easy Peasy!

When you've got the bogush patented posting pattern template tool to transcribe your treatise into pure poetry.

As with all my posts: I just type in my thoughts and a perfect post is produced.

Pity is: in today's high speed world so few seem to have the time to actually read the written word, prefering to succumb to the slick soundbite!:-(