Can anyone help, my wifes 1.3 coupe (1985) regularly serviced has developed a strange fault that local garages have failed to find.
When driving every things fine until she comes to stop at traffic lights etc, the engine then dies, when restarted no problems, smooth running until she has to stop again.
This will go on for 2/3 days,any kind of weather then clear up for a week!.
Had new fuel pump about 6months ago, all the usual bits replaced!
I told her to press the clutch in!!!!
Any ideas?
Edited by Pugugly {P} on 18/02/2008 at 21:16
This little problem has occurred to my other half in her 1.05 polo many times.
if you do a search on here for polo you should reveal many useful tips.
Andy Hayes very kindly emailed me with this tip:
"We have the same car as you and also had the same fault whereby it would cut-out when cold in the winter months. This was going on for years until it got progressively worse. It turned out to be the fuel shut off valve which was replaced at a main dealer last year. The parts cost about £25 but they did have to import it from Germany so there was a delay. It has run faultlessly since".
I have yet to change it on ours, but if it continues I will do so.
My money would be on the leaking flexible inlet-carb joint. However look at all the earlier posts for suggestions because old Polos do seem to be prone to intermittent problems and some people never seem to find the cause despite changing everything!
i had a ford escort that used to cut out every time i stopped. It turned out to be a faulty brake servo. Every time I put my foot on the brake and used the servo it allowed a huge air leak into the inlet manifold and the engine stalled. I guess the clue here is to see if the engine will stall when you put your foot on the brake and the car is stationary.
I had a similar problem with a 1985 VW Jetta 1.3. Kept cutting out as I came to a halt. Took it to a garage where they removed the idle jet (I think!) and blew compressed air through it. A small splinter of wood came out! I had an extra in-line fuel filter fitted after that.
A well meant caveat about people who say "I had the same problem with my .... and it was the ........". IT AIN'T NECESSARILY THE SAME CAUSE!!!!
Likely causes of intermittent cut out on an '85 Polo 1.3 include
a) Carb icing due to warm air intake system not working
b) Carb to manifold gasket air leak
c) Blocked idle jet
d) Something else
Finding a garage who cares about diagnosing the precise fault is very difficult, probably because it simply doesn't pay to have the necessary expertise.
Having seen several ageing VWs looked after by well meaning but ultimately incapable garages (including one 'VW specialist' who tuned up a carburettor without realising that there was an air leak in the rubber carb gasket) I would hope you
get the warm/cold induction air system checked
get (b) replaced
get the jets cleaned out
change the fuel filter (a 60 pence part)
which should cost you well under £100 to pay someone to do it.
There are tests to narrow the cause down, but the fact is that anyone capable of diagnosing such things accurately is almost certainly doing far better paid things with their life.
These cars, if looked after, can be much more reliable than a 'modern' car because there is far less to go wrong. But they would never be so good in the first place if the motor industry wasn't premised upon perpetual development.
Rob F
PS My money's on a leaking carb flange gasket.
Good sensible stuff....
...my money's on jets clogged with re-circulated crankcase oil...
It may also be two or three different problems giving a end result of the symptom experienced.After 32 years in maintenance fault finding ,all previous faults are considered relevant.