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A14 - Bill Doodson
Hi Guys,

Travelling down the A14 from the M6 to the A11 to Mildenhall tomorrow. What cameras etc do I need to know about?

Thanks in advance

Bill Doodson
Re: A14 - RickyBoy
Travel within the stipulated speed limits at all times and you shouldn't have to worry about any ? surely?
Re: A14 - Roger k.
Absolutely right!
I wish people would spend more time looking for speed restriction signs, and less time worrying about cameras.
Re: A14 - Tomo
Absolutely right. Time we abolished all joy of and interest in driving, and reduced all drivers to the miserable levels of competence of the anti speed brigade. It will put up accidents, but anything to please the anti motorists.
Re: A14 - Ricky Boy
Indeed ? I'll hopefully be doing 85/90 on the M1 up to Yorkshire (very) late Thursday evening. Anything I should be looking out for?...
Re: A14 - Chris M
Going into town tomorrow to do some mugging. Can anyone tell me where the CCTV cameras are?

Re: A14 - The...Reclaim the Streets Camp
RickyBoy wrote:
> Travel within the stipulated speed limits at all times and
> you shouldn't have to worry about any ? surely?

Which would they be?

Or did you miss my reference to a second "police letter" which claimed that half of the trap sites in their area were illegally signed?
Re: A14 - RickyBoy
Yes matey. That must have by-passed me.

Happy motoring...
Re: A14 - Graham Sherlock
Mainly on the west side of Cambridge just after the Huntingdon roundabout and before you join the M11 proper. If it's normal, you will be lucky if you get up to 40 mph anyway.
Re: A14 - David Millar
Between the M1 and Huntingdon roundabout already mentioned there is a camera between the two Kettering exits on the A14 and also about one mile past the Thrapston/Peterborough exit. On the return in roughly similar positions. You may also find the M1 to Huntingdon stretch is sometimes policed, particularly on the stretch after the Molesworth turn past Thrapston.

Didn't count those Graham mentioned when I was there last week but there must be 3-4 between Huntingdon and Cambridge. Haven't been off the A14 to Mildenhall for a while so can't help you there.

Refuelling tip: iAt big Huntingdon roundabout, drive about 300m towards Huntingdon and there was a Shell garage competing with the nearby Tesco with the same prices last week.


Re: A14 - Brian
Or join the 10% of motorists with false plates! ;-)
Re: A14 - Derek
Or the couple of bikers steaming through my village recently with NO plates.
Re: A14 - me
this is a natural human reaction to

i) out of proportion penalties for minor speeding when safe for the conditions

ii) modest fine (and no points) (and next to no chance of being caught) for no/dirty/cycle covers it/wrong plates

idiots who put cameras everywhere have no one but themselves to blame
Re: A14 - Derek
I don't consider 50+ in a 30 limit built up area 'minor'. Neither was it 'safe for the conditions'. They were in grave danger of causing or being involved in an accident.

It was stupid and arrogant. Perhaps they are a 'natural human reaction' in your world, but not in mine.

And I'm a biker, I love the speed and the freedom, but these people just give the rest of us a bad name.

Putting the blame on cameras, or the people who install them, is just refusing to take responsibility for your own actions.
Re: A14 - me
police drivers often without the advanced training the are supposed to have drive like that all the time
Re: A14 - Derek
Not all the time, but in an emergency. And I don't think they remove their number plates to do it.
Re: A14 - me
quite often not an emergency actually
Re: A14 - john w.
How can you tell....actually?
Re: A14 - Tomo
And how can the blighters suddenly do it safely, just because an "emergency" (which will not be anyone attacking your property or even yourself, but will be if you attempt a defence) has arisen?
Re: A14 - Todd
Who said anything about 50+ in a 30 until you just mentioned it? Talk about changing the topic... Nobody on here is going to disagree that driving at high speed in residential areas is dangerous. But as "me" said, the law is making it easier for those people to get away with it. Take a deep breath mate and re-read the post.
Re: A14 - Derek
If you re-read my post, you'll see that I referred to bikers 'steaming' through the village. The response from 'me' mentioned minor speed infringements when safe for the conditions.

I felt it proper to then put some detail against the word 'steaming'.

Does that help?
Re: A14 - The...Campaign for Real Plates
Derek wrote:
> Or the couple of bikers steaming through my village recently
> with NO plates.

But ignored:

> Or join the 10% of motorists with false plates!

So would these be the motorists who might risk losing their licences if they stray over a badly or illegally signed inappropriate and arbitrary limit once too often?

And complain about speed scameras?

Or the motorists who just don't give a f*kc?

But are probably all for speed cameras if government published, but, typically, not publicised, research is anything to go by.

Perverse I know.

But there you go!

PS How many of the pro speed camera crowd here, you know, the ones who keep whinging and whining about the anti scamera crowd whinging and whining, have surrendered their licences the last time they crept over the limit?

Or intend to next time?

I think we should be told.
Re: A14 - Bill Doodson


Re: A14 - Brian
50+ in a 30 may be absolutely safe, for example a stretch I use where there is a fenced-in reservoir one side and a walled-in railway line on the other. All that proves is that the limit is inappropriate. No scamera there (yet) otherwise they would catch 100% of the vehicles using it.

On the other hand, in other conditions 30 in a 30 is often far too fast, but people do it simply because it is "the limit".
Re: A14 - Derek
Yes, you do get the odd bit. There's a 1-mile stretch of lane near Heathrow that used to be NSL, but is now a 30 limit. That also runs between gravel pits and I think they put the limit in because of heavy lorries coming out of the sites.

The '50 in a 30' post that I put in was certainly not referring to safe conditions. Houses, drives, a bus route, etc.

Deviation from topic: It's a popular route for cycle and m/cycle (classic and modern) rallies at bank hols. No problems and you get to see some great oldies (bikes and riders).
Re: A14 - Mark (Brazil)
>>And how can the blighters suddenly do it safely, just because an "emergency"

So, basically you can speed because its fun, but the police cannot speed because its not nice of them ?
Re: A14 - Tomo
Just answer the question.
Re: A14 - Bill Doodson
Ricky boy,

A couple of weeks scince I was last on the M1 coming north and there was nothing then, but the difference a day makes.

Re: A14 - RickyBoy


Re: A14 - KB
M (B), If you refer back to the matter of graohs, elsewhere, you'll note that I have also suffered from them and relate my experiences for your perusal.

Re: A14 - steve paterson
Chris M. Good sense of humour, but it won't be appreciated here. Bit too near the truth for most.
Re: A14 - Brian
It must have been the Queen in split personality mode, as she is the only person in the UK who is not required to have registration plates.
Was she doing her special wave, and did the crash helmet interfere with the crown?
Re: A14 - Richard Hall
A14 Huntingdon to Cambridge (where the cameras are) is a nasty bit of road - very heavy traffic, lots of side turnings and frequent accidents. I never do more than 70mph on that stretch anyway, even between the cameras.
Re: A14 - markymarkn
Crickey lads,

At this rate MBRM is gonna have to set up a Backroom anti-terrorist squad!

Think I can count about *one* reply to Bill's question...


Re: A14 - John Sales
There are forward facing speed cameras on this road.

Remember, they don't flash!
Re: A14 - RickyBoy
Now that IS worth knowing...